Why Reincarnation Was Outlawed by The Vatican

Norma Holt



Reincarnation is a hot topic as ever more people are confronted with it. There are

millions of cases examined by experts who are stunned by the evidence. At

just 2 or 3 years of age, children talk of things they have not heard

of in this life, and much of it is proven by evidence locked in

their memories.  Reincarnation is known of in most

cultures and recorded from thousands of

years ago. The Vatican protected its

heaven and hell agenda of

punishment over


The Spirit, however,

wrote these words about reincarnation

and salvation. The following quote speaks of vessels in

the Potter's hands. You have been grown and cast down, rebuilt

and sent forth again. Each time bringing you closwrr to spiritual perfection.  

"So the poor hath hope, and iniquity stoppeth her mouth. Behold, happy is the man

whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the

Almighty: For he maketh sore, and bindeth up: he woundeth,

and his hands make whole. He shall deliver thee in

six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil

touch thee. In famine, he shall redeem

thee from death: and in war

from the power of the


Thou shalt be

hid from the scourge of the

tongue: neither shalt thou be afraid of

destruction when it cometh. At destruction and famine thou

shalt laugh: neither shalt thou be afraid of the beastsof the earth." Job 5:16-22 KJV

Keys to Heaven

The Vatican claims that it holds the keys to heaven. That is

because it also represents a walled city in the sky. The

one it references is Jerusalem, long considered

to be heaven. The notion of a king and

servants is born of it as stated

in Prophecy.  Its symbol is

a couple of keys

and a king's


The Pope supposedly

represents the king of heaven, and he

is crowned at his coronation. He then claims to

speak for God, and is a false prophet. he makes laws

for the church to follow. He condemns to hell those who deny him.

The New Jerusalem

 The city of Jerusalem was considered to be heaven, which is modelled on that walled city.

The peak was where they saw the sun-star appear and the place of the crucifixion

of godmen  deemed to be Mary's mates. So the sun was adorned

as a bride to meet with them. Marriage stems from this.

“And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem,

coming down from God out of heaven,

prepared as a bride adorned

for her husband.”

Revelation 21:2 KJV

The sun is


the origin of 'marry'.

The men were 'maried' and turned

into gods. Religion cannot escape this mythology. 


The pearly Gates

The notion of pearly gates is based on sunlight

through clouds.  The imagination of artists

enhanced the vision and the Vatican,

which was constructed over the

Temple to Jupiter, use the

European version of

the name 'Peter'

as founder

My Reincarnation Matches That of Others 

My last death was sudden and possibly because I had a new job waiting for me.

When we die it is not the end of life but something passes on. That is the

conscious and subconscious minds, which are part of the Universal

Spirit. For kings to claim they were gods they had to bury this

power, and they did it by producing books that deny

its existence. One of those is the bible, which is

is largely based on mythology born of the

Assyrian and Greek fantasies. The

notion of godship was passed

to men who proved

their power.

That is


many earned

the title of 'great', another term

for 'god'. Wars and battles were chosen proving

grounds as king against king meant god against god.

The winner was the great'. When kings like Nebuchadnezzar and

Constatine, the 2 beasts of Revelation, came to power they had to defeat 

any other power that could undermine them. The most obvious is the Spirit of the

universe, which many reincarnated know exists and are against worship 

of fake gods put up by kings. The Vatican was built by Constantine

as a parliament of bishops to keep his laws of godship in

place. It produced the first Bible with the claim that

men are created in the image of God. That allows

men to become gods, which is in keeping

with the actions of the 2 beasts.

It's why reincarnation has no

place in their thinking as

heaven and hell


their weapons

of persuasion and returning

to life is against that notion. The Vatican

claims it has the keys to heaven, designed on a

walled city in the sky, and it can send anyone to hell. 

In the 1980's I began to speak of my reincarnation on the Internet

through articles and emails. I received death threats and other things. It

made me realise that this was not my time. It demonstrated the thickness and 

impenetrability of the walls of churches. The Spirit, however, is also at work, as in this

video. Any connection to reincarnation has to be outlawed as it is a threat

to the power of the church and its lies about heaven and hell. 


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