Norma Holt

Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth.  Isaiah 1:4 KJV

festive decorations

Festivals Take a Heavy Toll

While much of the Bible is contaminated by dreams that have little to do with reality, Prophecies are

intact and speak from the Spirit. It led me bck and forth throughout the bible to separate truth

from the lies, the dream of old, and man's input. As it led me I was told to coloour code

the passages and to compare them with others throughout the volume.  It then

pointed out fact from fiction and I was amazed at how much of it is

not from God, although it's called Gods Word.  Only in the

Prophecies and where they are placed in other

places can one rely on what it states.

It took two years of constant

research before the

TRUTH was 




gather wood, and

the fathers kindle the fire, and

the women knead their dough,to make

cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out

drink offerings unto other gods,that they may provoke me

to anger. Do they provoke me to anger?saith the LORD: do they not 

provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces?" Jeremiah 7:18,19 kJV

When Jerome Compiled the Old Testament

 Jerome, the Doctor of the Catholic Church, gathered stories for the Old

Testament, he miraculously included the Prophecies given to Israel,

as the Spirit controlled him. Things shown to me are supported

by those prophecies and are important to this work. They

include the statement by the Spirit against the

festivals. They create evil and devastation 

and loss of life when they are held.

The evidence speaks! Datmasus, 

the then Bishop of Rome, 

appointed him as

the doctor

of the Church,

which was floundering.

He noted how he took stories

from around the Empire, altered them 

to make them fit with his version of how the sun's ,

son arrived via a virgin birth and was then crucified. This

was something they could not escape from. It is also a trap in

the way to catch him out. Unbeknown at that time virgin cannot conceive

due to chromosomes from both parents being a requisite for conception He

used the story of Krishna, the third person of the Vedic Trinity for the

story in Matthew of the New Testament. Krishna was born of

the virgin Maia, and was taken to Egypt soon after birth

to avoid death by king, Cana. He returned to India

at the age of 12 and turned water into wine.

Jerome renamed the Septuagint as

the Old Testament to show that

the new God is different. 

The so-called Son

of God was

 controlled and

his 'messages' given by men

as laws directed by the Emperor. During

the 6th CAD the first appointed Pope took over that role.

This caused a schism in the Church between East and West, that has

never healed. The Eastern Orthodox section kept the original name 'Or-t-

d-o-x', which means 'sun's cross-feeding the circle/cross'. At first,

Kings appointed the Pope and some were their friends and

allies, such as with Charlemagne and an aristocratic

friend Adrian 1.  It gave the king greater control

of his Byzantine Empire over the church. The

superstition and festivals related to

the crucifixion of Jesus Christ

were key to cementing

his authority,  

cyclone Tracy devastation

Cyclone Tracy 24-26th December 1974

"Tracy killed 71 people, caused $837 million in damage (1974 AUD, about

$6.86 billion in 2022), or about US$5.2 billion (2022 dollars). It

destroyed more than 70 percent of Darwin's buildings,

including 80 percent of houses. It left more than

25,000 out of the 47,000 inhabitants of the city

homeless prior to landfall and required

the evacuation of over 30,000

people. many never


Japanese Festival of Water, Light, and Fire in March, 2011

The most powerful earthquake  recorded in Japan. It moved Honshu 2.4 m (8 ft) east,

shifted the Earth on its axis by estimates of between 10 cm (4 in) and 25 cm

(10 in), increased Earth's rotational speed by 1.8 µs per day, and

 infrasound waves in perturbations of the low-orbiting 

Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation

The earthquake caused sinking of part of

Honshu's Pacific coast by up to

roughly a metre,

Japanese Tsunami
Japanese Tsunami

Japanese Tsunami after Earthquake

The tsunami raced outward from the epicentre at speeds that approached

about 500 miles (800 km) per hour. It sent waves 11 to 12 feet (3.3 t

o 3.6 metres) high along the coasts  in the Hawaiian Islands

and 5-foot (1.5-metre) waves to the island of Shemya in

the Aleutians. Later a 9-foot (2.7-metre) tsunami 

struck California and Oregon18 hours later

1 foot(0.3 metre) high wave reached 

Antarctica and part of an  Ice

Shelf broke off.

Festivals in August

The month of August is the most devastating in many parts of the world. That is not

surprising to me as it is the time of the festival of the transfiguration of Jesus

Christ. Celebrated by Christians on the 14th Sunday after Easter, which

falls in August. In August 1814 the First Worl War commenced.

 Nations allied against Germany eventually included Great

Britain, Russia, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, South

Africa, Rhodesia, Romania, Greece, France,

Belgium, USA, Canada, Serbia, India,

Portugal, Montenegro,

and Poland.

August festivals

Hurricane Katrina August 2005

 More than 1,800 people dead. The third deadliest hurricane in U.S.

history. In New Orleans, people were trapped in their houses and on their roofs

as the rapidly rising water caught many by surprise. Over 800,000 homes

were lost. Katrina is the costliest U.S hurricane, with estimated damage

over $81 billion and costs over $160 billion (2005 US dollars).

The USA dropped the first atomic mb on August 6th.

Atomic weapons now threaten t the world 

Origin of Christmas

Christmas is related to the birth of the sun after solstice when it presumably died on a cross. The British

Museum holds a statue of Indra, the sun, dying on a cross with five wounds (Briten 1865). In

the Northern Hemisphere, where religious origins began, the sun's lowest point

occurs between December 22nd (solstice), and 25th.  It was said to die

and resurrect again on the 25th, which saw it start its way back

along the orbits observed viapoles or sticks.  'Sol' is

Greek for sun, and 'stice' means stick. These

observation points were used to tell

the seasons (see sun). It

was also said that

the sun

was stolen

from the north. As it was

the 'eye' it was 'gypt (stolen) by the South.

This is the origin of the name 'Egypt.  After its rebirth on

the 25th, the mythology of the evil king of the south threatening its life

which is retold in the story of Jesus Christ, who escapes to Eypt. Failure to understand

the rotation of the planet and the waning of the sun created the myths. The new sun was called the 

'sun of the old sun. hence the birth of the sun (son) of God. In India, the sun is called Indra,

from whence comes the country's name and religious name.  In the old calendar,

December is the tenth month, which is why it starts with 'deca' meaning 'ten'

[X] or [T}, is widely used and the Mandarin symbol for 'ten' is (T)

Origin of Easter

Easter is another play on the death and resurrection of the sun.  This mythology was prominent in the

ancient world, particularly in the East where it features in their religious practices, as it does in

Christianity. It relates to the return of the Eye-Star, which takes place at the end of

winter in the North, And signals Spring and the Equinox is the marriane of

the sun (Eye Queen-Equin) and the Ox, that is the circle/cross.

As the 'equinox' brings day and night together

as equal partners. The length of the day

is that of the night, it heralds

a sacred time and

gave the title


to those wielding

the 'sword' or 'light's word.'  At

equinox people went to the peak as a mob

to observe the 'Eye-Star through the hole in the stone.

It was called 'ma-r-x' or 'mother's powerful cross' and is the origin

of March' for both the month and the movement of people. It became the time

for the crucifixion of men who desired to rise through the stone and enter heaven as her mate.

As they died their groans were read as messages from the sun and interpreted as laws. 

Their bodies were consumed by observers who claimed to be filled with his spirit.

"Or-el'd' is 'sun-god's food. With  [h] added it is 'horeld', the origin of'herald,,

'one who speaks for God'. The wielder of the sword was also

able to speak for God, as the sword represented the

'word of god' and anyone who died by it

was deemed honored. 

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