The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a Lie


Norma Holt

crucified man

Images like this are based on artistic expression.

Over several millennia men aimed to bring the sun to earth to use it for power.

They had long devised ways of listening to it to get laws by which

they lived. One way was via crucifying men to

connect to it at the point of death.

Self-sacrifice was widely


and men vied with 

each other to be chosen. Their

reward was an eternal place in heaven

as a mate to the virgin sun. There are reports

(Davis 1970) that so many men died that communities

failed due to the lack of male support and future generations.

My academic studies took me way back into old practices. I conversed

with the head of archaeology at Canbridge University and also with department headss in linuistics, genetics, and other subjects, all verifying my work and calling it

extraordinary in detail and knowledge.  linguistics. All were stunned by my

knowledge and asked how I achieved it. My thesis was marked at

both Cambridge and Dublin Universities where professors

equated it to a PhD. They could not be informed

that the Spirit had taught me.


No Jesus Christ
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Istar or Eye-Star, the Sun

This is how the Assyrians depicted the sun.

She is called the goddess Ishtar but the letter [h] did

not appear until some 4,000 years ago. She is called the goddes of

love, sex, and war, but that is only how archaeologists have described her.

They ignored her other name, 'Mari', or Mary' which means 'mother's powerful eye.

Flowers named after her include 'marygold', the sun flower, and 'daysie' or day's eye'. Men

were captivated by the thought they could 'marry' Mary by dying on a cross that

they volunteered to do so into the modern era. men were taken n the 15th

March (the ides)  in Rome for that purpose. They were kept for 7 days

as gods, and given virgins to mate with and the best of treatment.

At Equinox, the 22nd March, they were crucified as scapegoats.

In seeking a blessing from he sun or  exoneration one

 touched the man as he was dying. his flesh was

consumed so his spirit passed into them

as heentered heaven. This was widely

practisced and was recorded

among the native people

of the Americas.

It was the

festival of the 'Eye Star'

(Easter) and the time when the

crucified godmen mated with Mary and brugh

fertlity to the earth. It is still a festival of fertility with

eggs and rabbits as symbols. Whe Constantine established the

Catholic Church it was founded on the traditions of the day and they

were important to its success. he abolished crucifixion of men and put up

the one crucified ma (Jesus Christ) as the only god. Being a fake entity it was

no threat to his power as he spoke for and ruled over it. He remained the Pontificate

Maximus of the Church until his death. His goal was sole rule and nothing

would tand in his way hde used violence, exile, and murder to ensure

his success.  The Church he founde continued in the same way.

The cross is in language as evicence of its use. 'M-or-t' is

'death' in several languages.  It is 'moth-sun-cross'. 

Rock Art in Oster Gotland

The rock art images in Scandanavia depict men rising via

crosses with penis erect and a sword at their side. The

circle/cross is shown as the place of their death.

They rose via the cross and traveled

through the circle to the sun.

Oster Gotland means

'circle star god'.

Rock art Scandinavia
circle cross image

The  Circle/Cross image leads to  peaks

The image is located on all continents and is prominent in

South America and Egypt. It is also found in relation to

Stonehenge where crucifixions were the likely

 purpose of the site. The number

of the sun is 5 or 7 and that

of the man is 8.


56 holes around

the perimeter suggests a

mating between the man and the sun.

There never was a Jesus Christ

This is one of the biggest frauds ever. Constantine put up the image of the son of

God so that he could claim to speak for God. The aim was to use the Vatican,

which he created, as a parliament of bishops to  control the people.

This gave him enormous power as a sole ruler of the Empire

that covered many languages, races, occupations,

 and backgrounds.  He based it on the Islamic

religion of Babylon, which was his

inherited belief

"And he

exerciseth all the power

of the first beast before him, and

causeth the earth and them which dwell therein

to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. Revelation 13:12

Once established the religion protected him and he was exonerated by it for all the

murders and lies he performed. The image he put up is fake.

And (he) deceiveth them that dwell on the earth

by the means of those miracles which

he had power to do in the sight

of the beast; saying to them

that dwell on the

earth, that


should make an

image to the beast, which

had the wound by a sword, and did live. And

he had power to give life unto the image of the beast,

that the image of the beast should both speak,  and cause that as many

as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Revelation 13:13,15

This he did by professing that he could speak for God as the representative of Jesus

Christ on earth, a title that was then given to the Pope during the 6th CAD.

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