Mount Zion


Revelations for the End of the Day


The Exposure of the 2 Beasts

and the devastation they bring


 . . now will I cry like a travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once.” Isaiah 42:14KJV


Everything claimed on this site is authenticated by The Holy Spirit

The meaning of prophecies - Unraveling the mysteries

The Black Horse of the Apocalypse 

And when he had opened the third seal,

I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld,

and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

The world is dominated by trade, money, and crime, represented by the black horse, and

religion is the rider. The 2 beasts changed God into a man they control.

The Spirit awarded them time to bring about the end.

These have power to shut heaven, that it

rain not in the days of


prophecy:  and

have power over waters to

turn them to blood, and to smite the earth

with all plagues, as often as they will. Revelation 11:6 KJV

Their world of confusion is a pale one and DEATH AND HELL FOLLOWS 

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death,

and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth,

to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Revelation 6:7 KJV

The struggle to understand things that are not black and white is unending, so God sent me and gave me

the knowledge and said 'write it in a book'. So I have and you are reading it and the Spirit is filling you.

And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the

little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea

and upon the earth. And I went unto the angel, and said unto 'her',

Give me the little book. And 'she' said unto me, Take it,

and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly

bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth

sweet as honey.


I took the

little book out of

the angel's hand, and ate

it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey:

and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. Revelation 10: 8-10 KJV

This is the book and the knowledge to understand how you have been misled, deceived, and tested.

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and

cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Revelation 13:15 KJ.V

Religion Versus God

The Seventh Angel

 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when she shall begin to sound, the mystery 

of God should be finished, as . . .  declared to  . . . the prophets. 

Revelation 10:7 KJV

The 7th angel is the last prophet, promise to be the Daughter of Zion. There have been seven

stages during a period called the 'day of the Lord'. All have lived seven times. The Roman

religious leaders banned reincarnation, which is God's secret path.  Hidden also are

the inheritors of God's wealth, the Children of Israel. The day has been about

strengthening their link to the Spirit to make them worthy of it. They

have battled hard to preserve it against the robbers who tried

to steal it from them and tortured and murdered them.

The tabernacles of robbers prosper, And they that

provoke God are secure; Into whose hand 

God bringeth abundantly. Job 12:6 KJV

Imprisoned by a yoke of iron it

is only by their strength

that they will read

this and gain



The children

of Israel are NOT THE JEWS.

The name means 'eye of light-power with God'

and 'eye of light - powerful God'. By adopting the name the robbers tried

to steal the inheritance. The Spirit called me the daughter of Zion when it commissioned me 

making me its voice to prepare the world for this battle. It developed Australia as 

a haven. They came here from all places to these shores. They are of

different races, creeds, colour, and nations. Among

them are the true Israel. 


I will bring them

from the north country, and gather

them from the coasts of the earth, and with them the

blind and the lame, the woman with child and her that travaileth

with child together: a great company shall return thither. Jeremiah 31:8 KJV

This information is against the World Order and evil forces trying to stop its release.

They comprise organisations, governments, leaders, and others who are robbing God. Such

are the organised robbers that are followers of and empowered by the 2 beasts, described as such:

These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have

power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as

often as they will. But in the days of the voiceof the seventh angel, when

she shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, 

as. . . declared to. . . the prophets. Revelation 10:7 KJV

They needed a male gd for their power. One 

they manipulate, make it speak, and

issue the king's law. It's



Joining The Dots


Welcome to Mount Zion


states that in the

last days the mystery of God 

will be revealed by the one appointed 

as God's voice. She will speak for the Spirit and

fulfill prophecy. Called the Daughter of Zion she is has

 knowledge contradicting patriarch and bears a more familiar name.

Hidden from you is the change of sex that occurs when trasiting from life to  to lfe.

THIS IS WHY MANY FEEL THEY ARE ON THE WRONG BODY  or associate with their own sex.

This case in point shows a prophet has returned with a different gender to highlght it

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the

great and dreadful day of the Lord: Malachi 4:5 KJV

The Lord of the Earth is the invented god 

that opposes God and TRUTH. 

the real God is the Spirit

of the Universe. 


controls all

things and tested its people during

the day of the Lord and only they will be gathered,

 'And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go

up to the mountain . . . of God . . . and learn of God's ways, and we will

walk in TRUTH: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of God. Isaiah 2:3 KJV

Prophecies were altered to fit the lies of the 2 beasts but are now set straight.

I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break

in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron:

And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and

hidden riches of secret places, that 

thou mayest know that I,

the Lord,

which call thee by

thy name, am the God of Israel.

For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel

mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name:

I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.Isaiah 45:2-4 KJV

 They were made deaf and blind to my coming. Patriarchy, born of man's ego, promoted

the notion that only men can serve God but the TRUTH says otherwise. God conditioned and

prepared you in ways you never suspected and tif you are written in the book oof life the treasure is yours.

This is the mountain where all the prophets will be tested and only the real God will stand up. This is the time of

the Eveneing sacrifice when all false gods and prohets will be destroyed. Test who you worship, and

what  yur god(s) have done for you. Why are the most religious facing the Spirit's revenge.

 And they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their manner with knives and

lancets, till the blood gushed out upon them. And it came to pass,

when midday was past, and they prophesied until the time

of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that there

was neithervoice, nor any to answer,

nor any that regarded.

