Norma Holt

From the dreamtime
the sun was the god of worship. The
evidence for this is everywhere and it remains the
case today. Its horns were linked to beasts who were taken as
its partners. The bull was choice among them as was the ram. 'Bull' is
from 'B-el' meaning 'bearing god' or 'born a god'. There were no vowels and the
horns made it a god. Ram' is as 'r-m' meaning 'power of the mother'. 'B-el' is ins 'Bal'; 'ball';
'bowel', bell', and 'bill'. Baptism in the bull's blood was widely practiced. A person
stood in a pit above which the bull was slaughtered. That way they
were deemed acceptable to enter heaven. In other words
to be saved. This was the Christ of Babylon,
and the origin of religion.
Rama is the chief
of the Vedic Trnity
and Krishna (Christ) is his son .
'Crist' is from 'X-r-s-t" cross of light-light's cross'.
'Krist-el' is Christ of God and is in cyrstal for that which reflects the light
in the form of circles and the cross. Rama; is in 'Ramadan' for the timeof fasting
and it is'Rama-d-an or 'Rama-feeding An', the sun. This is why no food or water is consumed
from sun up to sundown,. During that time one is suposedly fed by the sun.
'P-an' means 'bearing An' is in 'pan-o-rama' or 'pan's cicle-rama'.
Hindus place a red circle representing An on their
forehead where Christian often place
the cross. It is sun worship.
While the origin
religion may have
been buried the evidence for it
remains in all religions today. One has inly to look for the signs.
The leaders force you to look away, however, as they engage in smoke and mirrotr tactics
to divert your attention. Those who hear the voice within are drawing away form it
It's hard to believe but contemporary religions started with the concept of
a bull with a man's head. This is the god on which they are based. Notice
the human head and wings on this statue, in the British Museum.
Insight into it required an interpretation of ancient dreams.
The Spirit took me back in time to Babylon to find the
meaning of Baal, to which Godt is compared.
"And it shall be at that day, saith the Lord
Spirit, that thou shalt call me Ishi;
and shalt call me no more
Baali. Hosea 2:16 KJV
Ishi was
originally Issi before the
Greeks added the [h]. 'I-s means 'eye of light'
and it was doubled for potency and reversing it was due to scribes.
The one in the 'bull-pit' had the authority to speak as a god. As [b] and [p] are historically
equal (pup=bub] then 'bullpit'='pulpit', the platform from which
the words of God are supposedly uttered. 'Dan eans
'feeding An' or 'food from An' (the sun)
'or-dan' is 'sun-food of An'
and the origin of

Countries Related to the Bull
In one way or another, it appears that f Europe and many other places are related to the bull
or, at least, its offspring. The vision shown to me of the sun's rays passing through a
hole in a stone gives insight into how this came about. The hole is the 'eye' [i],
the shape is [o] and the 'light' is '[S] or [Z]. Combined it is 'Zios', or 'Zeus'
in Greek mythology. The hole in the stone is the 'bull's eye'. The
image depicts Zeus, the bull, carrying Europa, the daughter
of the King of Tyre in Lebanon, across the sea to Crete.
He then transforms into a man and after mating
she has three sons, Minos, Rhadamanthus
and Sarpedon. From this beginning
came countries like Minoa,
and Bul-garia, and
Bolivia are
Cities like Istan-bul,
and Ka-bul, are also linked to the bull.
The bull is the symbol of Europe, named for Europa.
Letters and Their Meaning
The English alphabet emerged from that of the Assyrian language script via
Sanscrit. Linguistics gave me insight into variations and adaptations
through printing presses and borrowing to become the English
of today. The changes are noted in the Historical records of
Linguistics and Old English. Insight from the Spirit
and academic research made the task easier.
'B' is the profile of a pregnant female
and means 'born' or bearing'.
'El' is an archaic term for
'god' and is 'the'
in some
The letters [a] and [r]
have the same value and mean 'power',
as in ray. 'Ba-al' is as 'B-l', There were no vowels
at that time so interpreters substituted. It means, therefore,
'born a god' or 'bearing god'. As the sun displays horns such became a
symbol of power, which explains why warriors wore horns, such as the
Vikings, the German soldiers during WW1, kings, and tribal chiefs
The sun is the cow-god Hathor in Egypt. In Europe, it is the
horse, which is why images of horses are etched
into landscapes in Europe. (Or-s) means
'sunlight, as sunbeams were vehicles
on which men rode to heaven.
'Or-s' changed to 'Horus'
is the sun god of
'Baal' is the
same as 'b-el' or 'b-al'
which means 'born god'.
The notion that babies are born as
gods is a common practice in most religions.
Bulls, balls, and horses developed into games for
men to prove they're equal to their god. Horse racing is
derived from the same thinking. Winners became 'heros' from
'her-O'. The innocence of babes elevated them to the role of angels and
messengers from God, as with the angel in the above picture as a small child. The
bull is 't-or-o-s', which means 'cross of the sun-circle of light'. In th vision
(above) the people observed the sun's image on the mountain peak.
It was named to-or' or cross of the cun in older speech.
'T-ot' is in 'tour', as the sun does not remain still.
From this source came others words,
like 'spec-tor', where 'spec' is
light of the peak' and
means 'spec-cross-ate'
and the man on the cross was 'eaten'.
His number is 8, which is a combination of the two
circles, as in marriage between him and the Mother God, whose
number is seven. I used this in my thesis to prove that Stonehenge was
used for crucifixion as 7x8 is 56, the number of holes in the outer circle. It's why
kings wear eight-point stars, to indicate they have passed through the cross and become
a mate to the sun and able to enact her commands. The site points to the west at
Solstice and the man went down with the sun beneath the earth. He became
the 'west-mini-star' which gave the name Westminister for the place of
the lawmaker. 'Mini-star is in 'minister' for those who enact
instructions from the sun god. This role was traditionally
for men as women could not marry Mary, the name
of the sun in Babylon. It's also why Catholic
priests are forbidden to marry women,
and why women cannot
serve as priests.
My Journey to Babylon
“Be in pain, and labour
to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a
woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of
the city,and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go
even to Babylon; there shalt thou be delivered; there the LORD
Spirit shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.” Micah 4:10
It hasnot been an easy journey as power came to me that is unappreciated by
religious leaders. The knowledge was pouring from my mouth and the Spirit took
me away into a secluded place to teach me and hold back the knowledge until
it is explained in full. That time has arrived as the world is in dire straits
This website is a full explanation of God's plan and how the Children
of Israel were captured and moulded into perfect spiritual beings
that are ready for the harvest. The great treasure of eternal
spiritual life is theirs now and I am delivering it. This is
the harvest and Babylon is the key to delivering it.
They are free from the yoke and meeting
the Spirit of the Universe as God.
Because [A] is the same as [R], Dagon is as 'Dargon'
or 'Dragon'. His symbol is the fish, the same
as with Jesus Christ. He was styled by
Nebuchadnezzar as his agent
in heaven until his death.
In other words, he
heaven's throne
on behalf of the king.
"And the beast which I saw was
like unto a leopard, and his feet were as t
he feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a l
ion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat,
and great authority." Revelation 13:2
The connection with fish
is possibly
due to
the lanternfish and
other ocean creatures that have
bioluminescence abilities that turn on lights
to ward off predators. Christ, the 'light' of the world.

