The Two Beasts of Revelation

Norma Holt


They Worked Together to Bring About the End

 Their identities were hidden in full sight of all. No one could nominate them

although many have guessed wrongly. The key to solving the riddles

was given to me to prove who I am and why it is revealed

at this time. We have reached the end of the day,

when all things will be destroyed. It will 

come quickly and without warning.

"And the slain of the LORD shall

be at that day from one 

end of the earth

even unto


other end of

the earth: they shall not be

lamented, neither gathered nor buried;

they shall be dung upon the ground.." Jeremiah 25:32

They Set The Tone

Nebuchadnezzar showed the way. He made religion his power and his business.  Those

who followed in his wake did the same. Buddha was supposedly discovered by

a king 300 years after his life ended. History does not record this but

speculation has it that Darius, who conquered Nebuchadnezzar

in battle, was the creator of Buddha. As I was shown that

all religion arose from the Persian Empire and

Babylon, this is most likely the case.

The image in the stone was 'T-O' 

or 'oss/circle'. It is also't-i-o'

or 'cros-seye-circle' a

nd 'shin-to' or


toe' is the

religion of Japan, where

worship of the rising sun is prominent from

mountain pekaks.  The tip of the mountain is the 'toe'.

The Abrahamic Religions of Babylon

The Bible states thet Abrham came from the city of 'UR'. As pu] and po] are the same that

is 'O-R' or 'circle of power', which is the sun. His original name was 'Abram' or

'O-r-ra-m' meaning circle bearing the powerful mother. The sun  r

is the origin of all the religious fathers and prophets. The

kings learned that religion propelled them to glory

and their power depended on fake gods

into whose mouths they can

submit their laws.

An example


king 'Sol-o-man'

which means 'sun's circle man.

The story of the two women who claimed

to have given birth to the same child is a play on the

two suns, that of the morning and the afternoon, and the

so-called 'son of the sun' or 'son of God'. It could only come from one

of them. This story is the mythology of the Gilgamesh Epic as too that of the flood. 

Judaism and Christianity

It follows that the three major religions today have also come from Babylon.  They started

in the Persian Empire when Alexander the Great ordered the Septuagint, which was

written by seventy men appointed by Ptolemy, the Satrap of Alexandria.  He

gathered them from around the local area and they compiled the work

from writings, they gathered locally. The book was written in

Aramaic and translated by the Greeks who added the

letter [h] to many of the names.  For instance 'Istar'

(the eye star) the Mother Gd of Babylon,

became 'Ishtar' and 'Obram'

became 'Abraham'.

'I-d-o' or

'eye-feeding circle

became 'I-dah' nd then 'Judah'

and 'i-o' became 'Jew' when the letter [j]

was introduced later. 'I-b-or' or 'eye bearing sun'

became 'hebor' and then 'Hebrew' for the language of Abraham. 

Constantine and Islam

He had the formula handed to him from his inheritance. he was an Amorite by descent

and Islamic by birth. It was the sme religion that had spread from Egypt to the

the Mediterranean as the Amor took over as rulers. In some places they

became the Moors They were all sun worshippers and the kings

were known as sun-gods or 'sons of god'. Constantine was

called the son of Apollo. As the crucifixion of godmen

was prominent in his kingdom and people

worshipped them as gods, it is

reported that he was

jealous of them


he abolished

crucifixion for that reason.

He established his religion based on

only one crucified man whom he dug up from some

300 years beforehand. It offered no threat to his sole rule and

power as a god. His motive was to get rid of anything that usurped his authority, 

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