Resembling a Woman in Labour

Norma Holt


embryo in womb

From Embryo to Full Term

When the Spirit commissioned me into this job I was 45 years old and had carried

three babies in the womb. As the knowledge was given and the research built

into a huge story it reminded me of being pregnant. The infant grew

as information came to me. Visions after visions coupled with

the Spirit waking me in the early hours to impart more

knowledge. It was a secret pregnancy, however,

as I couldn't share it with anyone. The

change within me was hard to

conceal and I became

more isolated. 

baby kicking in womb

The embryo turned into a Foestus and began to kick

I heard the pain and saw the anger in people's eyes as  I hid my knowledge. It was

 impossible to make sense to them when they were not educated into the

ways of the Spirit.  The knowledge inside me was kicking hard

to get out. I didn't know who to trust. In a vision, I was

on a cross and ignored by a crowd. The Spirit

spoke to me: "They will crucify you"

The Bible opened.

“He that

is ready to slip

with his feet is as a lamp despised

in the thought of him that is at ease.”Job 12:5

man who lost everything

Peace Has a High Price

We carry forward more than knowledge. The Spirit showed me that fear is brought

from past lives. People suffered enormous pain to get religious peace. They

are content to allow the religious system to flourish as long as they

don't take it seriously. The first place the Spirit led me after

the commissions was to the Book of Job. I saw it in a

new reality. It is pronounced a Jobe but it means

JOB. It is not about a man who lost all but

God. It spoke to me as the job given

to me, that is to undo the lies

and restore the Children

of Israel to the


"There was a man

in the land of Uz, whose name

was Job; and that man was perfect and

upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil." Job 1:1

The Spirit Was Homeless and Ignored

This is the story of Job. The name is from 'i-o-b' or 'eye-circle-born'. It means that

when observed by its people, the sun was the eye in the circle. It made them

ignore the Spirit, which had fed, clothed, housed, and protected them.

Religion produced exciting images of gods with incredible tales

and promises. They speak of the need for a Saviour who

will heal their pain and give them a paradise

in the sky. To get it they must slave for

money, kill others to support

the king, and failing will

send them to hell,

which is not

from God. 


the fearful,

and unbelieving, and the

abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers,

and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in

the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."

Revelation 21:8


The Memory Came With Them

Reincarnation carries  lessons learned into the next life. If one learned fear you brought it

with you. This made religious persecution a strong game-changer. Far of hell became part

of one's inheritance if not spiritually connected. Like DNA if goes from generation to

generation. This is what has built the resistance against the Spirit, which was

turned into the devil. If one listens to the voice within they are called mad.

If you offer proof you are threatened, and if you have knowledge like

me you risk being crucified. So how do I deliver the baby inside

me and kicking to get out? I am in labour and ready to

deliver it. It doesn't require a doctor, however,

because the Spriti is doing the delivery.

That is the meaning behind

these words.

"I have

long time holden

my peace; I have been still,

and refrained myself: now will I cry like a

travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once." Isaiah 42:14

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