The Origin of Christianity 

Norma Holt


It Started With Islam

Looking at this image one would not imagine that Christianity and Islam are the same religion. To

understand why required the information from the Spirit and the visions given to me. The

ability to read symbol language led me to identify the religious fathers, that began 

with Abraham. A vision showd how the hole in the stone was used to call down

the sun and take instructions from it. It was the start of religion. In Eastern

mythology, moods of the sun were given personalities and names.

The circle in the stone was the 'O-B' or 'circle bearer'. 'Ra-m' is

the 'powerful mother'. Together they are 'circle bearing

the powerful mother', or ''O-b-ra-ma'. Vowels were

absent and interchangeable in script.  So [O]

is the same as [A] and later [U] making

it 'Abrama'or 'Abram'. Because of 

changes  over time and with

the addition of the [h]

for the 'seat of


added by the

Greeks during their translation

of the Septuagint. It became 'Abramham'.

As the circle of power' is also 'O-R', an old term for sun

and gol, Abraham is the product of Ur or Or. The sun penetrating

the hole creates the image 'I-s-l-mm' or 'Eye of light-powerful mother', and

that is the origin of religion. The fable states that the mother of Ismal is 'Hagar',

but we know there was no letter [h] so it is more likely to be 'o-g-or'  from 'circle-god-sun'.

It is the origin of  O-g-le' from 'o-g-el' meaning 'circle of god'. To 'ogle' something is to stare at it

and people stared at the circle ion the hole. It was also 't-or-k' or 'cross'-sun-cross' and the origin of 'talk'

and 'torque' for something tied with strength. Abram's wife was Sara,  'S-ra'is 'light'spower' or 'powerful light, being

the sun shining through the hole as a spotlight or star. The mythology states that Hagar, Ishmal's mother, was

Egyptian, meaning 'of the stolen sun.  Born illegitimately in religious terms.  it infers he was born in

darkness or secret. Sara cast him out and he went into the desert, where the religion

of Islam flourished. The Arab and Egyptian nations followed in his wake.

'I-s-l-m' is ' 'eye-ligh-god-mther' or in another way it is' 'eye

of light-mother god''. It is from this that the 'Son of

God' was derived. he was the new Baali.

When Israel was a child, then

I loved him, and


my son out of Egypt. 

As they called them, so they

went from them: they sacrificed unto

Baalim, and burned incense to graven images." Hosea 11:1 KJV

This was the start of Catholicism from which Christianity was born.. 

The Spirit Took Me to Babylon

The Spirit called me the daughter of Zion. It told me to open the Bible and I read:

“Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt

thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go even to Babylon;

there shalt thou be delivered; there the LORD shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.” Micah 4:10

It was unexpected and unknown. In all my years of being in a Christian school and then in countless

religious services, I had never heard of the daughter of Zion.  The Spirit kept its word. First

I was ever more isolated and intense learning began that took me to Babylon and

beyond to the start of religion, philosophy, and mythology. It was a

journey of such depth that nothing was missed. As I saw

the pain of God my pain started and increased in

intensity until my job is finished, 

Holed stones

The Knowledge in My Head

Over months and years, the Spirit-filled my head

with knowledge that no one knows. With visions and words 

it was an incredible journey into the earliest concept of the Dreamtime.

Mankind awoke as his intelligence expanded. The dominant feature in his world

was the sun. As he worked on collecting his food he noticed the two aspects of it. That

of dawn is gentle, kind, and loving, and it stimulates growth and good health.  Then it changes!

After midday, it is hot and angry, and it kills, brings drought, and rots things. A vision showed me how

 observations of the sun through a hole in a stone, and such instruments are prominent in archaeology, as the

above image demonstrates. They are still called 'gods' in some regions, e.g. the Chuk Islands in the Pacific.

The circle was replicated on the ground in henges, such as in Stonehenge where the symbolism

spells out the beliefs behind it. There are 56 holes in the outer circles. Tested by

archaeologists they were found to have minor deposits of timer 

showing that large posts wer temporarily housed in them.

