Norma Holt 



The wall is solid and those behind it live in a constant state of blindness. Nothing

grows in the dark, and the people behind the wall are like mushrooms,

That is fungi! They fear the light lest they shrivel up and die.

But they were not born like that. The Institutions

they serve have made them that way.

Most who live within them are

unaware of how little

they know

of God.

They are in

the dark ase their

Religion is a business and

they do and preach under orders.

God gave me ordersis to break down

the wall that offers solid resistence against me

'. . .  and he shall bring down their pride together with the spoils

of their hands. And the fortress of the high fort of thy walls shall

he bring down, lay low, and bring to the ground, even to the dust. Isaiah 25:11.12

There is no God but the Spirit, and those who are linked are part of it. They have done no wrong and don't need

'saving'. The fake gods arereligious tricks that the majority fail to see through. Common sense shows

how wrong they are when worshipping the Trinity and praying to an image of a doll 

 as a murdered man, which is without power as a fake god..

"They lavish gold out of the bag, and weigh

silver in the balance,

and hire

a goldsmith; and he

maketh it a god: they fall down, yea, 

they worship. They bear him upon the shoulder, they carry 

him, and set him in his place, and he standeth; from his place shall he not remove:

yea, one shall cry unto him,yet can he not answer, nor save him out of his trouble." Isaiah 46:6,7 KJV

They gave the fake god the name Jesus asthere is power in the name. The Spirit did this so that the children

of God would respond to the name, rather than the image. Ithisfamiliar figure as a path to TRUTH. 

"I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden

wedge of Ophir.  Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall

remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and

in the day of his fierce anger. ISAIAH 12:12,13 KJV


Nebuchadnezzar blinded and deafened all to the TRUTH when he threatened them

with excruciating punishment. This grew into the fancies of hell, which

people fear the most. That is the wall of deception

and the barrier preventing  the wall from

collapsing. He shut out the light

of the Spirit and put

his invented


with himself as Father

“For thou hast said in thine heart,

I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne

above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount

of the congregation, in the sides of the north:” Isaiah 14:13 KJV

This is the man who built the wall of churches. he made himself the god

over them and threw any nonbelievers into the pit of fire. He made laws that

prevailed and carried over into all the religious societies.

Because, . . .  they have seduced my people,

saying, Peace; and there was no peace;

and one built up a wall, and, lo,

others daubed it with 



Say unto them

which daub it with untempered 

morter, that it shall fall: there shall be an

overflowing shower; and ye, O greathailstones,

shall fall; and a stormy wind shall rend it. Ezekiel 13:10,11 KJV

Religion Started From the Dream Time

It is not possible to change people's minds about the gods

they worship or the festivities thety enjoy. The start of religion was

the sun and it passed on its lwas through kings and Big Men who interpreted

its moods and shadows as its laws. Prior to understading nature people lived in fear

of the environment. They were superstitious of it. Communities were persuaded that to

stop the disasters they had to appease the sun with sacrifice and obedience to its

laws. Its power outweighed anything of common sense. Kings used this to

promote their value as leaders. When it was formalised into a religion

it had a king or an appointed leader to control what people heard,

sw, and did. That meams that Prelates, Priests, Amins, Rabbis

and such have to be on the same page with they Preach.

To this end Alexander, the Macedonian King who

captured the Persian Empire, ordered the

Septuagint so as to force worship

of the same gods and bring

the people togetheri

It was used

as the

basis for

the Od Testament, which

Jerome compiled and added to it. He

noted in his diary that he added opening paragraphs

and 'put back' things he claimed the Jews has removed, such as

references to the virgin birth. He then changed the language of the church

to Latin so the Jews could not see what he had done. He was acting on the orders of

Damasus, the then Bishop of Rome. He was appointed as 'doctor of the Church' to bring the

parishes in line. Until then they were floundering wih the fledgeling church that had

no common focus. He took the order of mass, calendar, festivas, costumes,

instruments, and law from the Islamic religion of Nebuchadnezzar

and made it Catholic. As it remains today. Every Christian

denomination uses the bible, which he Vatican

compiled, as its official document. 

