The Key to Understanding Biblical Prophecies 

Norma Holt


It's Easier Than You Think

Picture a world in which there was no freedom.

Scribes were under the watch of leaders who dictated what they wrote.

Everything had to relate to men being the voice of God and Jerusalem its home.

The problem with them is religion. Leaders made the bible from a hotchpotch of gods and

misinformation that was floating around from philosophers and thinkers who posited

their view of the world and how it functions.  It had long been held that stars

are the spirits of dead people living out eternity as 'suns'. This is still

the case for many many. Pluto published that inside us is a sun

that shines and rises after death to the heavens. The Greek

term for 'sun' is 'sol' from whence Jerome, a student

of his work, created the 'soul'. It was his view 

that sin darkens the 'sol' and leaves

marks that the god in heaven

reads to determine if

one is worthy to

enter therein.

Long-standing is the

notion that confessing one's sins

to a priest wipes away the darkness and

makes one 'pure' again. As he acts as a god the priest he

has the title of 'father' and his gid is the 'lord', which means 'god-

sun-feeding, relating it to the sun god of Baylon. 'Sin', 'son' and 'sun' has

the same origin, and 'sin-o-god' is  'synagogue', as vowels were non-existent. As

scribes were under such orders they changed prophecies to fit the agenda of religions. That

means that to fix them we have to reverse tm to their original meaning. Include God

or Spirit instead of 'Lord' and put people or nation in place of 'him'  As the

Prophecies are promises from God for this time when read in that

context they make sense. To add to the confusion leaders 

ignore prophecies in favor of the New Testament,

which Jerome compiled and included some

parts of them in it for credibility 

for his characters. Like all

religious leaders, he

had no concept

of the Spirit

or of the power of God. 

His goal was to get people on the same

page for State control. Religion is about kings and power

and not about the Spirit of the Universe. By forcing people to state

the same prayers it makes the church stronger. Those in the Spirit need no prayers

and they do not sin. After the Spirit was turned into a man by Nebuchadnezzar it was easy to

fool the people into accepting the lies and misinformation. The sympathy for the

so-called Father God giving his son to be sacrificed for the many is a trick.

Showing gratitude for the sacrifice plays on people's emotions and

makes it a human-like experience. Ignoring nature and 

evidence that opposes them they buried the

TRUTH and got away with it. What 

they hid is now in the ligh

to destroy them as

the Prophecies


God is the Great Spirit of the Universe

We need only to look into the universe to see the power of the Spirit. It is no man, it never

died on the cross. it is not a Saviour God, and it is not in religion. The world is alert

 to how much is wrong with man's thinking that only when we remove the terms

contradicting the Spirit can we see meaning in the Prophecies. A new light

shines and the Spirit pours over us.  That is all it takes to rreejoin

one's link to it and receive its gifts, the GREAT TREASURE, thst

which is reserved for the Children of the Spirit, who are

the Children of Israel. One day a hand touched me

on the shoulder and I was told to write. The

pen moved as I heard it and it wroe:-

If you travel ten thousand light

years from Earth and look

you will see the same

as that from


If you then

travel another ten thousand

light years you will again see the same.

Then another, and another, as there is no end to the planets

and space, just as there is no end to the Spirit and to the life of those who are joined to it. 

What's Wrong With This Image?

Is this how you see God? No one has seen heaven but millions have memory of

reincarnation. Many have proven past lives by the things they recall of it. 

Heaven is described in the Bible as a city in the sky but this image

purports to show it as a mass of clouds. Religion would have

you believe that heaven is eternal and you go there

when you die to live in glory and peace. That to

me is a very boring scenario and it is

impossible to feel as one needs

living nerves, which the

dead don't have.

Prophecies About Heaven

If heaven is real then the following would not be in Prophecies. Replace Lord with Spirit

“Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness:

let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let

righteousness spring up together; I the

LORD have created it.”

Isaiah 45:8

Is This How You See Heaven?

It's  how an artist sees it.  Everyone's a bird flapping around. Wow, where is their

resting place? That's an exciting prospect, isn't it? Here's the prophecy on it

“And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens

shall be rolled together as a scroll: and their host shall

fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine,

and as a falling fig from the fig tree

Isaiah 34:4

What Does Prophecy Say About Religions?

“For they prophesy a lie unto you, to remove you far from your

land; and that I should drive you out, and ye should perish.” Jeremiah 27:10

But how do we know that this refers to religious institutions? All one needs to do is

look at the money. They make a fortune playing up to people's egos and expectations.

“The tabernacles of robbers prosper, and they that provoke God are secure; into

whose hand God bringeth abundantly.” Job 142:6

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