TRUTH Has Power 

 Norma Holt

Truth is the light of the world


God is the Spirit of the Universe that lights one with power

and imparts a glow that fills the body and draws one closer as it heals and

energizes with something that is out of this world. That energy

grows within and manifests into a full and

special connection that enables a

transfer of ideas and



one becomes a

channel for its power to flow



TRUTH is hidden by trees of fantasies, that block out the light. 

The tree of Lebanon hid the light and plunged the world into darkness.

“Behold, the Assyrian was a cedar in Lebanon with fair branches,

and with a shadowing shroud, and of an high stature;

and his top was among the thick

boughs.” Ezekiel 31: 3 KJV

Nebuchadnezzar is the tree of Lebanon

He was cut down but his roots stayed in the ground

That is because he established Islam which became a tree

and it was watered by the Spirit and allowed to grow into new trees.

The Romans took Islam to Europe and the Vatican

started the Muslim Branch.

“And whereas


commanded to leave  the stump

of the tree roots; thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee,

after that thou shalt haveknown that the heavens dorule.”  Daniel 4:6

Nebuchadnezzar formulated how kings should rule and have power over their

people. This idea did not die with him but was used by Alexander

the Great and Constantine to give them domination

over their empires. Both had advantages

that Nebuchadnezzar lacked.

The first was the


word which 

they controlled, and the

second was the lessons learned from him

about kingship and power. In Constantine's case there

was a third one - make yourself a god and put up an image for worship.

Artists sign their creations that then take their name, so Jesus Christ has the name

Constantine inscribed over it. he didn't supplant the Father God but made

it the Son of God. It was cemented in place by Mary, whom

he called the Mother of God, so keeping her for

her followers. Before the TRUTH is

known he must be exposed

and destroyed

"For that


shall not come, 

except there come a falling

away first, and that man of sin be revealed,

the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself

above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God

sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."  2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 

The authors of the New Testament took passages from Prophecies

and elsewhere in the Old Testament TO add credibility. The

story of Jesus sold to the Romans for 30 pieces of

silver by Judas matches that of Joseph

sold to the Egyptians for 20

pieces of silver by


There are many such

comparisons to be made but not here. 

It was a simple exercise to insert passages in the

Old Testament to make it align with what Jerome put into the

New Testament and vice versa. He noted in his diaries and letters that he

added much to the Old Testament so that it flowed with his creation and he is

responsible for removing the old 'god' and ''spirit' from the Bible. There were several

authors for the New Testament and Augustine of Hippo was one of them. He is

responsible for starting the Muslim Branch on the orders of the Vatican

which claimed it protected the so-called Virgin birth.

There are discrepancies in the birth story of

Jesus Christ as wel. In Matthew,

he is born in a house

and is threatened

by Herod

who was bedridden for

years before his death long before this event .

 In Luke, he is born in a stable and lived his childhood in Nazareth.

The Matthew story is identical to that of Krishna, the third person of the Vedic

Trinity. He was born of the virgin Maia, and his life was threatened by King Cansa. He

was taken to Egypt by his parents and returned at the age of twelve to perform

miracles. Scholars have worked on these stories and come to the

same conclusions. They were not written in the 1st CAd

and certainly not by the suggested apostles,

evidence for whom is lacking. 


New Testament Controversy

The most compelling error of judgment against the

The New Testament is that Jesus Christ was a Jew. The House of Judah

was 'disowned' by God when Judah committed sins against God and then sold  Jpseph into

Egypt.  It is an analogy of those of Israel being misled and lied to by the Jews.

Jacob passed the inheritance of Israel to the two sones of Joseph,

Genesis 48"15-22. Judah did not receive anything of Israel 

from God. After Jerusalem was destroyed by

Ptolomy the Jusish religion was

in dire straits. It took tales

from the Canaanites 

and Pharasees

to get

religion and it

was based on sun worship

from the Babylonian Mother God religion

The authors of the New Testament were misled by

history. They had no concept of Israel, nor of how the Spirit 

preserved its prophecies to end the lies and the day of the Lord



The darker the world the stronger is the light that

shines into it. The Spirit made the world as dark as possible

in order for the power to be seen at its brightest. This is the light that

was shown in visions to be coming from Norma. With the overthrow of the two

beasts it will now light the world and the dark will go off into space. People are sick

and tired of the dark world and the problems they are dealing with.

A little light shines from the spiritual groups and the hungry

are pouring in for their own share of it.

The TRUTH strengthens it.

The Spirit guides it


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