What Is The Name of God


Norma Holt


Sign of Confusion

The Many Names God is Called

Religions differ in the name of God. They don't understand who and what God is.

What those born of Babylonian Islam have is confusion. There are 967

different names listed in the bible. That doesn't include

the hundreds used by native and indigenous

groups or those in non-Christin

countries, such as India,

Japan,  Africa, and

so on. 

This mystery is

promised to be resolved by the one

with the voice of God, at the end of the day.

The Spirit has given me the job as the Daughter of Zion.

In a vision the Spirit told me the name is the Family of Jesus.

As [i] Becma [j[ it is 'Jesus' and it comes from 'I-s' doubled as 'issi.

“And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD, that thou shalt call me Ishi;

and shalt call me no more Baali.” Hosea 2:16

A Vision Showed Me the Origin of Names

The Spirit gave me a vision of a group standing on a mountain staring at a hole in a

stone held aloft by a prop. The first rays of the rising sun penetrated

the hole and formed a remarkable image of rainbow-coloured

rings in perpetual motion and central to them was

the right-angled cross. The picture shows

the awe-inspiring sight at Stonehenge

at  summer solstice, which attracts

a large crowd of onlookers. 

Summer solstice at Stonehenge

They Called It O-i or 'oi'.

My research led me to discover this was the name of God in High Judaism,

where only the most senior members are allowed to know or use it.

It is also the name used by the Maori of New Zealand for

their God.  It means 'circle-eye' and the sun is the

all-seeing eye. Other names associated

include 'o-r' or 'circle of power as

[r] relates to [a] and is

'power' in

early script.

The symbol for eye

is the letter [i] which is a pole

with a hole on top. In Proto-European

and Old English it was a [y] with a circle above it. 

The circle or hole played a role in the names of the Fathers

of the Old Testament. O-b-ra-m' is 'circle-bearing-powerful-mother'.

As vowels were unstable until the 16th CAD [o], [a], [e], [i], and [u], were

interchangeable. 'Obram' is the same as 'Abram'. the original

name of Abraham. He came from  'Ur' or 'O-r"

which means 'circle of power'.

That is the old term

for sun. 


also relates to

something hard, such as 'ore'

and to gold, whose symbol is 'au'.

the circle through which the sun appears.

To see the image one has only to put a small hole

in say a piece of cardboard and hold it to the sun. At dawn,

it shows a six-armed cross.  It verifies the 'dawn's sun is the Mother God.

Countries that worship the rising sun include Japan, which incorporates

it in its flag. To worship it one climbs to the peak of a  mountain.

The term 'dawn' is as 'd-or-n', which means 'feeding

sun's victory". It was considered that the sun

dies at night and travels through the

evil underworld before it escapes

to rise again at dawn, thus,

the victory.  This led to

may fairy tales


Cinderella and hell


The Hindu Trinity

Vishnu is the reincarnation of Rama, the high God of the

Vedic Trinity. Ra-ma' means 'mother's power,

while Vis-nu,  means 'living eye of

new light'  The image shows

him with four arms, as 

the 4 armed cross, 

and dawn light

and the

crucified Christ.

Rama, is also an Islamic term ,

as in 'Rama-dan', the time of fasting

during sunlight honors, from dawn until dusk. 

He is also the god of light, similar to Pan, in Greek mythology. He typically appears everywhere during the day

"Then spake Jesus. . . I am the light of the world:"  John 8:12


The Bull God  of Islam

This statue, in the British Museum, was recovered from

Ninevah, an ancient city in Assyria and part

of the Islamic State of Islam. It was

partner of Isis', the Eye of light.

She is also 'Hathor' (right),

with the horns of a

cow and

holding the circle/cross.

The vision in the stone is also the 'o-x'

or 'circle/cross'. which is the same as 'bull', and 'Baal'.

The statue is a bull with the head of a man.


The Crucified Man is the Bull 

As explained elsewhere vowels were almost non-existent in early speech. They were

only important when dictionaries were printed in the 15th and 16th centuries,

when publishers decided what vowels should be inserted in terms

to make them easy to pronounce. B-l' is the origin of 'bell'; 'ball',

'bull', and 'bowl'. That makes the 'name of the 'bull statue'

can be any of these combinations. He is 'Ba-al' in the

Old Testament. with other combinations.

  'Bull', ball', and 'bell' relate to it.

They represent the



men compete with it

to prove their worth. They play

games that puts a ball through the hole,

which represents the hole in the stone, through

which the men are deemed to pass become a god, that is a 'Hero'. 

Hathor the cow god


While this image is Egyptian in origin it is Islamic in nature. It was the partner of the bull god-man shown above. It is the reason why cows are sacred in India and elsewhere. The person in the image is drinking its milk. It's

what people are doing in a church, temple, or mosque.

Such places have domes over them 

D-O-M means 'feeding in

the circle of the mother, which

is why they resemble a breast. 'Church'

is from, 'k-i-r-k' meaning 'cross of te eye-powerful cross',

as in the vision in the stone. 'Mosque' is from 'm-o-s-k' which means

'mother's circle-light -cross'. 'Synogogue' is from 'sin-o-god'. or sun-circle of God'. 'Mosque' is in 'mosquito' which leaves a hole where it bites the flesh.

"Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to

understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk,

and drawn from the breasts." Isaiah 28:9KJV

The origin of Hathor is 'ot-or'  where

'o-t' is circle/cross. There was no [h] in the early

script before the Greeks introduced it as the seat of Zeus (cook 1960). 

After that the letters changed and 'ot' became 'hot' for the sun. s [o] and [a] were

interchangeable before printing presses in 15th CAD, [O-t' became 'at' and then 'hat'.

Wearing the 'circle' on the head relates to this, and many men wear them as a

symbol of their religious faith. In Europe, men shaved their hair into a

circle on the back of their heads, such as 'monks'.  'Monk's eye'

is the term for 'monkey which displays the circle

on its rear end. In Arabis nations, men

wear circles called 'agal' to keep

the ghutrah in place.  The

Jews wear a kippar,

which is a

circular cap. The Pope

and bishops also wear one called the

zucchetto or solido. This conformity proves comon descent,

The Halo - a Circle and Cross 

People meeting at the cpeak of the mountain to see the vision of the circle and

cross, would greet each other. It is the origin of 'hello' and the halo'

symbolizes those who have passed through the hole and

reside in heaven as 'sun's or 'sun's cross' as in 'san't'

and 'saint'. "sent' is from the same source,

which is why  in various languages

'san' stands for 'saint',

as in Spanish.

The image below of one such saint,

dressed as a nun, shows her wearing a Hajab, in the

Islamic tradition  Thatis because the Vatican started the Muslim

Branch is based on the same Islamic tradition from which it was derived.

Without the letter [h] the  term is seen as 'el-o' or 'god circle'.

Catholic saint

There is Only One Name For God

“And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the

spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:”

2Thessalonians 2:8  The Spirit determined that the name of God

would be revealed at the end of the day and it will come

from a woman, who is the mouth of God

speaking to the world through

the Internet.

The name is the Famly of JESUS“

And it shall be at that day, saith the LORD,  that

thou shalt call me Ishi; and shalt call me no more Baali.” Hosea 2:16

There was no letter [h] in ancient script. The name is 'Issi' which is also 'Jesse' and '

jesu' or 'jesus', when printing presses came about. 'Jesus Christ' refers to

the man on the cross, 'Baal', and denies the existence of such. 

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