Why Constantine is 666

Norma Holt

Constantine was Born in England

Constantine was born in England to an English mother, Helena, the

daughter of a fishmonger, and Constantius, a Roman Caesar.

He spent his youth in York, where his statue is found

outside Westminster Cathedral. On the

 sudden death of his father, he

seized the purple and

rode across


to Rome with his army.

He disposed of other Caesars of which

there were five, two retired from old age, and he

became the sole ruler of the Empire. The last Caesar he killed

was his eldest son Crispus after murdering the son's mother Fausta.

He established the Roman Catholic Church in 325AD ,

based on the Babylonian religion of

Nebuchadnezzar -


And he exerciseth all the

power of the first beast before him, and

causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to

worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. Revelation 13:11

He abolished the crucifixion of god-men because they challenged

his word as the sun of the sun [Apollo].  As sole ruler, 

it was abhorrent to him. He issued decrees

forcing all to worship the image

of Jesus Christ that 

he put up 

  And (he) deceiveth them that

dwell on the earth by the means of those

miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the

beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an

image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword,

and did live. Revelation 13:14

His decrees survive

that ordered torture; severance of limbs;

cutting hamstrings; poking out eyes with swords; 

sealing wounds with red hot pokers. and other atrocities.

Babies were smashed against walls and posts in front of parents and

children were subjected to torture until their parents

relented and worshipped the image. 

And he had power

to give life unto the image of the beast,

that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause

that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be

killed. Revelation 13:15

He built

the Vatican to give the image

a voice. it was constructed over the temple of

Jupiter (Peter in English). It is a parliament of bishops

to run the church, and he was its first pope (Pontificate Maximus).

He gave the bishops power over life and death and they

continued with his torture and evil


He built the first Christian churches,

restored the sun, Mary, as the Mother of God, and made Sunday,

the dies solus, the official day of worship. He used trade as blackmail

and merchants paid obeisance to his image before

they could market their wares. Anyone who 

refused was forced out. 

And he causeth all,

both small and great, rich and poor,

free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand,

or in their foreheads:  Revelation 13:17

He made the cross

the official symbol of the church. 

Places of business were called 'ma-r-t's or 'marks'

from whence comes 'market' (markit). 'Ma-r-t' means 'mother's

powerful cross', and a mark is a cross.  in Europe and the British Isles,

markets may still have a cross somewhere on them.  They were usually

where streets merge, which is why they are called 'crossroads'. 

A Reminder of What Once Was 

Malmesbury Market Cross, Malmesbury, Cotswolds

Typical of the markets in the United

Kingdom,   Built in 1490 AD it is

one of the best-preserved 

in England,

and it

contains a relief carving

of the crucifixion. Many such

 structures were torn down during the Reformation.  

Constantine Established The Catholic Church

Despite what the Vatican would have you believe there was no Christianity as such

prior to him creating it in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea. The only record of

the meeting is a painting that showed it was held in the street and

the audience comprised a mix of bishops,  common folk,

and courtiers. Some of the spokesmen disappeared

or were murdered (such as Arias) before it

concluded.  They opposed Constantine!

Others bore evidence of torture

and some were crippled 

as their hamstrings

were cut.

On the sudden death of his father, he seized the purple and rode across Europe to

Rome with his army. He fought Maxenius outside Rome and then wiped out

his competitors, including 3 other Ceasrs. The two older ones

retired while Valerius, his brother-in-law, and Crisput,

his eldest son, were slain. along with their

families and armies. he slaughtered

his relatives including his

sisters, nieces, and


leaving no one

to usurp his throne. 

His religion was founded on 

the same principles as that of Islam. 

And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast

before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell

thereinto worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

Revelation 13:11



  And (he)

deceiveth them that

dwell on the earth by the means of those

miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the

beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should

make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did

live. Revelation 13:14

His decrees survive that ordered torture, severance of limbs and

hamstrings, the poking out of eyes using swords and

sealing wounds with red hot pokers.

and other atrocities.

 Babies were


against walls in front of

parents and children were subjected to

torture until parents relented and worshipped his image. 

And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the

image of the beast should both speak, and cause that

as many as would not worship the image

of the beast should be killed.

Revelation 13:15

Constantine built the Vatican

as a parliament of bishops to run his church,

while he was its first pope (Pontificate Maximus). He gave them

power over life and death and they continued with his torture and evil

punishments. He built the first Christian churches, restored t

he sun, Mary, as the Mother of God, and made

Sunday, the dies solus, the official

day of worship.


used trade as blackmail

so merchants paid obeisance to his image

before they marketed their wares. Anyone who

refused was forced out, their goods confiscated, and they were killed.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor,free

and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand,

or in their foreheads: Revelation 13:17

He changed the time of festivals

to move them away from 



as Easter (Eye Star)

which he moved to the following

Vernal moon . He made the cross a sacred sign

and the official symbol of the church. He put in place

the system for the Vatican to follow and they answered to him.

The Vatican continued to cover up its roots and to

uses magic and brainwashing

to force its views.


was Assyrian by descent

and it is through that coding system

that his number adds up to 666. But in order to resolve it the Spirit

showed me the meaning of his name, and that of his

father, Constantius. Both names mean CONSTANT

in English, the place of his birth. 

As the son of Constant 1

he was Constat 2,

and that

is the solution to the puzzle.

Only with the evidence given to me

could that it be discovered, as further evidence and

credibility that she is the voice of God

and we are in the last days,




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P    Q     R      S      T       U      V     W      X     Y     Z 

 70  80  90   100  200  300  400  500  600  700  800

Jupiter was the Reigning God of Rome

he could not be overthrown but by a trick he wa made the

founder of the new religion. Constantine built the

Vatican over his temple, which meant he is

the rock on which the Church was

established. The name is

'I-Peter' as there is

no [J] in Latin

or Italian.

Click to learn more
statue of Jupiter