What Are The Dream Times

Norma Holt

Depictions From The Dreamtimes 

Image made by Australia's First Nation, the oldest surviving civilisation, depicts

humanity emerging alongside the flora and fauna. The giant reptile is a

combination of snake and crocodile. From an outsider's point

of view, they sow show man coming to grips with

nature. Represented are weapons

ranging from an axe to a

boomerang. It 

is much

the same in all

of the oldest cultures. They

had to come to grips with the mysteries

of the world and what they couldn't understand they

supplemented by their dreams. They knew something was

living in the sky as it roared and flashed and sent rain, drought, and

food. But when it was angry it delivered pain, death, and suffering. They had to

appease it and human sacrifice was but one way of satisfying its hunger. 

They worked out ways to do that by taking notes of its requirements

and ways to avoid danger. This led to traditions that remain

in religions globally. They have not changed except

the way they do things, but the gods are

the same. Death came to anyone

who opposed them.

A snake

arches its back and

stretches far as it travels. The

rainbow serpent is based on the resemblance

of the rainbow and their story of creation. It's easy to see

the connection when water holes are scattered without apparent links

and when like passes through water it forms a rainbow. This made it a god in their

mythology and it could not be abused. It created many sacred sites and a religion of beliefs

passed on through generations. It's an example of how beliefs maintainain the

stories of creation upon which they rely and remain unchanged.

My research took me into the ancient world to unlock 

connections with modern faiths. There is a 

link to boomerangs that are styled

in a rainbow shape. They

spin through the air


magically return

to the throw, and they did more.


The Wind of the Rainbow Serpent

As the boomerang spins through the air it creates

wind and a whooshing noise. It is called Maarr in the First

Nation language. It translates as 'mother's power' and makes wind

a sacred sign. As First Australians are the oldest known civilisation and their 

beliefs were brought with them when they migrated from a larger group more than 60,000

years ago, the sam should be found in other places, and it is. At the time of their

separation, the population of the world was small and sparse. Evidence

shows patterns of migrations at that time and they were small in

size. They kept to what they knew and expanded on it

as the environment and living conditions altered.

Australia was far different from Africa,

their suspected original home

based on appearance,


 and physical features

matching existing tribal groups.

One outstanding feature is the connection to the

wind. In the Australian First Nation language 'bulla' relates to

the 'second god', and 'mumma bulla' is a mountain where the sun star, and

wind appears. The mountain south of Sydney called Bulli Pass is one such place. It is

a sheer drop to the coast and dangerous before an access road was built. These people also

spin wood held by a string above their heads to make a roaring sound. This same practice exists in many nations, including that of the American Indians where it is called

'Hurricane'. It was also practiced in Europe where it was the Rumbus.

It's also the origin of 'turbine' from 't-or-b-i-n' or cross of the

sun bearing eye of victory', where 'tor'  is an old term

for 'mountain'. A 'turban' is a headdress for

men made of cloth spun into a circle. 

The Sun As Mother God

In early cultures,

there is no word for 'father'.

Women were deemed to be impregnated

by the sun. They had no counting system and women

were segregated from men. Marriage is unknown and sex between

males and females is casual and gifted. To stimulate the sun's fertility

children were sacrificed. In some societies, they were tossed into fire to rise as

smoke into heaven. In others, they were fed to sharks who took them into the ocean where

the sun was deemed to live as the setting sun was deemed to go into the sea.

The reflection of the sun on the water supported this nothion. The

bioluminescent algae eaten by fish gave the appearance

of sunlight. The waves were the source of

the letter [m] seen as waves in

ancient script. (M)

is 'mother'.

Migration of Ideas

It is obvious from this image that the Olmecs of the Yucatan

Peninsula, Mexico, had an African background. They

had skills like the Egyptians for building and

moving large stone blocks and carving

images into them.  In that region

the Inca, Maya, and Aztecs,

 built pyramids and 

cities. They


had kings

and hierarchies, which

are not present in the Australian

or African cultures, such as the !Kung

Bushmen of the Kallahari. This suggests that

Kings ruled over the gods, as happens in contemporary

societies influenced by the Assyrians and Persians.  Kings

of the latter empires used religion, war, slavery, and

theft to build wealth and religion for power,

as did those of the Amerucas.  Statues

such as this shows strength,

longevity and power.

Mayan codices


great things in paradise

for those who serve their king well,

as he will be the Father God in heaven.  This

encouraged men to volunteer labour to build temples,

henges, pyramids, and such, as in Egypt, China, the

Americas,and Europe. They received awards,

titles and buildings, as in Europe and

elsewhere. The king remains a

god, making the rules

by which people

 live and



Tracing Religious Development

The oldest

societies give dates for

changes. Where they separated from the

mainstream they took the traditions of the day with them.

Because of migration and separation, they continued in those ways

without variation, as happened with the Australian First Nation.  Their practices

include initiation ceremonies or boys reaching puberty. Aside from circumcision the boys

two incisor teeth were knocked out. They were then 'buried' for three days before

emerging as young men who could speak for the sun. In other words,

they died and were resurrected as suns. The separation date

for these people exceeds 60,000 years.  It shows

that death followed by resurrection 3 days

later was traditionally practiced

that long ago. Other

evidence in the


Nations iconography

is equally as compelling. It includes 

the circle/cross symbol found on every continent;

The inclusion of the name 'bull' in place names, such as

Mount Mummabulla, NSW, and Bulli Pass, which was originally Bulla

Bulla before colonisation.  'Bull-a' means 'Bull'spower. 'Bull is the sae as 'Ball'

and 'Baali', the Assyrian God, upon whom Jesus Christ is based. The mate to the bull is the

sun and its name is 'Mary'. Looking further afield it is the original name of the 'Maorie".