1 Kings 18:28,29



With The Cords of A man

The Corrupted Bible


even because they

have seduced My people, saying,

“Peace,” and there was no peace, and one built up a

wall, and lo, others daubed it with untempered mortar, Ezekliel 13:10 KJV

The foundation of the wall of corruption and deceit lies in Babylon, where the first beast

reigned supreme and was given the authority and means to spread his lies to the world. He has

dominion over the earth unti the end of it. Only through this site can his work be revealed and overturned

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the m

outh of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. Revelation 13:2 KJV

By the time you get to the bottom of this page you will know his name and what he did .

You will also know the identity and work of the second beast and how he

locked up the Spirit. He removed access to Gd's power and put 

the world through hell. His excreta has polluted the 

food of the Children of Israel.

God said this;

. . . the

children of Israel (shall)

eat their defiled bread among the

Gentiles, whither I will drive them. Ezekiel 10:13

Religion started with sun worship and continues with laws

manufactured from dreams and a lust for power. Indoctrination and

torture saw it survive and expand through generations. It wasn't possible to

change the minds of nations, especially when kings ruled them with force. They control

publication material and teachers to keep their people ignorant of TRUTH for the sake of their power

They abide now with the same notion that the Greek and Roman emperors adopted when the nature of their

god changed from the Mother God to the Farer God, as generated by the first beast of Revelation,

who made himself Fathe God, using the Trinity. His supposed marriage to the sun allowed

his 'son' the crucified Saviour, to speak for him. This is the dung that corrupted

the bible, and the food they absorb from the false prophets.

And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou

shalt bake it with dung that cometh out

of man, in their sight. . . . Even thus s

hall the children of Israel

eat their defiled 


among the Gentiles,

 whither I will drive them. Ezekiel 4:12-18 KJV

Israel is not the Jews or the country, as they stole the name.

The Key to Understanding Biblical Prophecies

 The Origin of the Son of God


and the work of the first beast 

Baal is The Christ of Babylon

The Children of The Spirit 

Only a small portion of the population are of the Spirit.

They have everlasting life and don't need a Saviour. Religions need

large audiences and try to convince all that they are worthy but it is not so. 

Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you

vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD. Ezekiel 14:16 KJV

Vanity is seeing yourself in a false and elevated position.  They convince you that you will go to heaven if you

obey their laws, attend services, and pay them. They dish up the polluted food for you to swallow.

The Spirit sent its children into their care to discern the TRUTH from within and come away.

By doing so they have proven their adherence to the Spirit and not to man.

It was a test of loyalty and worthiness to be harvested.


The Children of Israel

In The Beginning

Men looked to the heavens to escape

the dangers of earth.

There was

nothing but danger from the world

The first humans worshiped the only god they saw.

It was the Sun; which has power over life and death. They made animals

and things of the landscape into gods and they worshipped and sacrificed their blood

to appease them. Blood sacrifice permeated the ancient world and children were sacrificed to empower

the sun, which was their Mother of the earth, the Mother God, and increase her fertility

and to calm her anger when destruction happened. Slowly they built cognition

and perception enabling the progress of thought and development

of understanding leading to the rapid progress of such

over the last 2 millennia. As they evolved the

Spirit chose its people to nurture

and ultimately harvest.

What Are The Dream Ties

 Its The Harvest

It was

God's way of

preparing the Children

of Israel for the harvest. Before that

happens they had to understand that God is

the Great Spirit of the Universe, It is not a man and it

is in all of the universe, It is our subconscious mind, dejavu,

guide, and guardian.. It controls everything. It gives its prophets power, 

visions, insight, and knowledge and develops the Internet so these words are

free to the world. It wrte of these things in Prophecy, so they could not be credited 

to someone else. Those of the Spirit are searching for this knowledge as they feel the loss of

the Spirit. That is why this is the harvest. Those of Israel will respond and receive it as their God. 

End of the Day Harvest
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Spiritual Waters

 The people of God feel the Spirit.

It's like an electric current throughout the body,

Its the voice inside that jumps at the sound of the name,

It gives sensations like water flowing, goosebumps, shivers, and so on.

The waters of the Spirit are pouring over its people. They were moulded by the

Potter, who brought them into the world and destroyed them six times bringing trouble,

hardship, and death. This is the seventh reincarnation that was unknown as it's God's secret path.

"Behold, happy is the one' whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the

chastening of the Almighty: For 'God' maketh sore, and bindeth up:

'God' woundeth, and his hands make whole. 'God' shall deliver

thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall

no evil touch thee. Job 5:17-19 KJV

The messenger for this Age

 is the Sevent Angel.

The Seventh Angel

God Made Everyone Blind to the TRUTH


I will bring

 the blind by a way

 that they knew not; I will

lea them in paths that they have

not known: I will make darkness light

before them, and crooked things straight. These 

things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16 KJV

All was withheld until the end so it's not misused, changed, condemned, or

misconstrued. Scribes changed God's Words and Prophecies to suit the dreams of men

The Work of the Potter

Religions are of the Dream Time. They preserved the notion of life after death with no concept of

how it works or of your connection with the Great Spirit of the Universe. Reincarnation

explains how you have passed from life to life, experienced different personalities,

and changed sex and skin color as the Spirit molded you. You experienced

wealth, poverty, slavery, and slave ownership. Your treatment of others

in one life determined your position in the next and your link to God.

There is a path which no fowl knoweth, And which the vulture's

eye hath not seen: The lion's whelps have not trodden it,

Nor the fierce lion passed by it.  Job 28:7-2 KJV

Now you have reached the end of day.

