The Daughter of Zion

 The Spirit Promised She is the Last Prophet

by Norma Holt


Worshipping the Spirit

Who Is The Daughter of Zion?

“I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman.” Jeremiah 6:2

There is much confusion over this title in the Prophecies. Due to ignorance of the Spirit and

attempts to wipe women out as having no power from God, ancient scribes made

her into something disgusting. They called Jerusalem Zion and women who

walked the streets offering comfort to men, the "daughters of Zion".

That, however, is not the meaning. 'Daughter is from 'd-or't-or' 

which means, feeding the sun (light)- cross of the sun',

or 'food of light-of the peak'. In other words, it is 

religions that offer their fake gods, dressed

as they are in the refinery, jewels, and

other symbols. Their secrets

will be discovered,

as in this work.


the Lord God will

smite with a scab the crown of the

head of the daughters of Zion, and God will discover their

secret parts. In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling

ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon, 

Isaiah 3: 17,18KJV

The head of all the religions of Jerusalem is Nebuchadnezzar. He installed the sun as

the chief god (Mother god) and hinmself as Father God, who supposedly sent his 'sun' (son]

to redeem them. The Daughter of Zion is here to uninstall it and return the people

of the Spirit and bring them home.  She is thereby called :-

Lift your arms to the Spirit and receive the power from God.

The Last Prophet of God 

 It was early March 1984 

and light 


I retired to bed/with

the bible in hand and pain. suffering

from sinusitis pain that I hoped would soon pass. 

The Bible had rarely left its cover since purchasing it years earlier.

It was impossible to understand and full of contradictions and laborious passages.

It remained in a plastic liner and cardboard container but a hidden force was attached to it.

That force drew me again as it opened somewhere in the middle and, as usual, I

struggled with the words. Barely a minute or two had passed when

 suddenly they became unreadable, although they didn't fade 

or disappear they were illegible. Putting it down and

reclining on the pillows a power pinned me so I

could not move a muscle. It then  

spoke these words:-

"Tear down the wall

of churches, 

go out to the people, 

and bring back the young."  

3 visions quickly followed: The first was

the image of Jesus Christ preaching to a crowd on a

mountainIn the second it was me in his place. In the third, my face

was on a screen such as the one used to view this message. The Internet was

unheard of and computers were in their infancy. This vision showed the mountain as

a place of learning and the greatest mountain of all is the Internet. Through it a message can

be instantly sent globally. and is free in every nation. The Spirit commissioned me to

bring in the harvest and to gather God's children. It conformed to a vision

given to me between lives when a line stretched into the distance

and it had dates beside it. The one showing age 45 as

special stood out. This was happening 2 months

past my 45th birthday.  Soon after it said: 

"Don't read anything. I am teaching you,:

Visions came thick and fast to

show me the job ahead

When the Spirit Named me he Daughter of Zion She was 

 Told to get the Bible, it opened: 

"Be in pain,

and labour to bring forth,

O daughter of Zion, like a woman in

travail: . . . ,and thou shalt go even to Babylon;  there 

shalt thou be delivered; there  God shall redeem thee from the hand

of thine enemies . . .Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine

horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt

beat in pieces many people: 

Micah 4:10, 13


power spread

through her body, from 

head to my toes in great waves.

A horn sounds an alarm and the presence

of someone important.  It also carries a message.

The horn is the communication that can't be silenced. 

 The hoofs belt with the power of God to destroy all things in the way. 



must do to complete the job. The vision of the man standing before her

at a prayer meeting was awesome. He was dressed in a long red robe as in depictions of

Jesus Christ. He reached out and touched her on the forehead. It was the exchange

of power.  Her previous life ended suddenly when she was above her body,

that of a 45-year-old man. it was slumped on the seat of a dray

and a horse stood in the stocks in a paddock. 

I thought of the job ahead

waiting for me and that at long last I could do it.

 Then I was in darkness and at one with

 the Spirit of the Universe. I

saw a line going into

the distance


pitched up

and down to show good

times and bad in her next life. Along it

were dates and the  AGE of 45 years stood out. The feeling

at that time was incredible. I was in the Spirit, with the Spirit, and the energy

is something one can't feel in a body. It's power beyond description and it's

the force behind creation. Next, I floated above my new parents as

they were married one month before I was born. From the

first day of life, I have memory. My language was also

differentI but able to communicate with 

the Spirit, which I kept for several

years, only speaking the first

words of English after

two years,

then with an accent. 

