The work of the first beast of Revelation

Norma Holt 


 Kings have power over their people and are able to order laws, and how people think and act is under

their control. This form of government started in the early days of civilization and power struggles

are not given to change. Kings master their people by showing their muscle and their 

command over others. Defeating other kings on battlefields and stealing their

wealth and enslaving their people is what makes them appear

great in their nation's eyes.  So as not to be overtaken

and enslaved their people protected their king

and bowed to his command. This is

the power that no king

wants to lose.


a vision I was

shown the start of the 'day of

the Lord', when the king became a god on earth.

Then, some 4,000 years ago the Spirit entered a small group

and filled them with power that rivaled the king. They performed miracles

and had insight and knowledge that threatened him. This sparked a new type of war.

Kings were confronted by a power they could not see, fight, or steal from. They were at risk of

losing everything, which would have been disastrous for civilization. What they didn't know is that the

Spirit-controlled even them and used them as puppets to test its own against the might of an empire. The

harder it got for the children of Israel, the name of God's chosen, the more they were tested. The Spirit

named them the vineyard as it is the place of spiritual growth. A vineyard needs more than

 water for a good crop. It needs nurture, manure, rocks, insects, and regular prunings.

It develops froms grow from cuttings from mature plants, as inreincarnation,

“What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not

done in it? wherefore, when I looked that it should bring

forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes?” isaiah 5:4

The rocks were the hard times they faced under

kings and laws forced on them. The manure

is the fake gods and false doctrines

they were forced to consume.

The insects fertilize and

produce the fruit.


prunings are the

many deaths and reincarnations

 throughout the day, there being seven in all.

"He shall deliver thee in six troubles: Yea, in seven there

shall no evil touch thee. In famine he shall redeem thee from death:

And in war from the power of the sword. Thou shalt be hid from the scourge

of the tongue: Neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction when it cometh. Job 5:19-22

Each trouble means a life and death. In the mix is torture, exile, loss of family, extreme pain,

and murder, along with disease, persecution, and denial of the Spirit.  Thought hey search they were lost.

Man's Power ruled the day.

 At the start of the day of the Lord, 4,000 years ago, the human brain had developed with ideas generated

during the Ice Age and earlier. People were obsessed with the sun as the procreator of life and it was

depicted as a woman giving birth to all life forms. This was what they knew happened to them

and the sun as compared to a human. Kings struggled to overcome the hidden God

that the children of Israel knew existed and whom they obeyed. It was

the dreamers who came up with a solution to make a man

into a god. King  Nebuchadnezzar, ruler of Babylon,

achieved the goal. The prophecy relating to

him explains how he became Father

God. When it was discovered

that men and sex are

the secrets to

making babies

he set himself up as a mate

to Mary, the name of the sun in his religion.

“For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven,

I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon

the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:” Isaiah 14:13 KJV

The power was given to him by the Spirit to achieve this and as he second sun,

he became the father of the crucified 'son of God', of whom he is supposedly the father.

Thou, O King, sawest, and behold a great image: this great image whose brightnesse was excelleut,

stood before thee, and the forme thereof was terrible. This images head was of fine gold, his breast and

his armes of siluer, his belly and his thighes of brasse: His legs of yron, his feete part of yron,

and part of clay.Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote

the image vpon his feete that were of yron and clay, and brake them to pieces.

I too saw this image in a vision that showed the head is the brains,

the mouth, ears, and eyes, and it directs and controls. 

Then was the iron, the clay, the brasse, the siluer,

and the golde broken to pieces together,

and became like the chaffe of the

summer threshing floores,

and the wind caried 

them away, that

no place

was found for

them: & the stone that

smote the image became a great

mountaine, and filled the whole earth.

The mountain means teaching, as in religion.

The head of gold shows that it came from the statue

Nebuchadnezzar was erected f for people to worship. He set it

on the Plains of Dura (endurance) and forced all to worship it or be thrown

into the fire and burned alive,. His breast and his arms of silver represent his spread

throughout the world. and it symbolises his success.  The belly and thighs of brass represent

the era in which he reigned, the Brass Age, while the legs of Iron symbolise the Roman Era and the Iron

age. The feet part iron and part clay represent today's people who are caught between the religion

of the Romans, and that of Babylon, while the Spirit is gathering its people (clay) that

won't mix. The stone cut without hands was shown to me as the one held aloft

with a hole for the sunlight to penetrate and show rainbow-coloured

rings of magic, central to which is the right-angled cross.

This is the dreame, and we will tell the interpretation

thereof before the King. Thou, O King, art

a king of Kings: for the God of heauen

hath giuen thee a kingdome,

power, and strength,

and glory. 



the children of men

dwel, the beasts of the field, and

the foules of the heauen hath he giuen into

thine hand, and hath made thee ruler ouer them all:

thou art this head of gold. And after thee shall arise an other kingdome

inferiour to thee, and another third kingdome of brasse, which shall beare rule ouer

all the earth. And the fourth kingdome shall be strong as yron: forasmuch as yron breaketh in

pieces and subdueth all things; and as yron that breaketh all these, shall it breake in pieces and bruise.

After the Babylonian Empire of Nebuchadnezzar came that of the Persians, then the Grerks, the

Egyptians and the fourth one is that of the Romans, which is still flourishing as Chrstianity.

And whereas thou sawest the feete and toes, part of potters clay, and part of yron:

the kingdome shalbe diuided, but there shalbe in it of the strength of the

yron, forasmuch as thou sawest the yron mixt with myrie clay.

Christianity is the iron that is the  strength of the

Romans and governed by the Vatican.

It is many divided nations,

many of whom


against each other

but keep the faith, as the

Spirit has given it the power to do so.

We are now at the next phase when those e of Israel,

that is the children of the Spirit, are leaving conventional Christianity

and other faiths and collecting in new groups to worship the power of God

And as the toes of the feete were part of yron, and part of clay; so the kingdome shall

be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest yron mixt with myrie clay, they

shall mingle themselues with the seede of men: but they shall not cleaue one to an other, euen as yron is

not mixed with clay. Daniel 4:38-43.

It states that while kings reign the kingdom set up by Nebuchadnezzar will never be destroyed. It's

governed by religion that worships him as Father God and his crucified son (sun). Kings

rely on his ways and the strength they provide them for control. They are head of

their religion, as the King of England is over the Anglican Church, and

the Pope is king over the Catholic Church. They promote the

Father God and preserve the yoke of iron on

 the necks of all in the form of Hell.

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