The trap is sprung and the

TRUTH IS revealed.

End of the Day Haervest

The beasts dammed up the Spirit to stop its

power. They forced its people to stop

believing in God and to treat it as

the devil. This work smashes

the dame wall to release

the truth and fullness

of the Spirit 


in thy sickle, and

reap: for the time is come

for thee to reap; for the harvest

of the earth is ripe" Revelation 14:15 

The daughter of Zon is harvesting the Crop

Listening to God

Links to the Harvest

To bring about the

harvest the TWO beasts

have to be overturned. They made God

into a man on a cross They built the dam blocking the power

The wall of churches turns things upside down and blinds and deafens

to reality. They silenced the Spirit and brought darkness over the earth. As seen in most

societies, men assumed the role of gods, lawmakers, kings, and dictators pushing women aside.

  The Spirit has sent a woman to speak to the world with power and knowledge. God sent me into battle

and wrote of it. Blinded by man's ego and the vanity of gods they ignored the prophecies.

God is opening blind eyes and deaf ears to the TRUTH and sent me to do it. 

The work starts with the first beast of Revelation and Father God

"A woman shall compass a man.” Jeremiah 31:22

The Spirit made it impossible to resolve

the identity of the first beast

before this time

The Blind Leading The Blind

Hidden Evidence

 To gather 

the evidence it sent me to 

 Babylon to see the work of the beasts

“These are the 2 olive trees, and the 2 candlesticks

standing before the God of the earth.” Revelation 11:4 KJB

Many have tried to identify the second beast. It was impossible

without the knowledge of the first beast and how things fit together.

Piecing it toether proves my identity as the one who has wisdeom from God. 

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for

it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:18 KJV

Candlelight is weak and covers small areas. To be effective hundreds of them are required. That is why

there are hundreds of religions, each spewing their version of misinformation and lies. Billions

of temples and numerous gods promote false prophets. Olive trees give the oil of life to

cook the contaminated mental food people absorb. The stories brain washed into

them from a young age are without any  connection to reality. Church leaders

give a show and are paid for it. They rework the old yarns into powerful

messages. The verbal diarrhoea leave peope confused and mistake. 

 There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a

roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls;

they have taken the treasure and precious things;

they have made her many widows in the midst

thereof. Her priests have violated my law, and

have profaned mine holy things: they

have put no difference between

the holy and profane,

neither have they


difference between

the unclean and the clean, and . .  . and I

am profaned among them. Her princes in the midst t

hereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls,

to get dishonest gain. And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing

vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord God, when the SPIIT hath not spoken.

Ezekie 22:25-28 KJV

The Spirit is everywhere and in everyone but they are oblivious to it.  People are blind to how it works in

nature and within them. The evidence presented herein is free and from the Spirit who directed

the invention of the Internet and wrote it in Prophecy some 2,500 years ago. It is the only

way this message can be delivered to the world at the same time in every language.

But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain . . . shall be

established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted

above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. And many

nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go

up to the mountain . . . to the house of

the God . . . toeach us of his ways,

and we will walk in his paths: 

for the law shall go forth

of Zion . . . Micah

4:1,2 KJV

The Snare in the Ground

Taught By God


to this work

 at the age shown to

me between lives, that of 45 years,

several visions, instructions, and knowledge were 

given to explain it. One showed me preaching to the multitude

on the mountain, and replacing Jesus Christ as teacher. The Spirit said don't read

anything as I am teaching you. It gave me a hunger to study the bible from cover to cover

and told me to highlight passages in different colours. When doing so, passages that don't fit 

 the TRUTH were marked blue. Genuine prophecies were highlighted in green, yellow, and pink with the

most important outlined in red. As I progressed, the Spirit woke me in the early hours and spoke

to explain the things I didn't understand. It developed a pattern of teaching me along with 

miracles for healing and sending me to some who asked God in private for

proof that 'he' is real. The next day I was there to do so. 

Over two years of intense study and with

power dripping from my hands

the story was given.

The Daughter of Zion

 My First Commission 

To bring

about an awareness

of reincarnation and destroy the

myth of heaven and hell. To show the world the Spirit

gives eternal life to the appointed ones, which are in the Book of Life.

Before my return, a vision showed my life ahead with instructions to learn everything 

and engage in everything but remain silent until my feet were ground. The age of 45 years would

be the start of my work. I was then above my new parents a month before my birth.


Why Reincarnation was outlawed by the Vatican

 My Second Commission

God spoke to me with great power while pinning me down so I could not

move a muscle. It was 2 months past my 45th birthday.

 'Tear down the wall of churches, go out

to the people, and bring

back the young."


What is spiritual healing

 The Wall of Churches


showed me the

wall as a huge citadel with

no way in, under, over or around. Built on

dreams and daubed with untempered morter and 

fear, it's an impenetrable barrier to the TRUTH. Its constructed by

the imagination and greed. Before the harvest can begin it must be torn down.

. . . they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and one built up a wall,

and, lo, others daubed it with  untempered morter.Say unto them which daub it with untempered morter,

that it shall fall: there shall be an overflowing shower; and ye, O great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind

shall rend it. Ezekiel 13:10 KJV

The Wall of Churches

My Third Commission 

In a stunning vision that took place in a church when communion elements were being served a man on a

crossstood in front of me. He lifted his head, looked me in the eyes as he called my my name. 

