The Evening Light

Norma Holt

Brightest light of the evening

In 3 Visions the Light Came From Me.

In the first vision a line stretched out into the distance and along it  thousands of people

stood. Suddenly a bright light came from me and rose over the line to the far end.

There in large capital letters was EVE. In the middle was NOON and where I

stood was EVENING written. At noon it was almost dark and there was

a man on a cross with hundreds reaching up to him. The brightest

lights were at EVE and EVENING, the time we are now in.

Eve is from 'I-V' which means 'eye of life' or 'living

eye', which is the dawn's light. It symbolises

the start of the day of the Lord, when

children of Israel were chosen and

filled with power and were 

instructed on how

to keep


It was followed

by the arrival of the fake

gods and the two beasts  who used

their tricks to persuade the children of Israel to

abandon the Spirit and follow their path into oblivion.

“Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to the robbers? did not

the Spirit, he against whom we have sinned? for they would not walk

in its ways, neither were they obedient unto its law.” Isaiah  42:24 KJV

The dark world

The Dark World of Deception

At noon it was dark. It happened because the first Beast made himself Father

God and the second Beast put up an image of deception and forced all to

worship it. That image is the so-called son of God, the man on

the cross. This was what the children of the Spirit

were forbidden to worship. They had no

choice! If they didn't worship the

image they were tortured,

exiled, murdered, 

and their


murdered before

their eyes. They prayed to

God for mercy and the Spirit withdrew.

It has returned but its people don't recognize it as such.

They are stuck in the dark world of Nebuchadnezzar, afraid to reach out

lest they be condemned to hell. To bring them bac and override

thework of the two beasts God sent a woman. 

" I have long time holden my peace; I have

been still, and refrained myself:

now will I cry like a travailing

woman; I will destroy and

devour at once."

Isaiah 42:24

A Hollywood Monster

The Persona of a Beast

One might think of a beast as being like this  creature that invokes fear and

creates a need for flight in its victims. But there are predatory beasts that are

stealthful, and silent, and they are killers. You don't see them coming

and you are unaware of their impact. That describes the two

beasts of Revelation. They worked together although

 hundreds of years apart. One set the trap

and the second one released

it over the world.

Beast 1

"And it was

given unto him to

make war with the saints, and

to overcome them: and power was given him

over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." Revelation 13:7

joined hands in prayer

They Worship The Beast as Father God

In a vision, I saw people on a mountain peak worshipping the sun. Those praying

here hold their hands as a mountain peak and they are unaware that they

are praying to the sun, disguised as Father God. The first beast

stole their spiritual connection. It robbed them of

their life. These are the 'saints', which means,

followers of the sun's cross'. They

are the ones looking to

go to heaven.

"And all that dwell upon

the earth shall worship him, whose

names are not written in the book of life . . ".  revelation 13:8 KJV 

And they cross their thumbs to represent the cross on the peak of the mountain. 

The host of heaven

The Arrival of Beast Two

The people who inhabited Babylon during the time of the first beast were the Amor,

who migrated to Italy and built Roma (reverse Amor). 'Amor' or 'Amore' is

Italian for 'love', as ' it is from 'O-m_or' or 'circle of mother sun'.

They were sun worshippers who brought the religion of

Babylon with them. That is they continued to

steal the life and spirituality

out of God's people.

"And he

exerciseth all the

power of the first beast before

him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to

worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed." Revelation 13:12

Roman viilence

Constantine - The Second Beast

He was brutal and his intentions to rule an Empire were played out at the cost

of thousands of lives, torture, and horrendous pain. Like any murderous dictator,

he had no empathy for anyone. He even ordered the killing of his eldest son,

sisters, nephews, nieces, and anyone who got in his way. Then he

established the Roman Catholic Church, based on the

religion of Babylon. He put up the image of

Jesus Christ crucified and forced

all to worship it.

"And (he)

deceiveth them

that dwell on the earth by the

means of those miracles which he had power

to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that

dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the

beast, which had thewound by a sword, and did live." Revelation 13:14

war wounded

His Decrees Survived

They show that he ordered limbs severed, hamstrings cut, eyes cut out with swords,

wounds sealed with red hot pokers, babies to be smashed in front of their

parents, children to be tortured, exiled for recalcitrants, and crucifixion

of those who refused to worship the image he presented. he began

Christianity based on the Christ of Babylon and with the first

beast as father gog. No one could trade without first 

bowing to the image, that was present in

marketplaces. 'Mark' is  cross'

"And that no man

might buy or sell, save he

that had the mark, or the name of

the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:17

market place with cross

Market Places with Crosses

There are thousands in existence across Europe and elsewhere after Roman occupation. This

one is in Middleham, North Yorkshire, close to where Constantine grew up. English by

birth he was an Amor by descent. His religion relates to Islam via Babylon. After

I was commissioned to take God off the cross I learned of his background

and traced his marker genes back to the Arab race from which he

descended. His father's name was Constantius and both 

are Constant in English. Constantine was Constant 2

and his name and number add to 666

in that alphabet system.

"Here is wisdom.

Let him

that hath understanding

count the number of the beast: for it is the

number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:18

get on board

The Spirit Is Reaching Out to You

You have been imprisoned by the 2 beasts. In past lives and in this you have been

bashed and broken. You have been lost and lonely.  How many times have you

been murdered; lost loved ones; been crippled; even burned alive; You

have been the subject of the Potter. You are moulded, remade,

and called upon. Will you ignore the open gate or stay in

the prison of confusion? The Spirit is God. 

This is what was hidden from you.

The name is Jesus not

Jesus Christ. 


unto you that

fear my name shall the Sun of 

righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and

ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. Malachi 4:2

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