Who is Elijah?

Norma Holt


The Prophet Called on God to Send Fire

The story of Elijah is a prophecy for this time. He gathered the prophets of Baal to

assemble on Mount Carmel. That name is from 'X-r-m-el' and it relates to the

religions born of Babylon, which is all of them, They are assembled on

the Internet, which is Mount Zion, and they are hereby called

upon to prove their gods are real. If so their gods should

work miracles and show their power to heal.

The Sun of Righteousness

What is Mount Zion?

“But in the last days, it shall come to

pass, that the mountain of the house of the 

'Spirit' shall be established in the top of the mountains,

and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.” Micah 4:1

We are in the last days and the highest mountain is the Internet and all are flowing

to it. It's how God can speak to the world and bring all religious and other

followers to examine the false gods and to decide on who is the

real one. The fake gods are propped up by statues, icons,

and festivals, to say nothing of repeated prayers and

ongoing devastation, poverty, and wars. 

Fthers carrying their dead children in Gaza

The bombs grow bigger, better targeted,

and more devastating as fathers carry their dead children 

 These fathers will still go to the Mosque and make obeisance and worship their god

Alla. WHY? The Muslim world suffers horrendous hardship as overpopulation,

lack of jobs, poverty, and war strike at its heart.  Mass migration kills 

thousands on a yearly basis. In countries like Jordan and Shri

Lanka, tens of thousands are housed in absolute poverty

as they flee persecution and murderous regimes.

Ordered to produce as many children as

possible, there is no end to the bad

and worsening situations

they face.

Thousands Dead In Sudan's War

Muslims are slaughtered in Sudan as the war against rivals continues.  With no end

in sight, millions have fled to neighboring countries as their villages are

burned to the ground, their children are left behind to be raped

or murdered with some recruited to fight and the number

of dead pile up. So where is their God Alla?

Tens of Thousands Dead in Ukraine/Russian War

Both sides have the same God, Jesus Christ. These Christians worship the same

gods, festivals, and icons, and say the same prayers, but where is their

God to save them. After a year of fighting the situation is growing

worse and getting more out of control,. Entire cities are

devastated, homes are lost as winter sets in again.

Infrastructure is damaged, blackouts

commonplace, food shortages,

and ever more people

die, or crippled for

life including


Global Devastation as Fires Burndown Cities

No country is immune to this kind of devastation. Entire cities are burning down as

people flee and experience homelessness and loss of life. Countless numbers

of animals are lost, food resources are dwindling as agricultural land

is wiped out. Every year the global temperature rises and

2023 is the hottest ever recorded Fossil fuels are

blamed but the Spirit left us a message.

"For, behold, the day cometh,

that shall burn as an

oven; and all

the proud,


and all that

do wickedly, shall be stubble:

and the day that cometh shall burn them up,

saith the 'Spirit', that it shall leave them neither root nor branch."

Malachi 4:1 KJV

Rising Sea Levels Threaten Cities

There are few major cities that will not be impacted by rising seas. Global warming

has seen the temperature of the oceans rise with devastating loss of sea life,

and coastal areas. Mankind has no solution as our lifestyle can't and

won't change. Money is the core of how we live and to make it

industries are burning the planet. As those of all religions

pray out to their God to save them and improve

their lives things only get worse. The Spirit

does not hear them because they

are not speaking to it. 

This evil people,


refuse to hear

my words, which walk in

the imagination of their heart, and

walk after other gods, to serve them, and to 

worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is

good for nothing.  Jeremiah 13:10 KJV

In a Vision, the Day Appeared

A line was dran out in fron ot me and along it were crowds of people. At the far end

it said EVE. In the middle was NOON and where I stood it said EVENING. A

bright light suddenly shot out from me and arched over the line

to the far end. In the middle, a man on a cross stood above a

large crowd and he was in darkness,as were the

people reaching up to him. It makes the day

4,000 years long and shows we are at

the end of it. This is the time

of the evening sacrifice. 

The Spirit of the Universe is GOD

The Spirit promised that at the end of the day

Elijah would return. This has happened as you are called

upon to make a choice. Who do you think is God? Wheredoes the

power come from? Is it from the fake gods of religion? Or is it from the

Spirit that created all things, and prophecied everything that is now happening.

"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and

dreadful day of the Lord:" malachi 4: 5 KJV  And Elijah came unto

all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two

opinions? if the "Spirit"  be God, follow 'it':

but if Baal, then follow him. And

the people answered him not

a word. 1Kings 18:21 KJV

Its yourr call now.

Who do


think is God?

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