The Children of Israel

Norma Holt 

The Family of Jesus 

It Doesn't Matter what Country, Nation, Colour, or History.





These New Age and Pentecostal gatherings often comprise thousands and may be

packed out several times a day as people drink in the Spirit and are fed by

the LIVING WATERS that only the Spirit provides. Those who collect

in these groups do so because they are linked to the Spirit.

They have been tested over and again and have fought

their way out of religious dogma and the

threat of hell to be there. They

recognize the power. They

previously gave their

lives so as not

to be

separated from it.

They didn't die with their bodies

but passed into another life, another time, and

another environment, to repeat it. They were moulded by the Spirit.

And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. Jeremiah 18;4 

Then God said to the Children of Israel - those of the Spirit:

O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? . . .  Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel. Jeremiah 18:6

Israel means God's chosen from the start of the day, some

4,000 years ago. They have worn the horrors of

living and dying several times over

to bring them to this time.

 I-s-ra-el' stands for

'Eye of light

-powerful God"

The Spirit is the only

power and it shapes everything.

"He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in 

seven there shall no evil touch thee. In famine God shall 

redeem thee from death: and in war from the power of the sword "Job 5:19.20 

God's family have been subjected to terrorism, painful deaths, and tragedies over

six lifetimes. This is the seventh and those who live today may be spared

if they are of Israel, which is spiritually linked. A great treasure

of peace, healing, knowledge, and power is yours forever. 

Spiritual perfection has come about by casting

you down, putting you through trials and

hardships (troubles), and building

you up again, like the Potter

 or the gardener with

the vineyard.

"What could have been

done more to my vineyard, that I have

not done in it? wherefore, when I looked that it

should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes? Isaiah 5:4 KJV

This is why Israel went through the horrors of torture, suffering, burning alive, and

all of the atrocities that men could deliver to their opponents of their

false gods and lies. Fora good crop one needs the appropriate food,

water, manure, and rocks to hold it and support the vines. 

This is what the fake gods and fictional characters

(saints and icons) have brought about. 

In a vision, I saw rolls of food

cooked to perfection in

a vat of oil.

A hand appeared

holding a slotted spoon and

it lifted the food and tipped it into a

toilet full of human excreta and it cooked together.

The hand returned and lifted the contaminated mess and dished

it  onto the plates held out by the hungry people eager to consume it. 

"And thy meat which thou shalt eat shall be by weight, twenty shekels a day: from

time to time shalt thou eat it. Thou shalt drink also water by measure,

the sixth part of an hin: from time to time shalt thou drink. 

And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou

shalt bake it with dung that cometh

out of man, in their sight. 

And God said,

Even thus shall the children

of Israel eat their defiled bread among the

Gentiles, whither I will drive them.”Ezekiel 4:10-13 KJV

The dung that comes out of man s his imagination and dreams that

have made their way into the bible, the food the childtren of Israel are eating to find

their way back to the Spirit. By overturning the lies, and casting out the

fake gods, the food is cleansed and the Spirit is flowing. 

The people are feeling it but they need to

have the TRUTH and to stop

worshipping the man

on the cross. 

Millions are waiting for

this message in every country, nation, race, and creed.

open your minds and your hearts to the TRUTH. Israel is being delivered to

the POWERFUL GOD which is not a man but the Great Spirit of the Universe - This message is from the

Spirit to free you and get you released from the prison and the yoke holding you back.

Nebuchadnezzar and his branch, Constantine, are exposed, and you are free.

Get it out of the prison and welcome God for what it is.

To have the best connection leave aside

all the fiction, make-believe, and

nonsense, that man delivers.

Get away from the

noise of

the world and listen

to your inner voice. Engage the Spirit

in conversation and call on it for protection.  Remember its name is

Jesus, and if oyu belong then you are part of the family of Jeesus - you are NOT CHRISTIAN. andymore. 

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