The Children of Israel 

Norma Holt

Israel According to Prophesy

The Bible is a corrupted document and many

prophecies were made into stories that are considered

historical events. Scribes of the past configured them according

to their knowledge and imagination.  They added to and changed parts to

suit religious agendas, and preachers fail to understand their truth. Confused by

the New Testament that overrides them, and in which many are repeated in a different light,

they do not see that God's people are not the Jews or the country they occupy but those

called Israel are the vineyard of God. They are the source of spiritual growth and 

were entered into the Book of Life with the first outpouring of the Spirit at

the start of the Day of the Lord. They stand apart from the crowd

because they have power with God. They are gentle, kind,

and caring and seeking more of the Spirit. They

await their final call which is the harvest.

As the young of my commission,

they must unblock their

ears and come


from the lies

Tear down the wall

of churches, go out to the

people, and bring back the young.

To understand it took years of learning and

input from the Spirit. Visions showed me the meaning

but they had to be proven. I was shown the day and the two

outpourings of the Spirit. The first at the beginning was Eve, from 'I-v'

or 'eye of life', or 'living eye', because it fills one with light. It was first poured over

a group called 'a-d-a-m' or 'power fed by powerful mother', that is the sun. As the first

recipients were sun worshippers they received instructions on preserving their new power. 

That outpouring was called Manessah ('man's light of power') and the second one,

is Ephram ('eye-born of the ram'), where 'ram' covers modern faiths born of the

'lamb' of God. The two offspring of Joseph (the son of Jacob who was

first called Israel.) 'Sun' and 'son' have the same word meaning

'strong light'. It was withheld until the end of the day to

preserve the inheritance. The Spirit said it will 

restore it to its people at day's end.

The length of it was shown

in a vision as 4,000

years and we

are at the


which is

called evening. 

In a vision, the light poured

forth from me as the return of the

Spirit, which is recognised as God only

by Christians who have received the power of the

Holy Spirit and speak in tongues. This follows baptism

into Jesus by immersion. These are the children of the Family

of Jesus, whom I am delivering to the Spirit. They need no prayers;

churches; temples; images; or rituals; to be restored, and nor do they need

saving. The treasure is the fullness of the Spirit, which they are now to receive.

In a vision I was shown the eye created by the sun as a symbol when the rays pass

through a small hole and the image became the 'Eye'.  It's the 'eye of the circle' and the

device was how they communicate with the sun. 'Joseph' is 'I-o-ship' or 'eye's circle-ship'. 

'S-hip is l'ight of the hip,' which is the sun crossing behind the peak. It is the originof a

'carrier' or transport, and 'Joseph was that means of transporting the 'Spirit'

thorough the ages. It makes sense when the story is followed throough

from the religious patriarchs. They were not real people but

 carriers by word of mouth stories The circle bearing the

eye was 'O-b-ra-m', meaning 'circle bearing the

powerful mother'. From this came several 

names,  such as 'Obram' ->  'Abraham'

while 'ra-m' gave rise to 'Rama' the

chief God of the Vedic Trinity. 

'Ra-m' is the male sheep

(ship) taking souls to

'her'. Its blood


those washed

in it. Thus, the 'blood of

the lamb' as the son of the ram and

mother god, its mate, is attributed to Jesus Christ.

This Jewish tradition was passed on through the religions

of Jerusalem, such as Christianity. The story has other aspects to it.

The Amor brought the Islamic religion of Babylon to Egypt before they faded

from the scene and emerged as the Romans. This is where religious beliefs changed

from a matriarchy into a patriarchal notion of Father God.  It was headed that way when the

Pharoah, Amenhotep, changed it to one god for all. Before him every aspect of the

sun and nature had given rise to different gods, each demanding a temple

and worship. This caused division, derision, and confusion over which

god he was descended from and his role in the afterlife. He made

the sun the only God and the king the Father God. So he was

the father of the nation. As such he was responsible

for the fertility of the earth. Later te tomb of

Ramses II it shows him as the wheat

provider. The sarcophagus lid

of Pacal, a Mayan king,

shows him as corn

following the


Ramses II

arms are crossed

on his chest while a crucified

man stands above and to his left

It shows crucifixion was used in Egypt.