The presence of animal and human bones shows

sacrifice. Man is in the bble as number

8, being created and circumcised

on the eighth day making

it man's number.

  The number


the sun is

7 and 7x8 is 56, the

number of holes. The site dates

to some 4-5,000 years ago, a long time

before the supposed crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The two

circles in the symbol for 8 represent the two as partners. The body

of the godman was consumed by observers and the act of consumption is 8 or ate'.

This is the origin of the communion of the body and blood of Christ in the mass. 'Mass' is from 'ma-s'

or 'mother's light', which is another term for 'spirit' in the religious sense. Seven candles are placed on the altar of

Catholic churches to symbolise the sun's presence..

Stoe god of Chuuk Islands

The Arrival of the Three Suns

In an amazing revelation, the Spirit showed me how the sun shaped the story of Adam and Eve. The dawn

sun of the morning was called 'Eve' from 'I-V' meaning 'Eye of Life' or 'living Eye'.  The afternoon sun

was called 'An' meaning 'strong'. In ancient script [n] and [m[ are interchangeable. Because

of the lack of vowels [a] and [o] are also interchangeable. 'An, is, therefore, 'Am'.

'A-d-am' means; power-feeding an'. or 'powerful 'an'and the two suns were

deemed to produce all life. 'Eve', the morning sun, was called the

mother of all life (Genesis 3:20). Their 2 'suns' were 'A-b-el'

or 'power born of God', as in the morning, and 'X-an'

or 'cross od An', means a killer. It became

'Cain' as [x] and [c] are the same. 

It's the Cain killed Abel story.

The later sun of the

afternoon's sun


that of the morning

to bring death and destruction.

The afternoon sun, An, sinks in the west and

was deemed to pass under the earth where it raged

sending up volumes of fire and lava through volcanoes and cracks.

The fire was called 'S-tan or 'light from the cross of An, the origin of Satan.

That is why Hell is considered to be below the earth and why Satan has the power of a god.


Babylon, The Home of Islam

Babylon was a small city-state ruled by a king, Nebuchadnezzar, who dreamed he could become Father

God,. He was of the Amor tribe. 'A-m-or' means 'powerful mother sun'. The sun's mane was 'ma-r-i'

or 'mother's powerful eye', as per the vision in the stone. When Babylon was destroyed the

next Capital for the Amor was Mari, situated 11 km north west of Abu Kabul in Syria.

It was destroyed by an earthquake  some 4,000 years ago. The Amor (Amorites) 

had moved into Egypt and were active in the Mediterranean. Cleopatra

and her successor Aye, were both Amorites. As they took over

Italy they established their new capital, Roma, reverse

Amor, and became the Romans. As Empire builders

they fought to establish their new Empire in

Europe. So why is this not in the history

books? To begin with, there has been

a cover-up by the Romans,

who had no reason to

record i.

and the Catholic Church

protected its roots from being

exposed or scrutinized. Much of the

pre-history of  the East comes from the Old

Testament, which is unreliable as a historic document.

Constantine was an Amorite and Islamic

To understand his background the Spirit needed to show me his

religion and how it migrated from Babylon to Rome. The Romans had one

goal - building their empire and 'gods' were a major part of their philosophy. In

keeping with the 3 suns of Babylon, also the Trinity, they worshipped Jupiter, Juno, and

Minerva.After Nebuchadnezzar made himself into Father God, patriarchy took a stand, and only

males were deemed worthy of a heavenly status. Females were discriminated against on the grounds

that they could not mate with Mary, whom Constantine ket in his religion. Instead of Mother God, he made her

Mother of God. He changed the dates of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, the sun's holy day, and moved

Easter from the Equinox to the Vernal moon following. The Vatican has buried the evidence in its archives but the

Spirit has no need for a key. The Catholic religion he established was the first of the Christian ones as all

others copied from it, and used the same book, the Bible, with multiple changes to fit their criteria.  

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