After establishment, the Vatican appointed Jerome as the doctor
of the church. At the time there were no standards for priests
to follow. He wrote in his diaries and letters that he took
the costumes, festivals, calendar, order of mass,
instruments, and rituals from the Roman
religion for the Catholic church. It ws
the start of Christianity. with no
records of it before
to the 4th CAD.
The people persecuted
by the Romans were the Jews after
Ptolomy sacked Jerusalem and took captives
to Rome. The costumes and symbolism worn by the
Pope is evidence. The instruments also display the bursting sun
on them and it, as Mary, is the main God they pray to. This is
the trap for those who seek to serve God. They use
the same books, say the same prayers,
pray to the same gods, and are
captive by the threat
of Hell.

The Star of Mother Godof Babylon
Nebuchadnezzar used Dagon to proclaim he is Father God
and Dagon is his son through mating with the sun. It is
the story that produced Horus, Bacchus, Apollo,
Moses, and others. It allowed kings to say
that they were 'sons of the sun and the
term 'royal' is from 'r-o-el' which
means 'power of the circle god'.
That is the light that shines
through the hole in
the rock.

The Pope'sMitre Replica of Dagon's
Research showed that the skin of the crucified God-man was worn
by the High Priest. He passed on his messages as the deceased
entered heaven. It is called 'alb', from 'el-b'which means
'god bearing or 'born a god', the intention of crucifixion.
The mitre worn by the Pope is replicated from
the head and skin of a fish, which was the
symbol for Dagon in Babylon. In the
same way the names and titles of
official religious agents were
also copied, such as
bishop, priest,
cardinal ,
the Pope claims
to speak for the crucified god-man.
That makes him a false prophet, but who cares?.
"Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto
you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the
LORD God " Jeremiah 23:16 KJV
Catholic Symbols and the Sun
There is little doubt that the sun remains the God of the
Catholic Church. From the priest's vestments to the
instruments they hold aloft, one sees
the sunburst as its focus.

Symbols Used In Ancient Script
As this diagram shows the symbols were basic logic. They account
for many letters in the alphabet. Circles and crosses are
prominent because of how language started from
the vision of the sun's rays through a hole
in the stone, described elsewhere.
[X] is the same as [k], and
has the same value
as [ch]and [q],
is why 'kirk' is also
'church'. They also equate to (T))
Animals Were Symbolic of Gods
The cow was symbolic of the sun, as Mother God. The horns
and udder may be the reason. The sun's horns are
prominent when it passes an object. Animals
with horns were popular. In some natons
sheep are selectedr. The 'Ram' is
sacrificed in the Jewish
and Muslim
traditions as a gift to the Ewe.
Their offspring, the lamb, is a term for
Jesus Christ, the 'lamb of God'. The word for soul
in Latin is 'anima'. Plato named it 'sol (sun), and 'soul'.
Jesus Christ was supposedly a Jew, which is why the lamb.