Pacal, on the other hand, is shown descending

from the cross and passing into the mouth of the earth.

It demonstrates the significance of the cross in becoming a god.

The Mayans used crosses in their displays and possibly crucified men

as partners to the sun. Mayan kings are depicted chopping off their own heads,

in a similar manner to the depictions in Catal Huyak in Southern Turkey, adjacent to the

Torus Mountains. 'To-r-o-s' means 'cross of the sun-circle of light'. It is related

to 'bull', as the sacred image of the man on the cross. He passed through

the hole to go up to heaven. That became the 'bull's eye' and 'bull-i-t'

or ''bull's eye cross' is in 'bullet', which makes a small hole (eye)

when it penetrates The mythology of the bull is dealt with

elsewhere. 'Tor-o-s' is the origin of 'tourist' for one

who travels. The religion of Egypt became

that of Christianity and the children

of Israel  are now the second

generation and the 

young in the 


When Israel 

was a child, then I loved

them and called my son out of Egypt.

As they called them, so they went from them:

they sacrificed unto Baalim, and burned incense to graven images.

I taught Ephraim also to go, taking them by their arms; but they knew not that I healed

them. I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love: and I was to them

as they that take off the yoke on their jaws, and I laid

meat unto them. Hosea 2;1-4 KJV


The Cords of a Man


Joseph was sold

into Egypt as a slave by

Judah. Israel was under the rule of

the Pharaoh and his religion, the sun god.

It tried to seduce him and seized his covering

by the Spirit. He adopted their ways. Young Israel was

separated  and had no physical God and lost contact with the

Spirit, which dried up leaving them in a desert state.  They were in the

desert and left to their own resources to find their way back. They turned to the

male God for comfort. Children love their father and this became their desire. The 'cords'

relate to bonding and they were tortured into accepting it. Even though the myth overrides

the Spirit, they learned to dream of their salvation and a place in heaven. The blood

of the bull (Baal) and the bands of love, comfort, and salvation from the threat

of hell (the yoke on their jaws) was the path to regaining the Spirit at

the end of the day. They had to go through the loss, that is the

desert of the afternoon, to find their way to the Spirit,

Jesus. They love the image of the crucifixion, from

Egypt, which is how they see God. Now they

can see how it led them through the

desert to their salvation

at the end. Fed on

their way


the man

from heaven (manna) 

They have arrived at their journey's end

with their fruit ready for harvest. The Spirit is gathering

the crop, and those who belong feel the warmth and power as they

merge with the Spirit of the Universe to live forever more. They will go forth

into new experiences, ne worlds, and new nations to grow the Spirit which has no end.

I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces

the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: And I will give thee the treasures of

darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the 

Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. For Jacob my

servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called

thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though

thou hast not known me.I am the Lord,

and there is none else, there is no

God beside me: I girded thee,

though thou hast not

known me:


they may know

from the rising of the sun,

and from the west, that there is none

beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else.

Isaiah 45:2-8 KJ



The Big Split

It brought about patriarchal religions and changed the Spirit

into a man. Mythology merged with Philosophy and power-hungry

kings who used torture., exile, and murder, to force worship of the religions

and gods they created. They stuck to the sun as the mother God and developed

Christianity and otthe modern faiths from the drgs taken from the past. Leading them

was the Spirit who put the children of Israel through pain and suffering to test

their strength and  connection to it. They were blind and deaf to reality. 

And he said, go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand

not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this

people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes;

lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears,

and understand with their heart, and convert,

and be healed. Issiah 6:9,10 KJV

It doesn't matter that they

see the universe with

no heaven or hell

found within


Nor does it

matter that evidence  

proves theearth is billions of years old.

Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord 

hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and

they have rebelled against me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass

his master's crib:but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. Ah

sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are

corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel

unto anger, they are gone away backward. Isaiah 1:2-4 KJV

hey are caught

in the mindset that everything in the Bible is correct and,

therefore, has to be believed. They are trapped by notions of 'faith' that

supposedly lead to heaven and shut their eyes and ears to reality as the Spirit directed.

Even when shown the proof of how things are they cannot believe out of fear as 

their minds follow ways of Nebuchadnezzar into the foundation of the wall of

confusion, mystery, and fake gods, starting with the Trinity of Christianity. 

They followed the teaching of Judah, which is the Old Testament,

copied from the Septuagint. The House of Judaah locked into

the ways of Egypt, that is Islam, led Christianity until now

Without archaeological or other evidence to support

their physical' captivity in Egypt or roaming the

desert for 40 years, the story has a different

meaning. In biblical terms, desert means

dry in the Spirit and without God's

power. Fed by 'man-or from

heaven'' it means 'man

of the sun', as the

religion of the

fake god.


Egyptian Islam was taken from Assyria and

favored Mary as the Mother God. This dried up the power and brought about 

the next phase born of patriarchy and the Father God's image. This was

taken over by Constantine, the second beast, and his religion,

the Roman Catholic Church, which elected the cross as a

sacred sign, and Jesus Christ as the New Saviour.

This brought he darkness of noon . 

"Then the LORD said unto me,

Out of the north an evil

shall break forth

upon all

the inhabitants

of the land." Jeremiah 1;14 KJV

The Romans owned the north and the church

continued the Empire as it spread its lies globally. The

fantasies of religion are  'vnity' as there is no truth in them but a

facade. Those of Israel abandoned their spiritual link in favour of the falsehoods.

Thus saith the LORD SPIRIT, What iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me, and have walked after vanity, and are become vain? Jeremiah 2:5 KJV

As they adopted the ways of Christianity and other  faiths they abandonesd

the Sirit. It is described as traveling through other countries or nations.

 Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my

people have changed their glory for that which doth not

profit . For my people have committed two evils;

they have forsaken me the fountain of living

waters, and hewed them out cisterns,

broken cisterns, that can hold

no water. Jeremih 2:2:11,13

The cisterns are

wells or

containers promising

the waters of spiritul power, but

they are false promises. Religion blinded and

deafeed all to reality with false promises and fake gods.

This separated Israel who hear the Sirit within it. So it had to :-

“Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut

their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand

with their heart, and convert, and be healed.”Isaiah 6:10 KJV

The Family of Jesus

ravelled through Egypt to arrive in the west which it did via

Islam and the Amor. The seventy men appointed by

Ptolomy are responsible for much of the Old 

Testamement and the Romans for

that of the New Testament.

It kept the things of


as Father God in place

and Israel was caught in it, as

the branch or 'stock' of the same tree.

The Spirit is thrughout all of space. It is in out minds cntinually and it knows every thought

and action. It guides and protects and it causes havc and disasters. It leads others

to comit evill and to murder and engzge in deeds that bring about death and

destruction. It propels earthquakes, tsunamies, floods, fires, and

everything that happens on the earth and throughout

the universe. There is no devil or evil

spirits and it told of that

in prophecy.

"I am 

the LORD God,

and there is none else, 

there is no God beside me: I

girded thee, though thou hast not

known me: That they may know from the rising

of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me.

am God, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness:

I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD God do all these things" Isaiah 5:5-7

What is The House of Israel?

Much is made of the House of Israel in the Bible. It is misinterpreted and maligned

to make out that the Jews are the inhabitants.  The Children of Israel are the

young in spirit seeking God. They are reincarnated and worked

by the Spirit throughout the course of the day of the lord. 

They are returning to the Spirit in droves and

experiencing healing, and powers

thought impossible today.

  The Spirit of God is 

the air we


our thoughts 

and instinct and it controls

our lives and the relationships we form.

“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught

up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in

the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”1 Thessalonians 4:17

Snippets of information like this has been taken from prophecies to add

credibility to the New Testament,  compiled by Jeroms, who noted that he did this. 