 His face showed his intolerable pain along with rejection, loss, loneliness,

and the question WHY? It still brings me to tears,

"Norma, Take me off the cross." 


The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a Lie

 My Fourth Commission

The Spiritsaid 

"search for theorigin of the cross".

A vision showed the sunrise making a pattern central to which

was the right-angled cross. A group of worshippers fell to their knees in awe.

Its first appearance in the records c40,000 ya. Research shows it is the basis of language and religion

Why Festivals are an Abomination

 My Fifth Commission 

This was one of the greatest mysteries that has perplexed mankind for some 2 millennia. Many have guessed at 

the identity of possible candidates but no one has come close. Befre the riddle was solved the full

story had to be unraveled. It was no surprise o me when these words stood

in the air before my face - CONSTANTINE IS 666


The Origin of Christianity

 My Sixth Commission 

 In a vision, I saw a group looking at

a hole in a stone as 


rays passed through.

The image formed is mesmerising and

awesome. With knowledge of early symbols and sounds, I saw

'Ma-r-i' (Mary) written against it. It means 'mother's powerful eye'.In prehistoric language

vowels were unracignised so terms could be expressed with differences not t asy to spot and apply. This

commission required following Mary, the Mother God, through every culture and religion.


The Evening Light


My Seventh Commission 


Before the harvest, the yoke of iron must be removed from the necks

of the children of Israel. The Spirit showed me the yoke

and its substance and gave me the

map to unlock it.


The Wall of Confusion

 My Eighth Commission 

A vision

showed me a great treasure   

The treasure is buried by the churches but you,

my daughter, will unearth it and return it to my people." 

Israael' Treasture

My Ninth Commission 

In a vision the Spirit showed me the children of Israle locked in prison cells

from which they cannot escape. Ordered to free them and return them to the Spirit

requires thi work so thae way out can be realised. Not everyone wants to go, however, and that is their choice.

God's Plan for You

My Tenth Commission 

In a vision the wall of a huge dam collapse and the water flood the dry, parched, ground in front

of it, It represents the infilling of the Spirit into the young of mu commision

and they will grow in the Spirit and be harvested.

Then the eyes of the blind shall

be opened, and


ears of the deaf

shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame

man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb

sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.

And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs ofwater:

in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes. Isaiah 35:5-7 KJV

Crucifixion of God-Men


The Brightests Light Shines In Darkness

The work of the two beasts was to lock up the Spirit. 

It turned the world into darkness with no visible connection to God.

As in the old times people resorted to weird ways to find peace and comfort.

The more they looked the worse things became. They prayed to the fake gods and

God's anger caused them to suffer through poverty; wars; disease; losses; and other hardships

beyond measure, but the Spirit was silent. Many gave up on the notion that God exists and turned to other

things to find pleasure and peace. Entertainment and wealth creation took over and d billionaires rose

to fame and prominence. They set examples for others to follow as they turned the earth

into a state of destruction and despair leading to the end. Resources dwindle as

 overpopulation increases ship, such as the housing crisis. Money rules 

and it's destroying the planet. More people mean bigger markets

and more stress. Drunk with power and irresponsible 

those trapped in the systems know nothing of 

what the two beasts have done. With

the world at its darkest and

despair everywhere,

money is their



lavish gold  

out of the bag,and

weigh silver in the balance,

and hire a goldsmith; and he maketh

it a god: they fall down, yea, they worship. They

bear him upon the shoulder, they carry him, and set him in

his place, and hestandeth; from his place shall he not remove: yea, one

shall cry unto him, yet can he not answer, nor save him out ofhis trouble." Isaiah 46:6,7 KJV

The fake image bears the name Jesus Christ. The Spirit did this so that the children of Israel have

responded to the name, and love it as their Saviour. They needed a familiar figure to follow to find the TRUTH. 

"I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.  Therefore

I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the

LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger. ISAIAH 12:12,13 KJV

The Evening Light


Spirit power comes from within. It's the little voice

that speaks to and guides you. Some call

it their Guardian Angel. To others it's

their secret friend. Secret is

the word that defines it

because to admit

one has


risks ostracism,

being declared insane, or

worse, such as being in league with

the devil, or being possessed. In days gone by it

could also get one tortured and violently murdered. The test

was to see how valiablrr the Spirit is to you? Can you overcome the lies and

ignore the false gods even when death is the alternative, as is still the case in many

societies. This is how God separates out the weak from the strong. Those who listen to the voice

within are largely spared the pain and their lives spared as in the case of Daniel, whoch demonstrates it.

He was found to be worshipping his God after the king, Darius, signed a petition that any man found to be doing

so would be thrown into the lion's den. Daniel was so cast into a lion's den but survived and told Darius:

"My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt me: for

as much as before him innocency was found in me; and also before thee,

O king, have I done no hurt. Daniel 6:22 KJV

The Spirit protects its own so why afraid to admit it?

are the nations that GOD left there, using

them to test the Israelites who had mo 

experience in theCanaanite

wars. Judges 3:1,2 KJV

God showed me

that Israel


nothing in

common with the

Jews. The aim was to prevent

the Jews or others from stealing the inheritance

from those written in the Book of Life. They are the Children of Israel

against whom the wall was built with Jesus Christ its mainstay. The two beasts had

the power to do this. They will bring an end to the world as they fight each other. The notion that

Claims that Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace is another of the lies now disproved by prophecy revelations.

"Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and one 

built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered morter:" Ezekiel 13:10 KJV 

Religion Born of the Sun


 When called to the job I requested that nothing be left out, and was

stunned by the depth to which it took me. Nothing was missed

"Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine

horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and

thou shalt beat in pieces many people: 

and I will consecrate their gain unto

(God), and their substance

unto (God) of the whole


Micah 4:13KJV

The SPIRIT is working 

to clean their food and heal their bodies

Fod Cooked in Man'sDung


He blinded and deafened the world to the TRUTH.

At his time, religious dogma had moved to a point whereby

men proved their power by invasion and supremacy on the battke field.

The name 'sword' is from 'S-word' or 'light's' word' meaning an emies death was

from the powill of then. The power of the sword to speak is maintained in heraldry when three

taps on his shoulders by a king changes a man into a a 'knght' or 'star'. By using the point of a sword it

indicates he has power over death and authority from the gods;The Trinity of Babylon. It

comprised the three aspects of the sun; its shape, light, and power, which gave

Nebuchadnezzar an idea to be father god, which is recorded in prophecy.

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I

will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit

also upon the mount of the congregation,

in the sides of the north: I will ascend

above the heights of the clouds;

I will be like the most High.

Isaiah 14:13,14 KJV

The king


like a god in

the minds of his people.

Hie proved his strength and success on

the battle field and the rewards he brought to Babylon 

enriched them and their country. In celebration he placed a golden

image of himself on the Plains of Dura and everyone was called to worship it. 

It gave him the appeararance of thee sun, Mother God, and, therefore, he became Father God.

Their superstitious nature and ignorance was paramount for their acceptance of him.

“They have not known nor understood: for HE has shut their eyes, that

they cannot see; and their hearts, that they

cannot understand.” Isaiah 44:1 KJV

the Family of God

King Nebuchadnezzar

The first Christ, Dagon,

was the son of

the Trinity



Crucifixion of the

'sons of god' started here, 

as evidence shows. Men volunteered to

be crucified to elevate themselves to this status.

Such practices took place on mountain peaks where the

sun-star appeared at dawn. These 'mounts of the congregation',

were s shown to me in a vision. The dawns rays piercing a hole in a stone

aimed at dawns first light, forms awesome rings of colour and the right-angled cross.

Such places were marked by circle/cross images, found on sites ranging from Stonehenge 

to the Americas. The foreground of the e Vatican appears a recreation of the style of

Stonehenge and other ancient sites, including many in the Americas.

Unearthing the ruins of Babylon archaeologists located what

they believe is the Tower of Babel. It is similar to 

pyramids and towers of the ancient world

where men viewed the sun at dawn

and believed they would

rise to heaven by


through the hole

if they died on the cross;

And they said, Go to, let us build

us a city and a tower, whose top may reach

unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be

scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. Genesis 11:4 KJV

The top of the tower where the sun star appeared was 'heaven'. Virgins

were housed there to mate with the deceased after his crucifixion. Titled 'Mary',

the name of the sun, it fulfilled the promise that men who died on crosses married the sun.

There are records of this happening elsewhere, such as in Rome, where men were taken on the Ides

of March were treated as gods until their crucifixion on 22nd March, 3 days before 

the equinox. They were housed in luxuty and given virgins to mate with.

They were called scapegoats' because men laid their burdens

on them for forgiveness by the Mother God, Mary.

Dagon, The Deagon, and The Devil

 The second beast followed Nebuchadnezzar

He created the Branch and reinstated the son of the sun as the son of

God. Constantine established the Catholic Church and built

the Vatican over the temple to Jupiter (English; Peter)

and was the start of Christianity. The Emperor

was the first Poe.  It was the start of

Christianity as he put up Jesus

Christ as its Saviour the

he based on these




“. . .  had power

to give life unto the image

of the beast, that the image of

the beast should both speak and cause 

that as many as would not worship the image

of the beast should be killed.” Revelation 13:15 KJV

His edicts, ordering torture, exile, and murder have survived.

What Is The City Built on Dreams


 Emperor Constantine is the 2nd Beast 

The message stood in the air before my face: CONSTANTINE IS 666 It was

after the Spirit asked me to take God off the cross and I read his find his history in

the encyclopedia.  It shows him as the son of Constantius. Both names mean 'constant' in

English. He maintained the things of Babylon. His name is, therefore, Constant II, after Constant I.

His name and number add to 666 in the Assyrian system as a descent from that culture. Only with the

knowledge given to me could this be known. He kept Nebuchadnezzar as Father God and Mary as Mother God

Therefore hearken not unto the words of the prophets that speak unto you, saying, Ye shall not serve the

king of Babylon: for they prophesy a lie unto you. . .For thus saith . . . the God of Israel; I have

put a yoke of iron upon the neck of all these nations, that they may serve 

Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; and they shall serve him: and I

have given him the beasts of the field also. 

Jeremiah 27:14;  28:14 KJV 


sits in the temple of God as Father God,

Constantine kept constant what Nebuchadnezzar put in place 

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two

horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of

the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the

first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. Revelation 13;11,12 KJV

The two horns of the lamb are the two branches

of origin for Christ.  He spoke as a 

dragon, the first


Why Constantine is 666

The Work of the Two Beasts 

Babylon is where religions began. It brought clouds of darkness to hide the light. It was the home of the first beast of Revelation. The second beast followed.

