Norma Holt

Harvesting the Crop

My Commission is to Harvest The young

They are the young in Spirit. Those who are venturing into groups where they are

experiencing the Spirit for the first time.  They are the young shoots

that sprang forth after the dam's wall was cracked and

water started spreading over parched ground.

The seed was there waiting to sprout

and the plants grew and

became strong


are now ready

to harvest. That means they

can be told the TRUTH, which is the sickle

in my hand. They are ready and waiting for the arrival

of the one who will show them the way and take them to their God

The World Is In Crisis As We Approach the End.

Panic is driving the masses. Extreme heat, plague; the onset of WW3; super fires,

super floods, devastating earthquakes, cyclones, and extinction of

species at an unprecedented rate means one thing -

The world as we know it is ENDING.

the Spirit is angry.


The robbers 

stole God'schildren of

Israel who have been put through hell

on earth to be restored to their heritage and link.

In a vision a man on a cross stood in front of me and called

my name, Norma, I saw his face and the pain on it, which reflected

horror; loss; devastation;. separation; and the question WHY? He lifted his head and

said, "TAKE ME OFF THE CROSS". The look on his face was devastating because

that's how people see and worship God.  One can never forget

the pain and the suffering for it is in the faces of all.

They are put through the merciless

threats, torture, torment,

and  pain  to


an image of a lie.

God was NEVER on a cross but the

Spirit had to be seen as a man to win back the

children who were stolen by deception, but they must now receive

the TRUTH, which is the sickle of the harvest. Those who accept it will be saved.

"And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life  . . ." Revelation13:8


We have lived seven lives and this is the last. Each life improved the crop. When I

was shown the start of the day when the Spirit poured out over a group

that is called Israel, I saw that it is 'eye of light-powerful god'.


It allowed the false gods and prophets

to steal its people and nurture

them through their many

lives. Each life  was

filled with

desperation and

loss as there was no help

or mercy. Their pain worsened as 

they tried to contact the Spirit, which was 

in hiding: It did this so that the children would not suffer

the pain of retribution by religions that punished them horribly

with religious lies and worship of false prophets. They were ordered to pay

when they refused to worship the fake gods. So it became the image to attract them

Inside they knew it was wrong but they had no choice as society turned against

them. Even their own children would turn them in to church authorities.

 In . . . wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with

everlasting kindness will I have mercy on

thee, saith God . . .  Isaiah 54:8

The Spirit gave Israel

to the robbers 

as each


brought them

closer to perfection with

more strength, wisdom,  and perfection through 

reincarnation. They were given life and then broken down to start agin,

Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening

of the Almighty: For he maketh sore, and bindeth up: he woundeth, and his

hands make whole. He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea,

in seven there shall no evil touch

thee." Job 5:17-19


Religions seek the inheritance for Israel, and they pretend to

have it. They falsify their power, claiming gifts of the Spirit,

and healing power and a link to God, which is false. As

those of Israel are caught in religious lies. To 

restore them the Spirit, in its wisdom,

has used the churches to allow

its people to hear the

name 'Jesus'



By so doing IT

is in contact with them and

their hunger for more has grown until

they leave that church and join groups where

the Spirit is active. This has created the 'falling away'

predicted to occur at this time.  With advances in science and

exploration of the universe, questions about who has the

TRUTH has caused many to tuen away from leaders

who claim that the Bible is the Word of God. 

Because of blindness it has driven

many to stop believing in a

higher power, and they

are lost. Israel is


from within

as the Spirit leads

them in other ways to return.  

“Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel

to the robbers? did not GOD,  against whom we

have sinned? for they would not walk in God's ways,

neither were they obedient unto

the law.” Isaiah 42:25



We are at the end of the day 

of the Lord. The beasts were given a certain time to

chastise and regrow the spiritual people, who have proven their worth

by seeking the Spirit and withdrawing from conventional religions. The 'day of the

lord' came to me in a vision as a line stretching into the distance.  From

me came an exceedingly bright light that arched over it

to the beginning and the outpouring

of the Spirit at the


of the day. In

the middle was NOON 

written in large capital letters

and there was the man on a cross  and people

reaching to him for healing. This lie brought about the

darkness of the afternoon and the loss of connection with the Spirit. 

The darker the day became the more they sought the TRUTH. Now they have seen

the light of the Spirit and they want more. They are about to receive it. 

"The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light:

they that dwell in the land of the shadow of

death, upon them h

ath the light


Isaiah 9:2 


The prophecies tell it but the

religious leaders ignore it. Climate change is

moving the earth in one direction as the world is getting hotter.

Fires are burning globally and food crops, animals, insects, and plants, are

dying. We will see the extinction of animals, plants, insects, and all life will follow.

"For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all

the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble:

and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith

God, that it shall leave them neither

root nor branch.”Malachi 4:1

Add to that 

a major


that has

already started

“And at the time of the end

shall the king of the south push at

him: and the king of the north shall come against him

like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with

many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.” Daniel 411:40

These kings are nations. Those of the North are mostly Christian while those of the

South are Muslim. The invasion of Israel is the start of the conflict and

already armies and navies are mobile with ships lined

up to take action.  The end will

be sudden.



It is this TRUTH that is now flowing through

the Internet to the world. God is speaking to all with one

voice. Removing the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar and freeing the young of

my commission, As I am fulfilling the plan of God by restoring the light of the

Spirit, they who have received the TRUTH, and give up the fake gods will be

rewarded with their inheritance. and power will increase enormously

over the children of Israel. This is the buried treasure.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their

eyes; and there shall be no more death,

 neither sorrow, nor crying, neither

shall there be any more

pain: for the former

things are

passed away. Revelation 21:1

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