The Family of Jesus

Norma Holt 


A family unit

The Name is The Family of Jesus

Religion and the Spirit do not go together. God has called its children out of conventional

religion and into groups where they are waiting for the call-up. They are in the light

and raising their hands in worship of something that has recently come to

them. They have not known nor understood it because they were

blinded and deafened to anything of the TRUTH. As they

receive the power of God they have a new name.

They are not Christian but members of

the Family of Jesus

“And the

Gentiles shall see thy

righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou

shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Spirit shall name.  Isaiah 62:2 KJV 

Humans built their Faith around What they know

Heaven is designed around the family unit with a Father God, Mother God, Mary and the

offspring,  the Son of God. Christianity is based on this format that was started

in Babylon. and adopted by Constantine for his religion, the Roman

Catholic Church, which he established in 325 AD. He took the

formulae from Nebuchadnezzar and made the Christ

the object of worship. He instated Mary, the

sun, as the Mother of God, and so

kept her followers loyal to

what he did. 


the woman was

arrayed in purple and scarlet

colour, and decked with gold and precious

stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full

of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:” Revelation 17:4

fertility of an egg

A Virgin Birth is Impossible

Unbeknown to the Church fathers at that time,

conception requires the presence of chromosomes

from 2 parents. They carry the genetic

information without which a

baby cannot develop.


The images supposedly of her are simple and she wears a

hijab, in the way of Islam, as with Catholic nuns. Not

like anyone in particular as 'she' has no specific

features and are based on a  formula used

for the making of dolls. To worship

the image is idolatry, which

the Vatican ignores.

The heart was


to be the soul

becuase it pulsates and

can reflect light when first removed from

the body. It was compared to the image of the sun's rays

through the stone and the pulsating rings they

create. It's power was used by the Aztecs

and Maya who ripped it from living

men and burnt it on a briar

to strengthen the sun

by its rising


artist impression of virgin mary
a dolls face

Moulded to Look Beautiful

People are taken in by beauty. This doll has a face to draw

sympathy and is appealing in its gaze. It could be

anyone, just as with the images of Mary.

Statues of idols are created by

the Vatican for credibility

of its claims and

for worship.


the residue

thereof he maketh a god, 

even his graven image: he falleth down

unto it, and worshippeth it, and prayeth unto it,

and saith, Deliver me; for thou art my god.”Isaiah 44:17 KJV

Idols Come in Many Forms

The world is full of idols. Every one of them is an abomination to the Spirit, starting with

things like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and celebrities. Inventions like money,

and even buildings that are marveled at are idols. For those of Israel

wanting to rejoin their link to the Spirit, they must discipline

themselves against the idos and things of

the world, like festivals. 

Coming to the Fullness of the Spirit

For those who have no experience of it, they will struggle to understand what it is

about the Spirit that they are missing.  It's more than a magnificent feeling

as it's also the light of knowledge, the strength of power, the link to

the God of the Universe, and the most incredible experience

of healing. It is the treasure of Israel that was saved

until this time. It is the gits that many have

tried to steal, hide, or destroy.

And it shall be in that day, 

that living waters

shall go


from Jerusalem;

half of them toward the former

sea, and half of them toward the hinder

sea: in summer and in winter shall it be.” Zechariah 14:8

As noted beforehand, a vision showed me the day as the start of

spiritual Israel at dawn and then the return of the Spirit in the Evening.

The Spirit is ready to flood the world with power so all will see that it alone is God.  

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