The Crucifixion of God-Men

Norma Holt

North American Indian Crucifixion

Crucifixion of God-men was a global phenomenon

This image was drawn by missionaries in the region of North America where the

Plains Indians practiced it. long before contact with the West.

They noted that the man was first drugged before

being skinned alive. Chunks of flesh were

cut out as he suffered on the cross.

The skin was worn by

the Shaman

who interpreted his dying

moans as messages from the sun. The same

ritual was practiced in the west and is recorded in  Roman

history as happening between the Ides of March, when the victim was

selected from the street, and the day of the Equibox when he was crucified. 

The flesh was eaten as he passed into the afterlife and became a god. This is the

origin of the communion of the body and blood of Christ. The Indians,

like the rest of the world, were sun worshippers.  The

Sun Dance ceremony of the Cheyenne

was another form of crucifixion

and marriage of the man

(chief) to the sun. 

The 'Maya'

who also practiced crucifixion,

are named after 'Mary', the sun, as well

as the Maries of New Zealand. Early explorers changed

their names to hide the fact that Mary was known by them.

They inserted an [o] in Mary to make it 'Maorie'. Cortez wrote to the Pope

concerning the Inca of South America, of whom he notes that the devil got there first

and taught the natives the Catholic religion. 

Rock Art from Oster Gotland

The circle/cross image, which was shown to Norma in a vision, is in

the archaeological records from c40,000 years ago. Found

on every continent in association with pathways

to hilltops and modern-day churches.

It's on peaks where gatherings

occurred in association

with crucifixions 


god-men and to

welcome the first rays of dawn 

passing through the hole in the stone held aloft.

The light of the peak is 's-peak' and they learned to speak as men

dreamt of passing through the hole and entering the spirit

world and being a mate to Mary. Davies 91970) 

noted that so many men volunteered

to die this way that settlements

died out for the lack

of men to fertilize

and protect

them. The Nordic image

shows men with birds heads (angels)

rising to the heavens with swords by their sides

and erect penises ready to mate with the sun. The same

is depicted elsewhere in other places on religious and sacred sites.  

Rock art ostergotland

Practice in Babylon

The Christ of Babylon was Dago, the Dragon. He is portrayed

as half man half fish and the fish is a symbol used to

symbolise Christ in Christianity. Note the crown

and cross on his head which symbolises,

he  passed through the circle and

cross to mate with the

Mother, the Sun


Dagon in Babylon

 Dagon's Hat and the Bishop's Mortar


of the Islamic religion

of Babylon was copied for the

Catholic Church. Jerome, the doctor of it,

wrote in his diaries, that he took the festivals;

calendar; instruments; costumes; order of service; and the

"And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his

feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the

mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him

his power, and his seat, and great

authority." Revelation 13:2 KJV


used the crucified Christ as his

pathway to be Father God and to fool

the world.  This was the start of Christianity,

named for the Christ of Babylon and used by those

who seek the TRUTH but who remain trapped by the yoke.

Pope's Morter copy of babylon

There never was a Jesus Christ 

The Spirt appears to them as a man to win back its children and to bring the name of Jesus,

to their mind. They could never have perceived the spirit of the Universe as God

because they knew nothing of its size or of the mysterious workings of

nature or of genes, DNA and how fertilization happened. 

They needed to grow slowly in their minds to

accept what this site is telling them.

In a vision, a man on a cross

stood in front of me,

lifted his head

and said:


"Take me off the cross".  

God was never  on a cross -you can't kill Spirit 

Constantine, who established the Catholic Church put

up the iconic image. He gave it the name of the Spirit under God's

orders and he is noe identified as the SECOND BEASTof Revelation 13;14

"And (he)deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles

which he had the power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them

that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image t

o the beast, which had the wound by a sword,

and did live. Revelaion13:13

His edicts survive

whereby he ordered the torture, and

burning of people alive, which his religion continued to do

for nearly 2,000 years, until recently. It continues to spread lies and persecute

and ridicule God's people. It continues to threaten them with hell and other horrors.

The Vatican changed the records, hid the evidence, and distorted history

with its lies and false claims.  Jesus Christ was supposedly

pierced by a sword in his side and

resurrected from death.


That entity is referred

to as a beast because it is a scam, and it 

stole the link to the Spirit from innocent followers and cohorts

 People forced to accept it are threatened with hell if they reneigh on doing so. The

The Vatican promises  torture for eternity for dissenters,

yet it preaches of a loving God


After its establishment

the Vatican used torture; enslavement;

brainwashing; exile; persecution; and murder. to build

its audience. It forbade family planning and made couples

overproduce as many children as possible on the grounds that it is

God's will. The reason was to overrun the world with Catholics,  a ploy

used by other religions as well. It is the main reason for overpopulation at this time. 


It crushed the fingers of its opponents; 

Persecuted and cruelly murdered women as witches.

 Skinned and burned people alive as well as  crucifying them;

This is the same organization that preaches peace but practices war;

and whose god is a god of war, sending people to be maimed and murdered. 

Let the evidence speak for itself

It exposes torture on a nationwide scale

Hides scientific facts, such as evolution and genetic

inheritance.  it rules with an iron hand that is breaking through

the ignorance and making fools of those who continue to support it .


Many have woken up and are walking away from religion -

and searching for answers available here.

Such as:-


  • Who invented Jesus Christ?

  • When was he invented?

  • What is the purpose of religion?

  • who is God? 

  • Why do we live, suffer, and die?

  • What is the true bible story?

  • Who wrote the bible? 

  • Why is God hidden from us?

  • What do the Prophecies mean?

  • Are the Prophecies true?

  • Who wrote the Prophecies?

  • Who wrote the New Testament

  • What happens when we die?

  • Are heaven and hell real places?

  • Who is the first beast of Revelation 13

  • Who is the second beast of Revelation 13

  • What does Revelation really says

  • Where did bible stories originate?

  • Keys to bible secrets and mysteries

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