"And he exercised all the power of the first beast before him, and caused the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed." Revelation 13:12

The Two Beasts of Revelation


And upon her forehead was a name written: BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Revelation 17:5

  "How long wilt thou go about, O thou backsliding daughter child? for God has created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man." Jeremiah 31;22  

He is her son

Amor,Romans, Mary

The Falling Away 

Religious congregations are generated by the two beasts. Fear of rejection and being cast into hell is the usual

motivation. If they have a link to God they will feel dirty, or depressed, when they enter the service. Many

become emotional and distraught at the thought of it. That is why the size of congregations are

smaller and activities, like funerals, weddings, and so on, take place without religion.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except

there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed,

the son of perdition;” 11 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV

It is another indicator of the last days

and the overthrow of the beast

" In the last days it shall

come to pass


the mountain

of God shall be established

in the top of the mountains and 

all nations shall flow unto it. Micah 4:1 KJ.

It's here as the the work of the Daughter of Zion.


The Mouth of a Woman Speaking For God

  The Beasts LOCKED GOD UP

In a vision and with great power I was lifted above

the earth and saw it encased in thick black goo.

An extremely bright light shot out from me

and it penetrated the goo that nothing

else could. It broke it up into

pieces and sent them

flying off into


In a vision, a line went into the distance. The bright

light arched over it to the end. There was EVE

in large capitals and brightest. It was the

arrival of the Spirit on the Children

of Israel. 'Eve' is from 'i-v' which

means 'eye of life' or 'living

eye' - the sun of the

morning has



A Black World


A vision

showed me the length

of the day when a bright light shot out from me

 into the distance.  It arched ovr a line drawn out and at the far end it said EVE

in large capital letters. It the middle was Jesus Christ on a cross and it said NOON. Where I

stood the light was brightest and it said EVENING. That means the day is c4,000

years, and we are at the end of it. In the middle it. At NOON it was dark.

Forced worship of Jesus Christ brought horrendous deaths and

the Spirit hid.  Israel obeyed leaders and worshipped

fake gods. Terrorism surrendered to a search for

peace. The world faces unprecedented

disasters in all areas as the beasts

To oppose them brings

great trauma.


that is

ready to slip

with his feet is as a lamp

despised in the thought of him that is at

easeThe tabernacles of robbers prosper, and they that

provoke God are secure; into whose hand God bringeth abundantly." 

Job 12:5,6 KJV

This prophecy is the JOB. Religious scribes and leaders see it as a man but it is a

metaphor for the Spirit's loss of its position, children, and the reasoning to find the way through

the lies and to bypass the robbers who despise and cast out anyone who walks on their slippery path and

tries to stop them. They don't see through the dreams and they live in darkness as a result and drag everyone into

it who listens to them. They cry in pain, are covered in sores, and walk in despair seeking answers from

the wise and educated. The Spirit is fighting and at the end of is time will destroy the beast.

“The snare is laid for him in the ground, and a trap for him in the way.”

Job 18:10 KJV


 Many give up and

think there is no God, while others think 'he' belongs to

another age. Their belief and adoration of the

invented god on a cross imprisoned 

the Spirit and its power. They

search for God in vain

  “We grope for

the wall

like the blind, and

we grope as if we had no eyes:

we stumble at noonday as in the night; 

we are in desolate places as dead men.” Isaiah 59:10 KJV

The Exchange

 How GOD became the Devil

In a vision, a large plane approached and passed over me as it flipped

over and crashed into a paddock before me. I yelled out 'Jesus,' The Bible opened.

Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay: for shall the work say

of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that 

Framed it, He had no understanding Isaiah 29:16 KJV

They made God into the evil devil

as the voice within

was silenced.


world is crashing

and all aboard will be killed

as they thank the beasts. The false gods are an

abomination but nothing can remove them without a complete

destruction of all life and utter devastation of the earth as promised by the Spirit.

Truth Has Power

How  Nebuchadnezzar Built The Wall

He is escribed as the tree of Lebanon in whose branches the fowls of heaven,  live. He was cut down

but the roots lived on and sent out branches. That is what Constantine used to establish the Catholic Church,

"The tree grew, and was strong, and the height thereof reachedunto heaven, and the sight thereof to

the end of allthe earth: The leaves thereof were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was 

meatfor all: the beasts of the field had shadow under it, and the fowls of the heaven

dweltin the boughs thereof, and all flesh was fed of it." Daniel 4:11,12 KJV

Every religion has a false prophet and they were all spawned

from the work of the king of Babylon..

Why Nebuchadnezzar is The First Beast

The Pain of Delivery

The knowledge 

is like a baby in the womb,

growing as it feeds, and bursting to get out.

 The waters have broken and are pouring out as the Sprier to bring

awareness and allow the voice of the Spirit to be heard through me

as this knowledge is delivered. Only those with ears to hear it will recognise it.

Like a Woman in Labor


In a vision, a dam held a massive body of water. The ground in front was arid and barren. 

A crack appeared in the wall and water trickled through. It enlarged and the wall exploded allowing

the water to pour over the land. As it soaked in green shoots appeared. The water is Spirit.

The dam represents the block to the Spirit. The parched and arid ground the

children of Israel who were denied spiritual watering. They faded into

nothingness prior to the release of the Spirit. When water

trickled over them they responded and then in the flood 

then as young shooptts thry grew quickly

and are ready to be harvestsed.