The Beginning of Israel

I saw a long line drawn out in front of me and going far into the distance. A bright

light arose from me and arched over the line along which millions of people

were gathered. At the furthest point was EVE written in large capital

letters. The name is from 'I-V' which means 'eye of life' or 'living

eye'. I saw it as the start of the day of the Lord, when

a group was chosen and seeded with the Spirit.

It was when humanity had reached a

place of understanding that

allowed them to take

it in. The father

is called


His favorite son,

Joseph was sold as a slave

into Egypt by Judah who was jealous of

him. Soon after his arrival he was enticed by the

Queen, who kept his garment (covering) as he escaped.

He was later placed in charge of the harvest and reunited with

his family who went to Egyot for grain. He was then made Governor of Egypt. 

This is a metaphor for how the children of Israel were sold into slavery by the Jews.

The sons of Joseph, Manasseh, and Ephraim, received an inheritance from

Jacob and the line of descent went through them as the children

of Israel. Judah did not receive it but their religion captured

the children and imprisoned them in the lies of heaven

and hell and ultimately that of  Jesus Christ.

"And he blessed them that day, saying,

In thee shall Israel bless, saying,

God make thee as Ephraim

and as Manasseh: and

he set Ephraim


Manasseh. And

Israel  said unto Joseph, Behold,

I die: but God shall be with you, and bring you

again unto the land of your fathers." Genesis 48:20,21 KJV

The story explains how reincarnation has produced the children of

Israel after the first of its arrival. Sprit doesn;t die but those without a link to it will.

Moses and The Sun God of The Mountain

The impact of the sun led to a belief that it passed down its

laws through special men. Moses was one such person. 

As vowels were unknown in early speech it allowed

'sun' to be also 'sin', 'san', 'son', and 'sen'.  The sun

at the peak was 'Sin-a-i' where [a] is 'power;

and [i] is 'eye'. It means, therefore, 'sun's

powerful eye'. It was where the first

laws came to a superstitious 

world where knowledge

was lacking. Moses,

who was taken 

from a river

is a


of the reflection of the sun

in water. [M] is 'mother', [o] is 'circle' and '[s]

is 'light'.  His name tells his origin.  he was reared in secret

and couldn't speak so Aarn, his brother, spoke for him.

That's because the sun can't speak but needs an

intercessor to speak for him. It's what the

Christian religion is based on with

 priests as mediators. The

sun is worshipped

in many

countries as

both the rising sun, as in

Shinto, and as the God of the East,

and that of the west, as in WestMinister.

The latter is 'mini-star', the name given to the crucified. 

The Name of Israel

The Spirit showed how names separate into the original syllabels and sounds. 'I'

is 'eye'  [s] 'light' or 'spirit', [R] and [a] meanr 'power' and [l] or [el] is 'god'. The

name 'I-s-ra-el' means 'eye of light, power with God', or 'eye's light'

powerful god' or other such combinations. and this is what

we see today. The spiritual children are outstanding

They exercise power, are gentle, kind, loving,

and are passionate about God, and

the name Jesus warms their

hearts. It is not the

same with


sun on peak

Worship of the Sun

All religions are based on sun worship. Some display it openly, as in the Hindu religion The

Jewishs synagogue or 'sin-o-gog' is 'sun's circle god'. 'Gog is an old term for god.

As scribes could not refer to God, or write it. they put 'Gog' for God, and

'Magog' for the 'mother god', the sun, the mother god of Babylon,

 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog,

the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy

against him, And say, Thus saith God; Behold,

I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince

of Meshech and Tubal:" Ezekiel 38:2,3

Kidnapped By Religious Images

In a vision, the children of God were in a park when a man 

having the appearance of God enticed them. The children

followed him and were soon locked in a prison from

which escape was impossible. Armed guards had

weapons and the children screamed out. Their

cries were heard outside but there was no

one to help them. They cried to the

statues and begged for mercy

and they suffered more.

