Why Kings Get Crowned

 Norma Holt

The Crown is the Circle Cross Symbol

In a vision I was shown the circle/cross as a sign that came through a hole in a stone held aloft to catch

the rays of the rising sun.  As the light penetrated the hole it divided into rainbow-colored rings 

with perpetual motion.  Central to them at daw is the right-angled cross. This energy

was taken to be the great God, and stones with holes became sacred symbols.

The image, called the Eye', gave the term 'i-r-i-s' meaning 'eye of power-

eye of light. Men were thought to pass through the hole,

on their way to become gods in heaven. Kings are

crowned with the circle/cross as a sign

that they become Father Gods, in

after Nebuchadnezzar,

king of Babylon,



The crown

worn by Charles

is a circle above which the

cross stands. men died on crosses to

pass through the circle in the stone and become a

mate to the sun. While it sounds bizarre to modern ears the

traditions of the monarchy were born from mythology. To gain control

over their people kings had to become gods and their word law. In early times

kings honoured those who could change the nature of God to enable them to be seen as

such. In the Assyrian Empire, such men included Gilgamesh, who was a teller of such dreams. 

Some of the Old Testament was taken from his tales, such as that men are created in the image of God.

As it was the sun Plato posited that we are born as 'suns' or 'sols', the Greek word for sun'.

Jerome, who compiled the New Testament on the orders of the Vatican, changed

'sol' to 'soul'. The notion of a king as the father god in heaven stems from

the era of Nebuchadnezzar, the first beast of Revelation.


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