(The explorers put [O]in it to change it from Mary. to protect the Catholic Church. 

Cortez wrote to the Pope that the Devil got to the Americas before him and

taught the natives the Catholic religion. He is possibly responsible

for changing the name 'Mary' to 'Maya'. He was authorised

to conduct genocide against them. The Spaniards

burned their codices, destroyed much of the

culture, inflicted them with disease,

burned many alive, and

stole their


gold, and other

things for the Church.  

A Violent World 

The chance of survival in the early years of humanity was

slim, and it wasn't only wild animals responsible.

Skeletal remains in caves and bogs are 

indicative of the tragedies that

befell many who fell into

them. Stone Age

Cave burials 



years agoby

 Homo Erectus show

a belief in an afterlife as

flowers and animals were included.

Bog burials show sacrifice of men who were 

executed violently. Some heads were bashed in and

others were garrotted. They also display their high status

animals of prey

The Power of The Sun

The only consistent good in their lives was sun given. Providing warmth, growth, and

food, they called it the mother of all living and named it Mary. In the bible, it is

called 'Eve' from'I-v' meaning 'Eye living' or 'Eye of life'. It is in 'ivy' and

'olive' for plants with long indestructible lives. The name

'Mary' is in 'Marigold, for the sunflower, and

'daisy' is as 'day's eye'.

And Adam called

his wife's name Eve; because

she was the mother of all living. Genesus 3:20

refracted light rays

The Origin of the Sun God

A vision showed a group on a hilltop watching the sunrise to

the east. They peered at a hole in a stone that was held

aloft. As the first rays passed through the hole

they formed into dings of rainbbow-

coloured perpetually moving

circles. They were awe-

struck. Central

to the

sight was

the right-angled cross.

This gave rise to the cross as a sacred sign.

it is represented by letters [x]; [t]; [ch], [K], and [Q], whch are

stops in linguistics, as they are made by click sounds.

The religion of China is 't-o' or 'teo' while that

of Japan is 'Shin-t-o' or 'shining cross

crcle'. It is observed as the rising

sun, as in my vision. 

As [p] and [b]

are equal

(as in pup and bub)

and mean 'bearing or 'born; 

t-o-p' is 'top' or the peak. Here is where

men were sacrificed on crosses to pass into heaven.

As they died their sounds were interpreted as laws of the sun.

It is in t-el' or 'cros of god; which is 'tell'. A tell' is a mound or hill.

The Power of the Sun's Image

With little known about nature and the universe, the

perpetually moving circles also grabbed the

attention of leaders, who nominated it

as the god of the earth. It was the

[O] or circle of [Rrrr) power.

'R-or' is also in 'roar'.

'Or' meaning sun

is in 'awe'


people were

'in awe'. They carried

holed stones to view the

image for reassurance or support. They

were later replaced in the West by medals and

ornaments upon which a god's image is carved. They ar

 'talismans', worn for protection and healing. The

cross is also described as such.

TheTraditions That Could Not be Changed

Traditions are linked to the body clock.

The time of the year, the season, the produce, and the

expectations are all a part of them. The sacrifice of men on crosses

was so well entrenched that nothing but violence and force could change it.

Big Men emerged in nations where religion took hold. They did not emerge in First Nations

where women held the power, due to their relationship with Mother God. In Assyraia,

where kings ruled over City States, one in particular saw an advantage. He was

Nebuchadnezzar who claimed to be the mate to the sun, as dealt with

in another section. Kings needed the power of a god in order

to rule. As shown in the Aztec and Mayan cultures kings

had to die to rule in heaven. He found a way of

living by sending a proxy in his place.

This was the formula for both

beasts of Revelation. 

"And if any

man will hurt them,

fire proceedeth out of their mouth,

and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will

hurt them, he must in this manner be killed." Revelation 11:5 KJV

This proves that God is the power behind the two beasts and the gods of man's

invention. It is the same power that is now overturning them, via a woman.

It was also the Spirit that spread religious views far and wide as seen

in cultures on all continents. Religious terrorism and jealousy

is prompted by the need to prove one's god(s) are

the more powerful and this psychology

is still behind most wars.


The Sun Reigns as God

Humans cannot change what is established. We bow to traditions and maintain the

lies because we have been forced into it. The sun's name was Mary in Babylon

and this became the Mother of God after Constantine established the

Catholic Church in 325 AD.  He made Sunday, the sun's day,

the official day of worship.  Christmas is 'Christ Mass'

and this became the birthday of the so-called

son because it was the official day of the

sun's birth or return after winter

in the Northern Hemisphere.

  The sun 'dies at solstice

and resurrects 3 days

later on the 25th


The country of Babylon

is Iran. In Assyrian practices, names

were reversed. The letters [m] and [n] have equal value in

ancient script. 'Mary' reversed is 'Iram' or 'Iran', the home of Babylon. 

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