The Amor, The Romans,  and Mary

Norma Holt 

Virgin MRY


 NEBUCHADNEZZAR married the SUN to become father God.


My name is Norma Holt and with a strong connection to the Spirit, it taught me

through visions and such to understand the origin of religion and its icons. 

Domestication of animals gave the king his chance to become the god of

heaven. The virgin sun required a mate, until then it was thought

the sun was the sole parent of life on Earth. Ice Age

images show it giving birth to them 

The name 'Mary' is  as 'ma-r-i',

the meaning of which

is 'mother's

powerful eye'. 'Ma is 'mother'

universally, 'ra' means power, as in 'ray' and (i) is 'eye'.

'Mary-gold' is the sunflower and  'maximum, includes everything seen.

The Spirit showed Norma that sounds within terms allow them to be read as

sentences.  Understanding their origin is vital to piecing together 

the puzzle of where religion originated.

It did not start in Babylon

for the systems

used now

were known for several

millennia beforehand, such as the cross and

circle. They appear in rock art on every inhabited continent. 

That symbol was found on a nummulite fossil from Tata in Hungary and dates to

c40000 years ago, long before the city existed. It is found on tracks leading

to mountain peaks where the crucifixion of god-men occurred, was

shown to Norma in a vision. The hill of Jerusalem was such

a peak and crucifixions occurred there

for centuries.

 Nebuchadnezzar dreamed

of rising to the heavens and 'mating' with Mary.   

He used crucifixion to send a proxy in his place to give him the

status of a god who could pass on the laws from the sun and gain great authority.

It gave him the power to reign as 'her' mate, and as father god, who could

not be questioned. What he said and wrote was the word of god.

His laws were deemed the word of God, and that has not

changed as every king since has reigned as such. 

The crucifixion of godmen was shown

in rock art from at least

that time.

He built a statue of

gold to represent him as the sun

and Father God and forced all to worship it.

He promoted Dagon, half man half fish, as the Christ from

whom he received messages, and this charade continued to give kings power.

“And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were

as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion:

and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat,

and great authority.” Revelation 13:2 KJV


Constantine, the second

beast used

the tactics of Nebuchadnezzar to

increase his power. He put Mary, the Mother God, 

into the Catholic Church as Mother of God, which was acceptable, 

so kings claim they are 'sons of the sun', and reign as such. They wear reflective

stones that show the circles of power and the cross to make them,

awesome. The Islamic religions of Nebuchadnezzar

came to Rome via the Amor,

They took their


into every nation and it

was widely practiced around the Mediterranean

and in Egypt. and, of course, in Rome where the Vatican was established.

Norma went to University where she studied Linguistics, archaeology, anthropology,

and philosophy. Led by the Spirit she was determined to find the

evidence for what she had been shown in visions.

It's all there and in the eyes of all.

Yet they are blind to it.


In early speech,

vowels were undefined so that

[a]; [e]; [i]; [o], and [u]; were interchangeable, and

in many cases remain so. Some languages, like Welsh,

have few vowels, while others, like the Asian languages, have many.

This is because symbols had no vowels and composite words come from

symbols. The letter (h) for instance, is Greek for the "seat of Zeus' and it means

'mountain' or 'peak' It came into effect c4,000 ya. The letter (j) is not known in early

language and only arrived with printing presses c16th CAD. The letter

[i] is as a pole with a light or candle, and it means 'eye'. 

'Sun' is the same as 'sin', 'san', 'sen', 'and son'.

'Sun's cross;  is 'sin't,' san't, and  'san't', 

from whence comes 'saint', for

one who passed

through a



"O-m-or'  is 'circle of

the mother sun' and it equates to 'Amor'

After migrating to  Italy they built their new Capital 

following the destruction of  Mary in Syria, by an earthquake.

Called Roma, reverse Amor', they became the Romans. They carried

the religion of Babylon with them into the Mediterranean, which became Christianity

through the Catholic Church, through Constantine, An Amorrite by descent.

Having studied Genetics in a previous Medical course and in

Bio-Anthropology, I traced his marker genes

to the Assyrian Amorites.


put up the new Christ

and separated it from the old religion.

This was in the plan of God to do so, but its time is up.. 

"The steps of his strength shall be straitened, and his own counsel

shall cast him down.  For he is cast into a net by his own feet, and he walketh upon a

snare. The gin shall take him by the heel, and the robber shall prevail

against him. The snare is laid for him in the ground,

and a trap for him in the way"

Job 18;7-10

Mary, the sun, is the 'wife'

of Catholic priests and the goal of Muslim

men. Women cannot speak for her because they can't 'marry' her.

They are, therefore, treated as nothing because they are a threat to the male ego.

The Spirit laid it out and gave me the means to override their ambitions. 

And upon her forehead was a name written, 




Written in capital letters for its importance it is a warning, but

who heeds it?There  are only 2 such highlighted passages in the Bible. 

Spirit Power