How to Listen to God's Voice Within

 Norma Holt


listening to God

God's Voice is LOUD but Silent

Not everyone can hear God speak to them. One must meet the requirements and be

prepared to ignore the world and the noises therein. The voice is usually heard

as a thought, but it can also be a feeling. When one feels good about

something it is what the Spirit wants you to do. If you feel uneasy

or bad then don't do it, because it is against the Spirit

and things will go wrong. At times one will do

something that they never thought about

but it just happened on impulse and 

resulted in something amazing.

That is because the Spirit

directed the action.

Most don't

think of it that way.

If, however, it saved their lies

they may admit that it was an act of God

or that their Guardian Angel protected them.

To bring God's voice into focus one needs to convert

and speak in tongues. Much maligned by religious groups

who call it the voice of the devil it is how tthe Spirit communicates

with its people. It's a gift of the Spirit for the children of Israel and none other

"Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? 

them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts." Isaiah 28:9 

Not everyone can hear it and only those tuned in will take notice of it.

The Spirit began a revival in the early part of the 20th Century

when a group having a Pentecostal experience acted on

impulse and called on the Spirit. It responded

and they were filled with the Spirit

and received tongues

“For with

stammering lips

and another tongue will 

God speak to this people.” Isaiah 28:11

It is turning the religious world on its head. Those

who have long ignored the Old Testament Prophecies are

confronted with the new reality - God is not dead and miracles are back

The 20th Century is known as that of the Spirit and the Pentecostal movement took

off.  Baptism in the Spirit became a new movement and people responded.

Not to be left behind traditional Christian churches now offer some

 Charismatic services  while maintaining their false gods

The Spirit is breaking down the wall slowly.

 It touches those whom it wants.

The excitement comes

from within.


the living waters

spoken of and the fire

that burns inside. One feels it

in the abdomen as it glows and spreads

throughout and floods the body with power not felt

from another source. It is indescribable and beautiful and it

heal illness; loneliness; despair;  worldly problems; and much more.

Many hear their name called when no one else is around. Some will feel that

they need to do something special, like change their place of worship, the way they

see God, and how to connect to the Spirit. Some need healing when nothing

else works. When faced with trauma, loss, or death, people call

out to God, and if they are of Israel they are healed. 

The movement became pockets of green in

the desert of despair and confusion.

It is an oasis for those who are

lost and seekin God.

"Then shall

the lame man leap

as an hart, and the tongue

of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness

 shall waters break out, and streams in the desert. Isaiah 35;6

It makes people take notice. Something new is happening, the blind

can see, the crippled are made whole, and the Spirit is God and it's out of hiding.

"I have long time holden my peace; I have been still, and refrained myself:

now will I cry like a travailing woman; I will destroy and

devour at once."Isaiah 42:14 KJV

Yes, we are in the last days and a travailing

woman is setting things straight. The Spirit directs

its people into the right place, and that is what has happened

to bring the harvest to the ingathering. It knows who belongs to it and who are

pretenders. Those of the latter will be excluded from the final chapter,

which is happening now. The Spirit is in everything we see

and touch. Its presence is felt, seen, heard, tasted,

and touched. It is in all of nature and all 

that happens is in its plan. It's our

subconscious mind, dreams,

ambitions, and thought

patterns, and when

we feel good

it's happy.

When we feel bad,

it's sad and we must change.

It's silenced by lies, fiction, things if the world, 

and religious views. Some state that the inner voice is the devil.

In that way, they turned the Spirit into an evil thing and strengthened

the wall of fear,  built of untempered mortar, and without substance to support it.

". . . they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered morter:" Eekiel 103:10 

This is the work of the Spirit. The strength of the inner voice is 

overturning the lies but mind what you say to others.

Living with the Spirit opposes their beliefs and 

feelings. You hide the TRUTH from your

 relatives, who so easily turn on

you if they think you hear

voices or profess to

speak to God.

That is the yoke of

Nebuchadnezzar who built

the wall and strengthened it by religions

and the world. The Spirit is breaking it down but it

requires you to come away from its influence and concentrate

on the Spirit filling you with power. That is your inheritance if you are of Israel.

You can now remove the yoke from your neck from your neck.  To break free means

ignoring religions, speaking out about your feelings, and joining groups

where the Spirit is active. The more your speak about it and

exercise the power the stronger it becomes. 

This is the time of the harvest. 

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