The Dam That Held Back The Spirit Breaks Down

Norma Holt 


dam holding back the spirit wall breaking

It Held a Massive Volume of Water

The vision showed me a dam holding back an immense body of water. In front of it

the ground was parched and cracked. The wall started to break down and

the water gushed out over the land. As it sank in green shoots

appeared. The water represents the Spirit that was taken

from the children of God who were denied access to

it. They became thirsty and dry as it dried up.

The religious leaders locked the Spirit

away until the pressure caused

it to burst open. They cried

out to God who



state control

The Work of the 2 Beasts

The first one became father god and established the religion of Islam. The second

one created the crucified savior, Jesus Christ, and forced all to worship it. He

established the Catholic Church in 325 AD. It started Christianity based

on making those of God forget the Spirit and worship as the State

directed. The aim was power and control, which he achieved.

He built the Vatican as the parliament to overrule it

and kings were appointed to enforce it.

They created false prophets

to make laws.


if they had

stood in my counsel, and

had caused my people to hear my words,

then they should have turned them from their

evil way, and from the evil of their doings.”Jeremiah 23:22

conspiring together

The Conspiracy To Hide The Spirit

The kings and church leaders worked together to hide the Spirit. They used

violence, trickery, man-made prayers, and the ultimate weapons of

heaven and hell to punish, cajole, and execute their goals.

The fake son of God was their best weapon and calling

him God gave them unprecedented power over

the nations. The written word and the

the printing press, plus education

of the masses, saw their

power soar



a conspiracy of

her prophets in the midst thereof,

 like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have

devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious

things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof.” Ezekiel 22:25

collection of coins

Money Is Their God and People Their Slaves

The Church and kings had a new target - the creation of wealth and unprecedented

power. They favored those who made money and kept others as slaves.

Poverty and ignorance went together. They taught people that

being humble and poor was saintly. They wrote it in

the bible and authors generated stories that 

were popular among the masses. They

focused on work and poverty as a

godly thing while wealth is

for kings, who grew


newborn baby

We Return From Death and begin Life Again as babies

Every life is a learning experience and we bring it forward to the next. I experienced

it as have millions of others. The conspirators had to hide it so the Vatican

banned it in the 5th CAD because it contradicted its claim of heaven

and hell. It also restricted women and discriminates against

them, as does the Islamic religion it was created from.

Protecting the myths of heaven and hell is

essential for religion to exist. The

Spirit is free and requires no

prayers, rituals, money,

or buildings.

It is


and guides its

people away from harm and

prevents them from doing evil. There is no

need for repentance or forgiveness, as promoted by religion. 

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