A Snare in the Ground and A Trap in the Way

by Norma Holt 


Snare to catch out thte beasts of Revelation

The Spirit Laid Traps to Catch out The 2 Beasts

Over the last 2 millennia, since Constantine put up the image of Jesus Christ, there

have been many scientific and earthly discoveries.  These prove the

Bible is a composition of mythology and facts. Much of the

Old Testament is based on the Gilgamesh epic

and other writings by dreamers.

They had no

knowledge of genetics; the

size of space; the position of the planets,;

the depth of the ocean; the countries beyond their shores;

the different races; or even how babies are conceived.  In the fashion

of the day they invented suppositions and if the majority accepted them they

became traditions passed on to future generations as stories from the dreamtime.

The Trinity Gods of Babylon

Hearing a preacher describe the Trinity is like listening to a

fairytale. you wonder how an educated grown man can

swallow the bait and not be caught out.  The image

shows a king, with Isis, the sun, and their

son, Horus, which comes from

'Or-i-s' or 'sun-eye

of light'.

Trinity of Babylon
Three aspects of the sun

Three Aspects of the Sun

The sun has three aspects that we see from Earth.

The dreamers made them into the Trinity.

They are 1) the shae, 2) the energy,

3) the light. Observers did

not understand the


nor that it is gas,

reacting through nuclear fusion.  

The Wedding of the Sun and Moon

One can easily see how the wedding ring came about. The

sun was Mary in Babylon and men were 'married' when they

mated with it. The wedding ring is worn by a wife

as a sign that she is 'mary', the sun. Marriage

is a power of religion and forces

couples to take vows to

the sun-god 

eclipse of the sun

Wedding of the Son and Sun

A woman dresses as the sun surrounded by white clouds.

She carries flowers to show its Spring, and her

confetti as falling petals. Spring in the

Northern Hemisphere is in March,

marked by the Equinox.

 'Ma-r-x' is the origin

of 'March


it means 'mother's

powerful cross. Men were sacrificed

on the day of Equinox to mary with the sun,

which was the Eye Star (Easter). Christianity cannot escape

from this, as it is from the dreams of men who stick with it.

The Trap is Sprung 

“The snare is laid for him in the ground, and a trap for him in the way.”

The organizations whose practices are based on the dreams of

men are cohorts of the two beasts. The traps were set

thousands of years ago because this

is the plan of God.


I could say a

word regarding the visions and

knowledge given to me the Spirit sent me

to university to undertake courses in archaeology, linguistics,

philosophy, and anthropology. Under the shield of academia, I  traced Constantine's

marker genetics to the Assyrian race, from whence came his religion. I

examined evidence of past lives dating back several millennia,

disproving the creation story. I saw how philosophers

produced a 'son' of the 'sun' in the form of a man

to speak for the Mother God. Then  Plato

who posited that we have a 'soul'

'(sol = sun)' within us. Jerome,

the doctor of the Catholic

Faith used that as

a whip to


converts and

lock them in. His diaries and

letters reveal that he was appointed by Damisus,

Bishop of Rome, to write the New Testament for the fledgling church.

He noted that he translated the Septuagint from Greek and added to it while also

changing many things. It was ordered by Alexandria thorough Ptolomy, his

Satrap (Governor) of Egypt. The latter appointed

70mmen (septagint) to compile it.

And he said unto me,

Go in, and





that they do here. So

I went in and saw; and behold every 

form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and

all the idols of the house of Israel, (Judah), pourtrayed upon the wall

round  about. And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the

house of Israel, Judah and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan,

with every man his censer in his hand; and a thick cloud of incense went up. 

Ezekiel 8:9-11 KJV

 This describes the seventy men who put together the Sepuaginct. 

It notes their sources follows plus God's condemnation.

And he brought me into the inner court

of the LORD'S house, and,

behold, at the


of the temple of

the LORD, between the porch

and the altar, were about five and twenty men,

with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces

toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east. Ezekiel 8:16

This proves that the stories in the Serptuaginct were derived from sun worship and, therefore, Babylon. It contained the Gilgamesh Epic and other mythologies

from the Persian Empire. They supported those of Nebuchadnezar.

“And now have I given all these lands into the hand of

Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my

servant; and the beasts of the

field have I given him

alsoto serve him.”

Jeremiah 27:6 KJV


had a certain

time to rule over the earth

before being destroyed and the TURTH  revealed. 

The steps of his strength shall be straitened, and his own

counsel shall cast him down. For he is cast into a net by his own feet,

and he walketh upon a snare. The gin shall take him by the heel, and the

robber shall prevail against him. 10The snare is laid for him in the

ground, and a trap for him in the way. Job 18;10 KJV

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