No one understood me so they could

not influence my memory. I would be around 8

before that changed. I knew I had to learn everything

about humanity and the reasons behind the belief systems. I knew

also to keep quiet about reincarnation until I was on solid ground and able to

answer the questions that came as a result. I was at risk if I told anyone about

 reincarnation or my knowledge of the Spirit. I remained silent and took in 

all I could about what people believe and how they live. As a keen

 student and with a high level of intelligencee I was elevated 

above my peers. In tune with the Spirit all of my life it

was no surprise to be commissioned because

I knew it was coming but I tested  it;

"If that's you heal my sinus,"

I asked of God.

It was

instantly healed and

never returned. I would find out later

that I was healed of many things in those few seconds.

As for the mountain on which I am now the teacher, it is the Internet,

which is above all other mountains. I am returning people of God to the Spirit

“But in the last days, it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of

the LORD Spirit shall be established in the top of the mountains, 

and it shall be exalted above the hills, and people

shall flow unto it.” Micah 4:1

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Crowds on the move

There is no Higher or Bigger Mountain

It shows how much of our lives is controlled by the Spirit. Prophecies written 3,000

years ago told of this day when people would flow to the new mountain and

God will speak to the world from it via the voice of a woman.  That

means that everything we do is controlled and part of the

plan of God  working to save its people

"I have long time holden my peace;

I have been still, and refrained myself: now will

I cry like a travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once." Isaiah 42:14

Missipissi River from Space

A Message From Space

There is no more poignant message than this one from space that shows the Mississippi

River almost completely dry. The mighty Mississippi was where paddle steamers

plied to transport people and cargo throughout the Midwest. 

"For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven;

and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly,

shall be stubble: and the day that

cometh shall burn them up,

saith God, that it


leave them neither

root nor branch." Malachi 4:1

Cornfield during drought

There is No Bigger Killer Than Drought

Without water, nothing lives. As forests disappear so the water is drying up. It affects

the world. After the Spirit called me the daughter of Zion it gave me visions of the

end of days. The year was 1984-1985. Hundreds of visions that made me

sick to watch. I saw people burned alive;  skyscrapers imploding

without a war weapon in sight; I saw earthquakes and

water flooding land; I saw enormous floods;

and unstoppable fires; I saw a global

pandemic; and I saw drought

and famine and millions

displaced. Finally

a war.

“And the slain

of God shall be at that

day from one end of the earth

even unto the other end of the earth:

they shall not be lamented, neither gathered,

nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground.” Jeremiah 25:3

Gaza war refugees

Gaza Israel War

Nothing proves these prophecies better than what is happening today. In Gaza  thousands

are dead and bodies are strewn in the streets where people pass them as they

flee the bombs. The same is taking place in Ukraine where the war

with Russia is about to enter its second year. The

bombs are bigger, more accurate,

and more devastating.  

"So will I break

down the wall that ye have

daubed with untempered morter, and 

bring it down to the ground, so that the foundation 

thereof shall be discovered, and it shall fall, and ye shall be 

consumed in the midst thereof: and ye shall know that I am God. Ezekiel" 13:14

Christ in heaven

A Creation of the mind.

The Stupidity of Those Who Velieve This.

They worship a MAN who DIED on a cross and HE IS NOT GOD.

My Commissions Are to Tear Down the Wall and Bring Back the Young

The wall is the barrier to the TRUTH. The latter is buried by the Churches and people suffer

because of it. Whilst they suffer they are locked into the lies and evil of religions,

on both sides.  Kings, Presidents, and Dictators use religion and the ies

to control their people. Breaking down the wall is impossible

without major conflict and the end of the world.  The

young of my commission are the spiritual

people of God who are blind and

deaf to the TRUTH because

of religious lies.

“Then God

said unto me, The

prophets prophesy lies in my name:

I sent them not, neither have I commanded them,

neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision

and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.” Jeremiah 14:14

Every day I cry to the Spirit for the end to come quickly. The pain and suffering

is devastating but it was echoed in the face of the man on the cross. That

is only one of the false prophets, however, as there are over 4,000

religions by the last estimate. Each a branch of the other and

each with a dedicated and unswerving congregation

of worshippers of one false god after the other.

Their preachers have faith that their

god is the only one who can

deliver them to their

eternal life.

As my pain grows daily

the Sirit showed me these words. 

"And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold

of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the

first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the . . . Now why

dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? is thy counseller

perished?  for pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail." Mich 4:8 KJV 

The Jews changed much of the Prophecies to make out that Jerusalem and

they are the inheritors of God's treasure. I have removed the reference to Jerusalem. 

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