“But this is a people

robbed and


they are all of them

snared in holes, and they are hid

in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none

delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.” isaiah 42:22 

imprisoned with armed guards

Gog and Magog and the End of the Day

Gog is the name of the Father God of Babylon, set up by Nebuchadnezzar, who rose

to marry the sun, Mary. He used a statue made of gold to make out he was a

Sun. Christianity was born of his religion and the Father God of Heaven.

Islam was born of the Mother God, whise image is the sun-star.

They diversified into 2 forces governed by religions

that will battle it out and destroy the world.

“And (they) shall go out to deceive the

nations which are in the four

quarters of the earth,

Gog and

Magog, to gather them

together  to battle: the number of

whom is as the sand of the sea.”Revelation 20:8

Nebuchadnezzar as Father God

Nebuchadnezzar is Father God 

He was given the power to capture Israel and force them to worship him and the

gods he created. He disguised himself as God and captured the children of

Israel and put the yoke of iron on their necks so they could not escape.

He locked them in cages and taught them the word 'faith' to stop

their resistance. He taught them that they were bad and

in need of saving through the blood of the crucified

godman. The first crucifixions are evidenced in

Babylon, where the blood of animals was

used in baptism. The children were

surrendered to him by God.

"What could have been

done more to


vineyard, that I

have not done in it? wherefore,

when I looked that it should bring forth grapes,

brought it forth wild grapes? And now go to; I will tell you what I

will do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be eaten

up; and break down the wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down: And I will lay it waste: it

shall not be pruned, nor digged; but there shall come up briers and thorns:" Isaiah 5:4-6 KJV

To grow a good crop one uses fertiliser, water, and pruning of the bushes. It requires a

man with the right tools. That was the rle of Nebuchadnezzar. who rose into

the role of a god. thou hast said in thine heart I will rise kjv

He tricked eveyone because the Spirit allowed it.

"For thou hast said in thine heart, I will

ascend into heaven, I will

exalt my throne


the stars of God:

I will sit also upon the mount of the

congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend

above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.Isaiah 13:14

This was his disguise and he rules religions, leaders, systems

governments, and the economy and starts wars.

He is the most powerful force in the world

and God sent a woman to kill him.

“How long wilt thou go about,

O thou backsliding child?

for God hath created

a new thing in

the earth,


woman shall

compass a man.” Jeremiah 31:22 KJV

In religious terms, the 'sea' means everything under

the sun. It is the same as 'see', which means everything in the light. 

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,

having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his

heads the name of blasphemy.” Revelation 13:1 KJV

The Yoke of Iron

While Nebuchadnezzar is the first beast of Revelation 13 

he was an instrument used by God to entrap Israel.

They were refined through the struggles from

false gods and worshipping the beast.

Only when they see the light and

leave will they be free. 

“For thus saith . . .

the God of


I have put a

yoke of iron upon the neck

of all these nations, that they may serve

Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; and they shall

serve him: and I have given him the beasts of the field

also.” Jeremiah 28:14 KJV

iron chain

The Work of The God of Israel

The first yoke was of wood and it was broken by the worship to the sun as the

monotheistic god of Egypt. This was accomplished under Amenthoteph

who saw that there were too many gods and under the sun-god

he restructured the religion. He is remembered in the Amen,

that ends prayers. 'A-men' means 'power to man ' or

'powerful men'. It was the start of patriarchal

notions that only men can serve God.

Then the second beast came and

he restored the work of the

first beast with a yoke

of iron, that could

not be broken.

And I beheld


beast coming up

out of the earth; and he had two

horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before

him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship

the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. Revelation 13:11,12 KJV

Trapped by God

Misled by the lies and false prophets the work of God has impacted on the Children

of Israel. The more they searched for TRUTH the further away it became. The

world grew ever darker and there was only the candlelight in the house

of their captive. to go by.  It's my job to extinguish the candle and

replace it with the glorious light of the Spirit, the only God.

"Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to the robbers? 

did not the LORD, he against whom we have

sinned? for they would not walk in right

ways, neither were they obedient

unto his law." Revelation 13:11,12

This is the harvest, and I

am here to bring the

children of the

Spirit home.

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