The World Encased in Black

Norma Holt

The World Encased in Black


The Spirit took me to great depths to understand the mysteries of God and how we are

misled ad fooled by religious dogma that is killing the planet and all life on it.

In a vision, I was lifted high above the earth and saw it encased

in thick back goo that nothing could penetrate

Within it all I saw the Spirit's anger

It shows in the faces and

actions of people


Confusion and

anger is born of the lies and

the corruption that is glossed over and tolerated

for the sake of an unstable peace. Criminals are in control and drugs

camouflage pain and bury the reality of a doomed world. Money has replaced

the Spirit as God and everything revolves around it. It's manmade power that has no

source other than the earth and nature. It is manufactured by the destruction of

both. It was invented by the first beast and imposed by the second beast

who used it to enforce worship of his god, Jesus Christ, and the cross.

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,

or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

Revelation 13:17 KJV

This made money more important than God and

life.  Laws are formed around it while one's

status is governed by it, and family's

dependent on it. One is judged

according to his wealth

or lack of it.

Poverty became a

whip for control of the masse. 

who are forced into servitude to masters.

This shift gave me the power of a god. Their religion

was working for them. The richer they became the more power they

gave to it. They paid it handsomely, built bigger and better churches, bowed

to the dummies on parade, and only hired people who attended church. This is still

the same in many organisations today. Companies whose executives believe religious lies

are averse to hiring people of a different faith. Racial and religious discrimination

started because of money and greed. It persists for the same reason and

slavery, wars, hate, and other things came from it. The wealthy had

permission to do the worst cruelty in the name of God, whom

the church claims to represent, by Papal decrees that

permitted the genocide of native groups.

This has not been overturned.

"Romanus pontifex,

papal bull

of Pope

 Nicolas V,

Portugal, 8 January 1455, 

courtesy of the Arqivo Nacional da

Torre do Tombo, Lisbon, Portugal. This papal bull 

legally granted Portugal the right to enslave any and all people

they encounter south of Cape Bojador, on the coast of Western Sahara, cited Wikepaedia

The papal bull is supposedly the message fri the bull' on the cross, that is Jesus Christ,

for whom the Pope speaks. This what Constantine, the seond beast, put in place.

"And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image

of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would

not worship the image of the beast nnshould be killed."

Revelation 13:15 KJV

Popes at that time were appointed by kings and

Chrlemagne had even appointed his brother

into the role. This ensured thta kings

were the law with the man on the

cross, speaking for them. They

were the undisputed head,

of the church witht

he one acting to

protect the 


When Thomas

O'Becket, The Archhbishop

of Canterbury fauled to follow Henry V!!!,

who brok from the Vatican and formed the Curch of England,

He was killed as the King coould not have a churc h in opposition to their rule.

Controlling the masses and keeping all believimg in the fake gods is vital for their power.

This is responsible for the dark world, which is fast approaching its end as the Spirit 

regans control and peope are turning to it for answers. That is the light

that comes from this work and whis is promised to appear

at the end of the day of the Lord, where we are now.

I saw its name is written as false gods,

who are responsible for the

destruction of the


corruption, terrorism, wars,

and everything else that has darkened

the world and taken away the light. In a vision I

was lifted high above the planet and saw it encased in

thick black goo that nothing could penetrate. Suddenly a bright white

light shot out like an arrow from me and it penetrated the black goo spinning quickly

around the world underneath it, while expanding outwards. As the light 

expanded it broke the black into pieces that drifted off into space 

leaving behind the beautiful blue planet. The Spirit made

it known why. In a vision, rolls of food was cooked

to perfection when a hand appeared with

a slotted spoon. It lifted the beautiful

food and tippedit into a toilet

full of human excreta

It cooked together

For 3 weeks

I begged to be shown

what the vision meant. Then I read:

“And thy meat which thou shalt eat shall be by 

weight, twenty shekels a day: from time to time shalt

thou eat it. And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt

bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight.”Ezekiel 4:10,12 KJV

The food that God's children are eating is not only the Bible but the things of the world, that

are part of the dreams of the two beasts, which include celebrity; fashion; tattoos;

games; movies;  politics; social media; and everything else of addiction.