The dam wall breaks

Rivers in The Desert

In another vision,


thee above,

 I stood on a dune 

in the desert. A trickle of water

appeared at the bottom of the dune and 

grew into a creek. Patches of green appeared here and there

on its banks. It is how the Spirit began its return by working in small groups

that attracted others to join them. As they experienced the gifts of the Spirit they grew

into organisations that expanded globally, whle producing the young shoots. They spread an

exciting message  with new ways of seeing God. The excitement within them quickly  spread the word

and the knowledge which became a flood;  as a small creek joins with others to create a mighty river of power.

The things that were lost through the work of the two beasts has been restored, especially he name Jesus..

  Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness 

shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.”  Isaiah 35:6" Behold, I will do a new

thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?I will even make a

way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43;19


Buried Treasurei

Why The Confusion?

The Spirit

put the yoke of iron

on their necks to mould them

to perfection and to separate them out.

Only when they accept the TRUTH will they be free of it

"I have put a yoke of iron upon the neck of all these nations;

that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar,  king of Babylon. Jeremiah 28:14


What Is The Yoke of Iron


In the places where religions have a hold people are dying in their thousands. Cities are raised to the ground, dams are bursting, everywhere there is carnage, and millions of animals are wiped out.

It was foreseen in visions and written in prophecies but ignored by religious leaders. They are the shepherds leading their flocks over cliffs and blind as a bat to reality, They preach from the Bible but ignore the TRUTH.



 "These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed". Revelation 11:3,5

An olive tree lives for hundreds of years and a candlestick gives a weak light.  Religions have burned people alive and tortured and maimed millions to keep them from overturning the lies.


It heals, delivers peace, and overturns evil.

One feels goosebumps, shivers, and hairs on your neck or arms stand up. 

God is speaking through Norma as foretold it in Prophecy .

"But unto you, that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in ITS wings; . .

And the slain of the LORD shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground.  Jeremiah 25:33

Nebuchadnezzar is the LORD OF THR DAY



They are as old as humanity but increased with Nebuchadnezzar's Islam 

Most were indispensable and remained in rituals. Enforced by kings

who controlled religion they grew on people, such as festivals

and fictional characters and fake gods. In particular, the

death of men on crosses, first recorded in Babylon. 

Blood sports were entertaining, as with the

gladiators. Religion has blood baptism

in its history. Pits served to cover

initiates with the blood of

slaughtered aimals, 

a bull or ram,


mutilation and blood

letting is an inheritance from these practices.

It is displayed in the records from thousands of years ago.

The Letter O in Theo


The Old Testament is a composition of works written over several

centuries. It was constructed on the Septuagint of Egypt,

that was ordered by Alexander the Great to bring

everyone under the same banner

of worship.

Authors of the he Old Testament


The term 'Christian' references the Spirit to Baal

The Spirit is calling its people by a new name, that was given to me.

"And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory:

and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the

mouth of the Spirit shall name." Isaiah 62:2

The Spirit said to me:

What is the Name of God


When driving through a busy five-ways intersection the Spirit said "The

name is the family of JesusThe power took my concentration

as it took control when the words were spoken. Later it

was like sleeping in the air above the bed. Able to 

decipher ancient words Jesus comes from

'I-S' which means 'EYE OF LIGHT -

The Light of the Harvest',

and EVE of dawn.  

Doubling of


increased potency.

"And it shall be at that day,

said, God that you shalt call me 'Issi';

and shalt call me no more Baali". Hosea 2:16

Baal is the crucified Christ of Babylon upon whom

Jesus Christ was modelled by Constantine

and then the Vatican and Jerome,

who compiled the New

Testament for



What is The Family of Jesus

  Then a new instruction was given

"Be baptised in by name, be baptised in my name"

The next morning a lady came to visit me whom I had met

only briefly a few days before. When we engaged in conversation it was

obvious how close we were spiritually. She stayed the whole day.

After dinner that night I told her about the order to be

baptized and she jumped to her feet. The little

Pentecostal church where we met is

the only one in Canberra that

does this. She organized

the baptism for the


night and became my

spiritual partner. After the ritual,

the Spirit took over my life. It removed my

possessions, and all my worries disappeared from

my life. Before long it isolated me as I received instructions

and served it. I was told "Where I lead I will provide. It gave me a house,

and an income, and everything required is provided. After settling

in the new home the Spirit led me through the bible, from

cover to cover, over the next 2 years. The book

I could never understand came to life

as it told me to colour passages

to separate out the real

from the imagined. 

It sent me


healing power to

many and to some who asked

God to send them someone as evidence

of its reality. The healings increased and some were freed

from prison including a man on death's row in an Amreican jail.

Baptism in Jesus Name


One day at a healing service, a man briefly stood in front of me. Dressed

in a long red robe his hand touched my forehead but his arm

covered his face. The role of teacher was transferred.

Where he touched me remained warm for

over 2 hours. It fulfilld the vision

that showed me replacing

Jesus Christ as


I am

now the teacher

on the mountain preaching

to the multitude. I replaced him on

the mountain and this is it -  Mount Zion "

“But in the last days, it shall come to pass, that the

mountain of the house of God shall be established in the

top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills, and

people shall flow unto it.” Micah 4:1 KJV 

God is speaking to the world

through the Daughter

of Zion

Who Is Elijah

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalype

Only this website 

explains the four Horsemen

They represent the foru stages in shifts

in power and mustering people mentally. The first 

rode a white horse, as innocence gave him a crown. That is

Nebuchadnezzar who laid down the path for kings to follow; that

is to use religion as their source of authority. He used it to make himself

Father God. This has never waned and kings remain as gods.