The same applies today. No

matter the goodwill

of one in the


who is educated

and instructed on the god(s)

he serves. He follows the same interpretation

of the books and will not stray because he will lose his job.

In this way the invented gods, such as Jesus Christ, have stood firm.

"and one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered morter:

No one who attends a church or religious institution has free will. In order to belong

they have to accept what the organisation tells them This is a business and one must buy

into their ways. It is a conspiracy and a closed shop. Its not about honouring God but doing

what the leader orders. That has always been the king who has the ultimate power.

The Great Hailstones are falling

The prophets did not know about guided missiles or

bombs. They saw the message about such falling

as giant hailstones, which made sense to them.

Ezekiel described them, and it's happening

now as they fall and people are dying. 

guided missile
stormy wind

The Stormy Wind

The stormy wind comes from a bomb blast, which

prophets of old had no idea about. This is

the effect of an explosion in a war zone.

It heralds the war of nations

of different religions

What It will Take to Break Down The Wall

I was shown the wall in visions, over several days. It is immense; as too wide to go

around, too deep to go under, and too high to climb above. My commission

is to tear it down but how does one do that when it is solid?  

Therefore thus says God: “I will cause a stormy wind

to break forth in My fury; and there

shall be a flooding rain

In my anger,


great hailstones

in fury to consume it. So I

will break down the wall you have plastered

with untempered mortar, and bring it down to the ground,

so that its foundation will be uncovered; it will fall, and you shall be

consumed in the midst of it. Then you shall know that I am God. Ezekiel 13:11


The Spirit is pouring out like a flood. The institutions

are cut off without answers. The land they

turned into a desert is now saturated.

“For I will pour water upon him

that is thirsty, and floods

upon the dry ground:

I will pour


spirit upon 

thy seed, and my blessing

upon thine offspring:” Isaiah 44:3

It's happening now for God's people getting watered.

flooding rains


The prophets of Jerusalem have been wrongly linked to those of Israel. Jerusalem is

the home of the Institutions that raised god-men and built temples for them.

It is the source of conflict and anger as they war with each other

and are ready to end the world as we know it.

“I have seen also in the prophets of

Jerusalem an horrible


they commit

adultery, and walk in lies:

they strengthen also the hands of evildoers,

that none doth return from his wickedness: they are all

of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.” Jeremiah 23:14 

city of jerusalem


There is no mercy offered for the city of Jerusalem. It

is full of lies, false prophets, misinformation,

and evil. The Spirit has brought the

enemies face to face to

destoy it.

For I

have set my

face against this city for evil,

and not for good, saith the Spirit it shall

be given into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he

shall burn it with fire. Jeremiah 21;10


Jerusalem is the keeper of the wall because of its influence over the three main

Babylonian religions, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. While they have

different gods the style of worship is the same, the costumes

are the same, the instruments are largely the same,

such as their Holy Books. The three believe in

the heaven and hell myths and their

places of worship are similar,

especially in that they

have domes


them. in honor of t

he Mother God, Mary, of Babylon. 

The dome symbolises her breasts and her

milk feeds them. Breaking down the wall and allowing 

the Spirit to flow means getting this information to the people.

Nebuchadnezzar rules over the city. His fake gods and laws rule it. The

religions that call this place home stole God's people and hid the Spirit from them.

They made God into the devil and taught them to fear the TRUTH.

"Whom shall God teach knowledge? and whom shall God

make to understand doctrine? them that are

weaned from the milk, and drawn

from the breasts." Isaiah

28:9 KJV

The milk indicates

the nurturing of babies who are

otherwise unable to feed themselves. Those who

escape religion are strong-minded and seeking answers on a

higher level. They are those who have given up on religion, which is the

product of the Mother God of Babylon, the sun

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