“Lo, thou trustest in the staff of this broken reed, on Egypt; whereon 

if a man lean, it willgo into his hand, and pierce it: so is 

Pharaoh king of Egyptto to all that trust in him.”

Isaiah 36:6 KJV

The Spirit took me on a learning spree and years of study

First, the Bible to separate out the contamination.

Men changed God, the Spirit of the Universe,

into a man whom they could kill to

make it an equal to them

The fiction extends

to a virgin


-   impossible by scientific

evidence, and the laws of inheritance.

The Pharoah was Islamic and the 'Son of the Sun' speaks for it.

This was brought into Egypt by the Amors of Babylon, who carried the religion into Europe

"When Israel was a child, then I loved him and called my son out of Egypt." Hosea 11:1

At the start of the day God created Israel from a group who received the Spirit.

They were then presented with the images and religion of Islam,

which they adopted. This is told when Judah

sold Joseph into Egypt as a servant

and he rose to become


of it.

". . . and they drew and

lifted up Joseph out of the pit,

and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty

pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt." Genesis 37:28

This is the story repeated in the New Testament for the sale of Jesus Christ, who was

supposedly sold by a Jew into the hands of his enemy.  It's the story of

Christianity that was born of Islam. Jerome, who doctored

the Catholic Church took from the books of the Jews

and the Septuagint as the Old Testament.

He noted in his diaries how

he changed it


made it align with

the virgin birth and the Trinity. The

Spirit did this to test the people of Israel who were

forbidden to worship statues or icons. How many of them can

turn away from religious lies and the things of the world to obey the Spirit?

“The tabernacles of robbers prosper, and they that  provoke

God are secure; into whose hand God

bringeth abundantly.”

Job 12:6 KJV

The black goo comprises the corruption of the

creation and man's desire for power; knowledge and the role of a god,

whom they usurp. Man has become the great enemy of TRUTH, which he replaced wth

lies. How do educated ministers of religion who know that virgin births are

impossible and that creation didn't happen in

seven days, stick by the bible as


They push the dung of man down

the throats of their congregations and can't

see through the fog of confusion they generate. They are

hooked to the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar, and their livelihood depends on it.

They preach about life continuing in heaven and the return of Jesus Christ, which is at the

heart of the black goo. The Spirit, however, is winning the war, and people are

listening to it. They know that religions are wrong and are

searching for the right answers. The Pastors

ignore these warnings.

“Your new moons and your appointed feasts

my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.”  Isaiah 1:14

The Prophet Isaiah, and others, who wrote in Prophecies, were, like me, in touch with the

Spirit. They had the mind of God and spoke what was given to them. Visions

and prophesies from them foretold of Climate change,

super fires, super floods, homes destroyed,

millions on the march, famine,

starvation, and

WW iii

“Who gave Jacob for a spoil,

and Israel to the robbers? did not the Spirit, he

against whom we have sinned? for they would not walk

in his ways, neither were they obedient unto his law.” Isaiah 42:24

Parents send their children off to school to learn about the world and

to get educatedinto the ways of the good and bad and make choices as adults.

The children of Israel had to learn the difference between religion and spirituality.

They have to choose what is right for them.  Only the connected will choose the Spirit.

Visions showed me the end of the day in the mid-1980s and they were published and sent

to leaders. None responded, which showed me how dark and ignorant they are.

“And the slain of God shall be at that day from one end of the earth 

even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be

lamented, neither gathered nor buried; they shall

be dung upon the ground.” Jeremiah 25:33 KJV

The Spirit is angry and is destroying it

Prophecies warned mankind but

They were deaf o it

And (God)

saw that there was no man,

and wondered that there was no intercessor:

Isaiah 59:16


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