And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on

him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him:

and he went forth conquering, and to

conquer.  Revelation 6:2 KJV

The second horse 

is red


the church where bishops

wear red. They inflict violence

and sanctioned wealth, wars and slavery

They took peace from the earth and sanctioned weapons

of mass destruction that are the new swords. They forced worship of

Jesus Christ and Mary, the fake gods that brought the winter.

And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the 

second beast (religios growth) say, Come and

see. And there went out another horse

that was red: and power was given

to him that sat thereon to

take peace from

the earth,


that they

should kill one another:

and there was given unto him

great sword. Revelation 6:3,4 KJV 

 The third was the black horse, for the dark

afternoon and man's law, dreamed up by kings and those

of parliaments. Crimes are weighed in the balances of the fales gods

and punishments are based on religious interpretation. They inspire people to

kill and to go to war against other nations, supposedly in God's name.

And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast

say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and

he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. 

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four

beastssay, A measure of wheat for a

penny, and three measures

of barley for a penny;

and see thou hurt

not the oil


the wine. 

Revelation 6:5,6 KJV

 These are the three phases 

of human development after the Spirit

came to the children of Israel. Economic growth,

money, and trade made commodities more precious than life

and the environment. Religion removed God, substituting it with greed,

addictions, and fiction. It is more importabt to be entertained and to tell lies

than to seek the TRUTH. Popularity of stupidity, drugs, and the weird

make the world black as leaders bow to them to get elected.

Everythig is weighed in the balances for profit.

The earth dies as wealth creation pays.

The 2 beasts brought it about,

and it is God's will

   And when he had opened

the fourth seal, I heard the voice

of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I

looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat

on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was

given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and

with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. Revelation 6:7,8

The Last Days

There is no way of lessening the impact of the last days. Everything man has

dreamed of in terms of hell will come true. Fire, floods, famine, and

disease are only a small part of it. In visions given to me in the

1980's I saw what is coming and it wass all represented.

Huge buildings imploding on themselves, people

burned alive, drowning on a mammoth

scale, nations wiped from  the face

of the earth, and nowhere

safe to flee. This

is God's

revenge for the

evil the world engaged in.

And when he had opened the fifth seal,

I saw under the altar the souls of them that were

slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true,

dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth

And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said

unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until

their fellow servants also and their brethren, that

should be killed as they were, should

be fulfilled. Revelation 6; 10,11 

All of God's people

who suffered


at the hands of

authorities who forced them

against their will is back. As are those

responsible. There is no way of lessening the

impact of the suffering they will and are enduring.

We see them where their families are wiped out, they

are starving to death, and their children are dying in front of

their eyes. Everything they have worked for and built up is gone. Their

lives are reduced to nothing, and many are addicted beyond help.  But this is

only the start of what's yet to come. The migration of masses seeking

relief and safe haven is increasing. The population is exploding

in numbers, and resources are dwindling. As climate

change intensifies in the earth will be like

an oven. Nothing will grow and

species will die out. 

And I beheld


he had opened

the sixth seal, and, lo, there was

a great earthquake; and the sun became black

as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree

casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the

heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and

island were moved out of their places. Revelation 6:112-14 KJV


The Harvest

The day was approximately 4,000 years long, from the

time of the coming of the Spirit on the children

of Israel. They were written into the book

of life from that time. The Spirit is

their guide and they do no

wrong in its eyes. There

is no sin as the


controls all.

The prophets of Baal

are many and they are on this

mountain calling on their gods

to save the world. I alone speak for the

Spirit. 'Baal' is the bull of Babylon and Jesus Christ

is the bull of  Rome. From midday until now they have

sacrificed to their gods, cut themselves, enslaved themselves

to them, and they have prayed relentlessly for answers but their prayers

have fallen on deaf ears. We are now at the evening sacrifice and the 2 bulls

are on their altars ready for the fires to consume them. I have poured

the waters of the Spirit around them and call on the real God to

consume them with fire. Let it fall now and those of

the Spirit, whose names are in the book of life,

cast off the cloak of darkness. The new

sun has arrived and the harvest

has begun. I wil take you

to your God.

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The Role of Father God

The biblical

name for Father God

is Ahab, the origin of 'arab'.

It means ''power bearer or 'power born'.

"And it came to pass after many days, that the

word of the Spiri came to Elijah in the third year, saying,

Go, shew thyself unto Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth."

Elijah met Ahab and was accused of troubling Israel but reversed it to say;

 "  I haave not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father's house, in

that ye have forsaken the commandments of God 

and thou hast followed Baalim.

1 Kings 18:1-18 KJV

Join The Family of Jeus

In a

vision long lines

of people were queued around

lakes and rivers waiting for baptism. This will

happen now as millions will rush to be included. It is a

casting off of the old and entering into the new. Only those

committed to the Spirit will respond as the others will stick to their

old ways. They are in love with Father God and Jesus Christ, even though they

are mere puppets on the stage to TRUTH and eternal life in the Spirit. 

This is the separation of the wheat from the chaff, and the

good crop from the weeds and the profane.

“And they shall teach my people the

difference between the holy

and profane, and


them to discern

between the unclean

and the clean.” Ezekiel 44:23 KJV

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Call To Action
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Call To Action


This dark world  is  ending.

The Spirit  IS SEKING ITS PEOPLE who will escape the lies and gain the treasure

 You were led here for that reason.

God has made it known


Talk With Norma
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Let's Connect

Feel free to reach out any time