The Sun of Righteousness

Norma Holt

Rainbow coloured ring of light


But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in

his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. Malachi 4:2 

This doesn't make sense to the majority, because they don't know

or understand about the Spirit. They are caught in the

fictional world of religion

Calling on Prophets to perform Miracles

It's the end of the day and there are hundreds of prophets

in the realm of religious organizations. So which one is

performing miracles? Which is able to fill

one with power? Which among

them is a god?

is it Rama,


Father God

of the Vedic Trinity?

He is not renowned for such works

Look how he is decorated and how many believe in

him. He has temples, followers, and  priests in India.

buddha statue

How Many are Healed by Buddha?

The Buddhist fair is one of the largest in the world with

followers in many countries. The temples and sacrifices

to this 'prophet' are countless yet does 'he'

perform miracles. The people who pray

to him remain in poverty and are

among the most stressed

in the world. 

How many Are Healed by Allah

Do Muslims believe that their god, Allah, has healing power?

The image meant to portray him is a bursting sun, the

same as in the Catholic Church.  Inside Mecca,

where thousands gather during the Haj

to circle the building seven times,

there is usually death 

and mayhem. 

symbol for Allah
Insie Jewish Synagogue


No one promotes healing services in Synagogues, because it

doesn't happen. 'synagogue' is from 'sun-c-god' and it

means 'sun-circle of god' and like all religions

of Babylon, the sun is the power,

and center of worship. 

How many Catholics Get Healed

You don't see healing services in the Catholic Church. If a

person is healed they call it a miracle and elevate

someone to sainthood. It shows how few are

healed or receive power from God. Like

the Jewish and Muslim temples, the

same decor and idolatry

exists here. 

inside cathlic church
inside a pentecostal church


The only place that advertise healing is the Pentecostal

churches. They expect it, they are healed, and

they call others to the power. Look at the

differences between them. The latter

have no decor, no idols,and

no sun signs.  But they

have POWER

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The Spirit Heals 

Finding the Spirit and understanding how it works for its people is a battle many endure

before finding it.  Some go through extremes of pain, loss, frustration, addictions,

and other things as they beg God for mercy and help.Only then, when brought

to their knees in humility and when they cast off the things of the world

and beg with all their heart may they find it. It is not always that

hard, however, as the inner voice is a guide to changing

one's life and giving up the things that hurt us. 

So listen to it and act accordingly

and God will find you.

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