The Mouth of a Woman Speaking for God 


Norma Holt


norma holt

Norma Has Fulfilled Her Commissions

This woman hasn't just come out of the blue. She is spoken of in many places in

Prophecies but men have distorted her importance.  Everything she

does is prophesied. She is a partner to the Spirit and

absorbs the messages and turns them into

something humans can absorb.

  When commissioned

she asked

that nothing be left out. She

was taken to the beginning of cognitive

development to understand how thoughts progressed and

when the Spirit entered a group called the Children of Israel. They are her

charges to return to the Spirit and overturn the religious lies.  Many have come out

of the lies and are waiting in groups where they communicate with

the Spirit but not in the fullness of the TRUTH. 

God is speaking through her,

but ministers of


will still be in doubt.

She asks for nothing of you but to take

this work as an authority.  If you question anything

she is happy to answer it via the tools of the Internet, with Meet, or Zoom. 

She gives everything for free because the Spirit provides all her needs. Churches

require contributions because they have to pay themselves.

God pays Norma and provides the money

for this work.


Her Face Is On a Screen 

When she was commissioned with great power, she saw her face on a screen making

little sense to her at the time. She was also given a vision showing her

replacing the man preaching on a mountain.  Both these things

have come true through the Internet, which was not

available at that time, in March 1984.

She was also touched by a man

wearing a long red robe,


the image of Jesus Christ.

That image was the teacher before her.

It has filled the churches with God's people who believe him to be tGod'. 

Jesus Preching on Mountain

There is no mountain higher than the Internet

Norma's life was shown to her before she was born, It has not been an easy ride. She

was told to learn everything that mankind believes and the origin of

those beliefs. She excelled in this and her knowledge,

which is freely shared is unquestionable.

“Arise and thresh, O daughter of

Zion: for I will make 

thine horn


and I will make 

thy hoofs brass: and thou

shalt beat in pieces many people: " Micah 4: 13


'Horn' means voice and 'hoofs' are the kicking tools of a beast. 

The Spirit provided the way for her to speak to the world on its behalf. 

No minister of religion would allow her to speak, because she is a woman. No 

publisher wants her book, because it does not fit their lists  Few members of her

family believe in what she is doing, because they are not linked to

the Spirit and have outside forces influencing them.. 

All because of the lies that theology


She Could Have Been a Man

While she is a woman now she was a man in her last life. People may change sex

when they reincarnate. One day she was struck with power that was

so strong she had to lie down to cope with it.

The Spirit  said: You are ELIJAH. 

Behold, I will send you

Elijah the prophet before the coming

of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:" Malachi  4;5

If she had come back as a man, would anyone have believed her?

Would she have been guided as she has been? 

Could she have been protected

from harm? 

The Return of Elijah

The Spirit has worked in secret to

protect Norma and keep her safe. The Internet

is the one place where she can speak out to the world without

her life being threatened. This is the fulfillment of God's plan to bring the children of

Israel out of the world and away from the false gods. She is calling

upon them to look at the prophets and see how their

forecasts are coming true. Did they speak

for God in truth or for a



Weigh The Evidence in the Balance.

Elijah called all the prophets together on Mt Carmel.  The name is from X-a-m-el' and

it means 'cross of power-mother god". You are called to that cross of

power to weigh up the evidence.  How do you support

the things unseen, unfelt, untouched,

unheard, and without a

connection to


senses. Look into

space, do you see heaven or hell?

How do you explain the TRINITY, three gods in one?

Don't you see that these things are from the superstitious minds

of the past when there was no scientific evidence against them? Do you feel

the spirit when you call on the name of Jesus? Do you see the world as dark, full of

violence, and without any peace?  How do yo reconcile that with the

religious view that Jesus Christ is the 'Prince of peace'.

Since he came about at midday, there has

been war after war, poverty,

slavery, dictators,


chambers, and now 

atomic weapons and missiles falling

from the sky killing indiscriminately. This is what the Prophets

of God saw and wrote about. The religious prophets, on the other hand, promised a

loving God who forgives everyone as long as they go to church and

confess before a priest, who may be a pedophile

or another type of criminal.

  They take your


and pray for you

but no one is there to listen to them.

The Spirit, on the other hand, speaks to its people,

does not include everyone, and is bringing the world to an end.

How does one reconcile that their 'loving God' wil condemn them to 'Hell'

for eternity? How do they believe that when such a place is invisible?  Or believe

that they will have joy living in the sky somewhere.  What will they do

there? It would quickly become a very boring place to be.

Have you considered what God looks like?

Does he wear clothes?

Does he have

a penis?

Would you look upon him

if he is naked? The description of 'him'

when Moses went to the top of the mountain is

that he was 'too bright to look upon'. Doesn't that relate ot the sun? 

You need to weigh up who has the story straight and who is working for the Spirit

and delivering the TRUTH? Who is prophesied to bring you this

information at the end of the day? 

The Scales

Those with something to hide

discredit their enemies. They have prepared

for this day because they knew that at some time the

'anti-Christ' would appear and call their bluff. They have, therefore, widely

published claims that it is the devil or something to be greatly feared. This is their

bluff and Norma is calling it out. What is there about her to fear? What

is it that she is saying that will destroy the world?

It is being destroyed not by her

but by the Spirit 

 And when he

had opened the third seal,

I heard the third beast say, Come and

see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that

sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. Revelation 6:5

The black horse is the state of the world, with no truth in it, and man's

devastation bringing it to an end. Through lies, false gods, and an inability to see

through them, humanity is doomed, in fulfillment of another prophecy

“So will I break down the wall that ye have daubed with

untempered morter, and bring it down to the

ground, so that the foundation thereof

shall be discovered, and it shall fall,

and ye shall be consumed 

in the midst thereof:

and ye shall


that I am 

the GOD.” Ezekiel 13:14

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