What Is Spiritual Healing?

Norma Holt

spiritual power through the hands

The Spirit Heals Its Own

My experience of spiritual power is extensive. It swells inside with a glow

that starts inside me and seeps throughout the body as a channel.

The power runs through my hands with energy that enters

the one being healed. Usually, the Spirit leads me to

such a one after they pray to the Spirit for

healing, or cry out in desperate need. 

The spiritual people of God are

identified by their link

to the Spirit

It knows its people

and when they are in trouble and cry

out then they are heard. Their conversation

with God is private but the Spirit uses its messengers

to get to them. It sent me to the hospital to seek out patients who

had begged for help. On one of these occasions as I passed a door it told me

to go in. There were only 2 beds and one was a woman who appeared

to be OK. In the next an elderly lady was sitting on a chair. I

approached her and said 'Jesus sent me. She said;

"I was praying because I am in so much pain."

The power was strong for her and the

following day she went home.

The Spirit within also

connects us to

each other and we feel it.

I have felt it when I pass someone

in the street.  I have been led to them in shopping

centers and them to me. That's what it means to be of the

family of Jesus. It's when they are broken and have nowhere else to turn

that they look inside themselves to find the TRUTH. Pain is the trigger for it.

 The ones who pray to fake gods, and worship idols are not healded.

Many are healed who are in jail, or who have lost loved ones,

or their homes, or suffered from something else. 

“The people that walked in darkness

have seen a great light: they

that dwell in the land

of the shadow

of death,

upon them hath

the light shined.” Isaiah 9:2 KJV

Healed By The Spirit

The Spirit said

"Pray for Lindy Chamberlain" 

She was jailed for over 2 years for the

death of her baby, she protested her innocence

and said, "A dingo took my baby". Within 2 hours of

releasing her in Jesus' name a man fell off the monolith and

landed beside the matinee jacket the baby wore.

It proved her innocence and she

walked free from jail

 Lindy and Michael outside coutrt house

The Phone Book Fell from the table and lay open on the floor

it was open at a list of churches and 2 names stood out. When I phoned them.

The first one made an appointment to see me that afternoon at 2 pm.

With no idea what I would say to him I set off with bible

in hand. The power was strong as I drove and

arrived at his door. We exchanged

names and he offered coffee.

When I announced that

God sent me

tears ran down his cheeks.

He was contemplating suicide because

he was opposed to his role and felt that what he

was doing in the church was wrong but he did not know how

to escape it. In desperation, he asked God if 'he' was real to send someone.

Upon leaving the house on the way to the meeting the Spirit said "Take some bread". 

I put a slice in some plastic wrap in my pocket. After we had spoken for some time he asked

me what is Spirit. My hand pulled out the bread. I broke a little piece off and showed

it to him as a representation of an individual. But it is of the same substance

as the whole. When it is rejoined it moulds together in harmony. That

is what the Universal Spirit is. We, who are linked, are part

of the whole and we rejoin, even after separation

from it.  Those not made of the same 

cannot join it. When separated

individuals are

contaminated by the

world and religious views. They

wander aimlessly and during their separation

are attacked by disease, loss, stress, and such.  It's only

when they return from the evil and seek the Spirit it washes them

clean through baptism into Jesus' name, and they are healed and receive spiritual

gifts, which is their inheritance. Religion cant do this when they have to keep the Trinity or

other false gods. They may imitate the baptism but it will have no effect. It was

his baptism of babies into the Trinity which so repelled this minister that

he considered suicide. He still could not walk away from his church,

however, and called another minister to baptise him. That is

 the strength of the wall that exists and is to be broken

down. It was not the only time the Spirit sent

me to someone with this request

village destroyed by earthquake

 Pray for Lady Named Maria

That was the extent of the message except

for feeling she was in South America.

Two days later a neTV ws report

showed an 81-year-old

lady named Maria

being pulled

up from


rubble of her

home after 3 weeks of burial

following an earthquake in Omara,

Ecuador. The Spirit witnessed this was hern.

Pray for Brian Gore

The message was brie and urgent. His case made

global headlines when imprisoned by Marcos,

in 1981. As a missionary, he protested 

the injustice in the Philippines. 

Two days later the radio

came on with a


"Brian Gore to be released from prison".

Brian Gore freed from jail

Astra Travel is A Miracle

While seated at my desk I experienced this on several occasions. On one such

journey I was suddenly in a jail cell in the USA. It was death row and I w

as holding the hands of a man soon be executed.  Within hours,

another man came forward and confessed to his crime.

This saw several states overturn the death

penalty as it was obvious they were

executing innocent people.

It sounds incredible

but how many


do people remark

on how they were saved by a

"guardian angel'? It is the Spirit working through me. 

The Spirit Put me In the Right Place to Make Changes

There were many times when the Spirit used me to bring about changes in policies and laws.

Encouraged to join the Liberal Party, that of the government, in my early twenties,

It led me to the presidency of 3 branches and as the delegate to Sate and

Federal Conventions. It then used me to speak out aout injustices

and I became friends with many politicians and Prime

Ministers. At the Federal Convention, it spoke

through to end the White Australia

Policy. It prevented people of

color from entering the

country and First


people from being

citizens in their own land. This shift

in policy has allowed God's people to enter. 

“Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and

gather them from the coasts of the earth, and with them the blind

and the lame, the woman with child and her that travaileth with child together:

a great company shall return thither.” Jeremiah 31:8 KJV

She was Stranded and Pursued in Turkey

In a shopping centre, the Spirit pointed

to a lady and told me to speak to

her. She  recently arrived

from Iran and she



Her husband

approached and said it

was good I was talking to her as

she had no friends in Australia. Over the following

weeks, she spoke of her mother who was stranded in

Turkey and while being pursued by the police. The family escaped

during the revolution when the 12-year-old brother was under threat of death.

Many had tried to get the mother out but were unsuccessful. After I contacted the Prime

minister's office she was given a visa. On her way to the airport, she had a

stroke and was paralyzed on her left side. Finally, in Australia,

I touched her. Instantly the arm that was paralysed

shot up over her head and she was healed.

She then told me that when in Turkey

she saw the name Jesus, although

she is a Moslem. It doesn't

matter the race or

creed if they

are of


family of Jeus.

man leaping after being healed

Miracles Happening Globally

When the TRUTH flows to the world many will be healed.

The world is in great darkness and people are screaming out for help

“Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in

the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.” Isaiah 35:6

It took some time before I knew what the visions of the water in the

desert and the dam wall breaking down meant. It makes sense

now with insights into how the little groups of spiritual 

people gathered together and called on God and

 were filled with power. Others saw it and

joined in. Thus the trickle is now

 a stream. The water behind

the dam is the Spirit

and the power.


it flows over

the parched earth, which

is those who were denied their link

by religion.  The light is shining bright and the 

children of Israel are seeing it and gathering together.

Only the Spirit heals and makes things right. Its people are channels

for its work, and I am a channel the Spirit is using to speak out

The Spirit is the only mighty power in the universe

and all of creation. It is the TREASURE buried

by Nebuchadnezzar and kept

hidden by Constantine.

the 2 beasts. 

In a

vision  I saw

lines of people waiting

to be baptized into Jesus. They were

waiting by rivers and lakes to be cleansed and brought

back to the light, which is their inheritance. This work is from the Spirit

which has used me as the last messenger to bring in the harvest.

But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when

she shall begin to sound, the mystery of God

should be finished, as God hath

declared to the servants

the prophets.

Revelation 10:7 KJV

These words cannot be interpreted

by those who are in the dark. That factor has

preserved the inheritance for the children who are in the light.

“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, 

it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20 KJV

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